
Ah/three/ is not an ordinary person. Although he has a lame leg, his perseverance is very strong. He has practiced his leg skills even better than before, and his vision is naturally very high.

Although the movement in the summer just now was very light, it used force to exert force. This technique is exactly the technique in Taijiquan.

Xu Dechuan saw that Xia Xia had killed two men in black all at once, and he was even more looking forward to Xia Xia's master. Now he knew why Xia Xia was so reckless. It turned out that Xia Xia was not only a skilled treasure appraiser, but also martial arts.

Xia Xiahui's Taijiquan is so three-pronged, he learned it stealthily from Mr. Fan, but his clairvoyance/vision eyes can still see the opponent's weaknesses, and it is with his eyes that he broke Mr. Fan's Taijiquan.

At this time, after Xia Tianyila pulled the two to the ground, the two quickly counterattacked. Although the blow/body was painful just now, they were both Ah/San's watchmen, and they were naturally good at following Ah/San's side.

The two opened their bows at the same time, one from the left and one from the right, entangling Xia Xia's hands.

"It's really not a good guy to deal with." Xia Xia's body kept retreating, just looking for an opportunity, his eyes scanned quickly, the two of them didn't give Xia Xia a chance at all, and kept following up.

The two men in black suddenly attacked their feet. Xia Xia stopped his body/body, instead of retreating, he approached, and pinched his right hand directly on the neck of one of them. Then his body/body quickly rushed forward, knocking the man in black. Press it to the ground and punch the opponent in the face.

The other man in black was well-trained and did not lose his mind. He directly attacked Xia Xia's back. Xia Xian rolled on the spot and avoided the opponent's blow. Now the battle has become one-on-one, Xia Xia's body/body is one-on-one. Turn a punch and hit the opponent's thigh/leg directly.

Then his hands attacked the opponent's abdomen.

"Are you going to take me now?" Xia Xia looked at Ah/San, he knew that Ah/San was a master. If it was a one-on-one singles, he was not sure of winning Ah/San, although his eyes could find out Ah/San's weakness, but his movements are not as fast as Ah/San's.

"My skills are good, but it's a pity that I'm still a little tender." Ah/San went directly to Xia Xia, and his task today was to bring Xia Xia back. "What's your relationship with Fan Zaifeng?"

As far as Ah/San knows, there is only one person who knows Taijiquan in Jianghai City, and that is Fan Zhuifeng. Fan Zhuifeng is not easy to mess with. Not to mention that he has a lot of backing/mountains behind him, he is the only one Taijiquan has almost no rivals in the entire Jianghai City.

"There's a lot of nonsense. If you want to hit you, come here. I want to see what you can do to bring me back." Xia Xia clenched his fists and glanced around, not wanting to let go of any detail, he knew If you play against A/San yourself, you have to shoot fast enough.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Ah/San smiled slightly. Since Xia Xia didn't say that he had any relationship with Fan Chaifeng, then even if he really had a relationship with Fan Chaifeng, it would be fine. Who told him not to reveal his identity.

"It seems that trouble has come, but unfortunately my martial arts are too poor. It would be good if I learned a few more tricks from Mr. Fan that day." Xia Xia secretly thought, he knew that his body/body had become stronger after the transformation of the jade pendant. But I still don't know how to practice/practice, and I don't know any martial arts.

If I knew martial arts, I wouldn't have the current sense of crisis/opportunity.

"You can stop me Ah/San, even gods can't save you today." Ah/San glanced at Xia Xia, then turned to Xu Dechuan: "It seems that you are still a thief. Be careful in the future, your good days are coming to an end."

Xu Dechuan was also secretly shocked. He knew that Ah/San was telling him that the Xu family was going to deal with him. With Xu Qinghua's trust in Ah/San, as long as Ah/San went back and told Xu Qinghua about what happened today, then the Xu family would be fine. Will definitely hit him.

"In the summer, Ah/San must not be allowed to leave here, otherwise you and I will have endless troubles." Xu Dechuan knew his current energy. Although he also had his own family business, it was still nothing compared to the Xu family.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die." Ah/San has come to Xia Xia: "Do you still think that someone will come to save you? If someone can save you from my Ah/San, then I/San After seeing you in three, bow your head and leave."

Ah/San never believed that someone would come to rescue them in such a place. Today, he couldn't help but bring Xia Xia back, and even Xu Dechuan didn't plan to let him go.

"This is the legendary lame king Ah/San." At this moment, three people walked out of the alley. All three of them were dressed in gray with masks on their faces. The most important thing was that their clothes had Embroidery of a cloud of fire.

"Quicksand!" Ah/San looked at the three people vigilantly.

"A/San, I think you can be considered the number one person, don't make summer ideas in the future." One of the three quicksand personnel stared at A/San and said.

