birthday party

Tianhe Hotel is very famous in Jianghai City. If you want to hold banquets and receptions here, you need to make reservations at least one month in advance, and it is almost impossible to get a place. Ye Qingxue's place is the revolving restaurant on the eleventh floor.

The entire eleventh floor is made of glass. From the outside, you can only see the colored lights and crystal clear exterior decorations, like a huge crystal palace. From the outside, it looks like a huge mushroom. , the bottom building is a rhizome, and the top is a huge crystal mushroom head.

Each floor has a unique decoration, and the higher the floor represents, the more different the identity. Although the Tianhe Hotel is open to everyone, ordinary people can't book the eleventh floor at all, and the consumption here is also Not everyone can accept it.

The layout of Tianhe Hotel is very interesting. The first to third floors are all living rooms. The decoration is very elegant. All kinds of drinks and coffee are free. Many rich people like the environment here. They sit here and read some magazines or newspapers. Some people are here specifically to make some useful friends.

The fourth floor is a banquet hall, which is also the most common banquet hall here. Although it is ordinary, the decoration is still very luxurious.

The fifth to ninth floors are all guest rooms. The price of the rooms here is not cheap, from 998 to 9998, and the environment inside is completely different, and all services are complete.

The tenth floor is the gym, which is usually more lively.

In summer, the clothes are very casual, which is in stark contrast to other people who come here. Everyone else is dressed in formal or decent clothes, but in summer, the clothes are worse.

Although the security guard and the waiter were strangely dressed in summer, they didn't stop him. After all, you need to pay for the floors you want to enter. Only the fourth floor and the eleventh floor are not required, but there are quite a few there. If the security guard finds out that he is not a guest invited by the host, he will be kicked out directly.

Ye Qingxue is very happy today. Today is her 20th birthday. Her mother packed the eleventh floor of the Tianhe Hotel for her and held this birthday party. She invited her good friends, and of course there were some Some of the people invited were the children of her mother's business partners.

"Qingxue, this is Chanel's perfume, happy birthday."

"LV bag, happy birthday."

"CL's high heels, baby, happy birthday."

One by one Ye Qingxue's friends gave gifts of their own. Of course, there were also some ordinary gifts, as well as some of the classmates she was taking classes with. Many of those people had no money, and the gifts they gave were only a few dozen yuan to a few dollars. Hundreds of dollars, but Ye Qingxue was still very happy and thanked everyone.

Ye Qingxue is wearing a white dress today. She is like a fairy in the sky. She is pure and refined, attracting everyone's attention. No man can not be moved by her, even those women are exposed. Different eyes, some are envious, some are jealous, and some are unattainable.

More and more people gave gifts, and Ye Qingxue thanked them one by one gently, but she seemed to be absent-minded all the time. Since the beginning, dozens of men have expressed their admiration for her.

But her mind seemed not to be here at all, but was waiting for someone to appear.

"Miss Ye, you are so beautiful, can you give me a chance to pursue you?" A rich second generation walked up and said gently.

Compared with the directness of this rich second generation, more people are envious of them there.

"It's so beautiful. If she can be my girlfriend, I'd be willing to save ten years of my life."

"Don't daydream, how could we possibly match her with a woman like her? Look at those people over there who are not the second-generation rich and official. The competition between them is also very fierce."

"Look, who is here?"

Everyone turned their attention to the door. At this time, a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes walked over from there. He had a large bouquet of roses in his hand. Everyone sighed when they saw him. tone.

"Wang Nianlin, one of the four sons of Jianghai, a junior at Jianghai University, and the vice president of the Jianghai University Student Union."

"It's actually him. He is Ye Qingxue's die-hard fan. I heard that he has been pursuing Ye Qingxue since Ye Qingxue entered Jianghai University."

"I don't know what new tricks he has this time."

Looking at Wang Nianlin's appearance, even the second-generation rich and the second-generation officials are jealous. Although Wang Nianlin is also a second-generation rich, his father's company is the owner of a listed company, and the business is still a family business.

It can be said that he is definitely the kind of person who has countless people come up to shine his shoes after stomping his feet in Jianghai City.

Originally, Wang Nianlin's walk was very stable and domineering, but at this moment a woman in casual clothes walked in from the door, her arrival attracted more attention, the woman did not have any fancy dress, but her The beauty is not inferior to Ye Qingxue. Ye Qingxue looks pure and immortal, but this woman is the kind of simple beauty.