"I promised to bring him back. What are you quicksand people going to do? As long as you sell me, A/San, I will give you money for today's affairs." What kind of organization/organization, for a killer organization/organization like Quicksand, money is everything.

"I'm afraid I can't give this face. Xia Tian is the person named by the team leader to protect."

"Okay, today I/San confessed." Ah/San gritted his teeth, he couldn't afford to offend the people in Quicksand, not to mention that these people are all masters, even if he has the ability to kill these three people, then Quicksand will also Will be with him forever.

Xia Xia didn't speak from the beginning to the end. He felt that all the things in front of him were so unreal/real. The clips that used to only appear in movies actually happened in his own life.

At this moment, he finally understood that his world had undergone earth-shaking changes. All of this did not happen suddenly, but happened all the time around him.

He has already remembered the name Quicksand in his heart. These people are not good masters at first sight. There must be a reason for them to help themselves. Although Ah/San is powerful, Xia Xia knows that at least Ah/San is in the light.

But this quicksand is different. Xia Tian doesn't know the details of the other party at all. There is no free/free lunch in the world, and these people don't want money to protect him. The Xu family is one of the four major families in Jianghai City, and they have a lot of money.

An organization/organization that can do without money must be for something more important than money.

But Xia Xia didn't know what valuable things he had, and it was impossible for anyone else to find the ancient Buddha relic. Apart from this, it was the blood jade bracelet just now.

However, although the blood jade bracelet is precious, the Xu family is definitely not worth that much money, so the people of Quicksand are definitely not for this thing, so what is it for?

Ah/San pulled up the two men in black and drove into the distance.

"Who exactly are you?" Xia Xia looked at the three men in gray.

"In the summer, look for the relic left by your father, it's a scroll."

"Don't play tricks, we have hundreds of ways to kill you."

"In seven days, if you can't find anything, we promise to make your life worse than death."

After the three members of Quicksand finished speaking beside Xia in a voice that only one person could hear, they disappeared into the alley, leaving only Xia and Xu Dechuan and the four bodyguards/guards lying on the ground. Although they are killers/organizations, they will not cause trouble for themselves for no reason, which is why Xu Dechuan is still alive.

"Brother Xia, where are you going, I'll give you a ride." After what happened just now, Xu Dechuan respected Xia even more, and now he was sure that Xia was definitely not an ordinary person.

Even the people from Quicksand actually came forward to protect him, which proves that Xia Xia is definitely a great person behind him.

"Okay, Tianhe Hotel." Xia Xia was going to celebrate his cousin's birthday. Although he was delayed by some things, he had to rush over immediately, but his cousin asked him to pretend to be a boyfriend.

"Tianhe Hotel, is there a banquet, do you need me to buy some gifts for you?" Xu Dechuan did not mention the quicksand to Xia Tian. In his opinion, this kind of thing is a very secret thing, a secret of Xia Xia. , the less he knows, the better.

Xia Xia didn't ask Xu Dechuan about Quicksand. Judging from Ah/San's attitude just now, Quicksand should be a very secretive organization, and what is the secret scroll that Quicksand asked him for? He didn't know what scroll. His father never gave him such a thing.

The Quicksand gang gave him seven days, then he had to find the scroll within seven days, or he had the ability to fight the Quicksand within seven days, but the latter was obviously difficult to do.

"It looks like I have to go back to the house tomorrow." The house was not sold after his father died, but he never went back. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Oh, for my cousin's birthday, I have already prepared the gift, which is the bracelet just now." It would be better to ask the blood jade bracelet as a birthday present for my cousin in the summer. Afterwards, it can play a role in beauty / beauty, and it can also resist aging.

Although his cousin is very young now, she has been wearing a blood jade bracelet. Even after she is forty years old, it looks like she is only in her twenties.

"How could I forget this, the blood jade is indeed a good gift." Xu Dechuan smiled slightly.

You are me, my big apple.

Summer's cell phone/phone bell/sound rang.

"Cousin, I'll be there soon."

"Alright, alright, I'll call you Qingxue, I'll be the shield for ten thousand years."

"Where can I get flowers for you?"

"Okay, I'll think of a way."

Summer hung up the phone/call.

Xu Dechuan smiled slightly after hearing Xia Xia's call/call, he is an old man, he naturally understood the general meaning: "Brother Xia, leave the matter of flowers to me, you go first, I will give it to me soon. you send it."

"Haha." Xia Xia smiled awkwardly: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Xu/father/son."

"What is the name of Mr. Xu/Master/Zi? If you don't dislike it, just call me Brother Xu." Xu Dechuan said lightly.

"Haha, then thank you Brother Xu." Xia Xia smiled slightly, he knew that people like Xu Dechuan would be of great use in the future.

The car soon arrived at the Tianhe Hotel. At this time, the Tianhe Hotel was very lively. There was actually a message on the door to congratulate Ms. Ye Qingxue on her happy birthday. The entrance of the hotel was also very beautifully decorated.