"Qingxue, it looks like I'm not too late. This is the brush I got for you at my old man's place." The woman didn't have any image of a lady, so she walked over and passed Wang Nianlin next to her in a few steps.

Although Wang Nianlin was very unhappy in his heart, he had nothing to do with this woman.

"Today is really good luck. I saw the two school beauties of Jianghai University here, and she actually came."

"Ye Qingxue is ranked fourth, and the ranking of women is only one lower than Ye Qingxue. This is because she is too strong, and no one dares to chase after her. Otherwise, her ranking may be higher than Ye Qingxue."

"It's her, the student council president of Jianghai University Huo kisses the girl. I've never heard of anyone with the surname Huo before."

Seeing the appearance of the Huo-kissed girl, there was a lot of discussion. The Huo-kissed girl and Ye Qingxue were very good friends at Jianghai University. Ye Qingxue would naturally come on her birthday. It is well known that Ye Qingxue is an elegant woman, and her calligraphy is the best in the school. Okay, so the fire kiss girl gave her a writing brush.

"Qing Dynasty, kiss sister, you didn't steal it, right?" Ye Qingxue said in surprise, looking at the brush in her hand, how could she not see the origin of this brush.

He made a lot of money, and he actually gave cultural relics as a birthday gift. Wang Nianlin's face changed when he saw the gift from the Huo-kissed girl. He originally thought that when he took out the gift, he could outperform everyone else, but the Huo-kissed girl actually took it out before him. such a thing.

"Don't worry, the old man's things are mine." The fire kiss girl smiled slightly and took Ye Qingxue's arm.

"Thank you, Sister Huo." Although she also liked the things other people gave, no matter how expensive or not, those were not what she really wanted, but this brush is different. It's like a fan who got Kobe's autograph Same as the jersey.

Although the Huo-kissed girl stole some of the limelight, Wang Nianlin still walked towards Ye Qingxue. After all, the Huo-kissed girl was just a woman.

The bouquet of roses in my hand is of great significance.

Just now, the rich second generation left the place very consciously after seeing Wang Nianlin's appearance. Although his family was rich, it was nothing compared to the Wang family.

Bing Xin glanced at the door, but saw no one, and shook her head at Ye Qingxue.

The Huo-kissed girl looked at Bing Xin inexplicably, but didn't ask. At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Wang Nianlin again, as if he was the hero of today. Wang Nianlin walked to Ye Qingxue step by step, and then one knee Kneeling down: "Qingxue, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Ye Qingxue smiled and took the roses. Although the roses represented different meanings, since Wang Nianlin had already said happy birthday, she naturally had no way to refuse.

At this moment, Wang Nianlin took out a box from the roses. When they saw the box, everyone knew that the main event was coming. Just now, Wang Nianlin deliberately hid the box in the flowers because he was worried that Ye Qingxue would reject the box.

Now that Ye Qingxue has collected the flowers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then proves that he has already taken everything, and this box is naturally one of them.

Wang Nianlin opened the box gently, and a sparkling diamond ring appeared in front of everyone. Only then did everyone understand that it turned out that Wang Nianlin was doing this. The flowers he sent were fake, and the diamond ring was real. If he gave it directly Ye Qingxue would never accept Ye Qingxue's diamond ring.

After all, the meaning of the diamond ring is particularly important. If Ye Qingxue accepts the diamond ring directly, it means that she accepts Wang Nianlin's pursuit.

"Qingxue, I have always liked you, and I hope you can accept my love for you." Wang Nianlin put the ring back into the flower again, which meant that Ye Qingxue had already asked for this diamond ring.

"Wang Shao is Wang Shao, it's really amazing, even the ability to chase girls is something we can't think of."

"Hey, Young Master Wang has taken action. It seems that I have no chance."

"That's right. Don't you dare to grab a woman from Shao Wang? Let's help Shao Wang together, so that we can make friends with such a big man as Shao Wang."

The second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people were discussing, if Wang Nianlin did not appear, they could still fight for it. The power of these people in the family is not much different from each other, but now that Wang Nianlin appeared, they did not any chance.

In front of Wang Nianlin, they all seemed so weak.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little late, Qingxue, happy birthday." At this moment, a voice came from the door of the banquet hall, and the appearance of this voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Qingxue's face suddenly lit up with joy. Although Bing Xin was a little unhappy, she breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Seeing the expressions on the two women's faces, the Huo-kissed woman also looked at the man at the door.