birthday present

The banquet hall on the eleventh floor didn't know how big it was until summer came in. No wonder it was built in the shape of a mushroom, and the environment here is unparalleled. The surroundings are all made of glass, but these are not ordinary glass, even if an elephant walks on it. The glass will not be damaged in the slightest.

Standing here and looking at the outside, and the geographical location can clearly see the prosperity of Jianghai City, the banquet hall is even more beautifully decorated, and the person standing in front is his cousin Ye Qingxue.

Today's Ye Qingxue is very beautiful, even in the summer when she often sees her, she is deeply attracted by her outfit today.

Auntie is very beautiful. When I was a child in the summer, I always thought that Auntie was the most beautiful woman in the world, but the beauty of Auntie lies in her beauty, her beauty and elegance, but Ye Qingxue is completely different. Ye Qingxue's beauty is the beauty of fairy spirits.

The fairies in the sky are nothing more than that.

"Why are you only here now?" Ye Qingxue smiled tenderly, and then walked towards the summer. Her actions surprised everyone present. When everyone came just now, they came to her to congratulate, but now It turned out to be the man she took the initiative to walk to the door.

Ye Qingxue didn't even greet Wang Nianlin and Huo-kissed girl in person just now, but now Ye Qingxue actually came to greet such a person.

I have to say, the summer dress is really the first here. Even Ye Qingxue's other friends and classmates who have no money are all dressed neatly and put on their most expensive clothes, but the summer No matter how you look at it, it doesn't add up to more than a hundred dollars.

Wang Nianlin's face darkened, he felt a powerful crisis, although Ye Qingxue never agreed with his pursuit, but Ye Qingxue was so cold to others, but at this time Ye Qingxue smiled so sweetly at this man, and took the initiative to greet him he.

"Something was delayed on the way." Xia Tian smiled slightly, when Bing Xin and Huo Kiss also came over.

"You have a conscience." Bing Xin glared at Xia Xia and said in a low voice, her words made Xia Xia a little confused, but he didn't say anything. said it.

"Qingxue, who is this?" Seeing that Xia Xia was familiar with Bing Xin and Ye Qingxue, Huo-kissed girl asked. What she asked was what everyone present wanted to hear.

They didn't know who this kid was. As soon as he appeared, he killed Young Master Wang and was placed there. At this time, Wang Nianlin was very embarrassed to stand there, holding the flower that Ye Qingxue handed over in his hand, standing there not knowing. To go or to stay.

"He's my boyfriend, his name is Xia Xia." Ye Qingxue said softly, but as soon as her words came out, everyone present was stunned. Goddess Ye Qingxue actually had a boyfriend. This is huge news.

And Wang Nianlin just confessed to her, and now her boyfriend has appeared, which is simply too shameful.

At this time, Wang Nianlin's face turned blue and red, as if the five-flavor jar in his heart had been knocked over, and he felt very uncomfortable. He was in a very embarrassing situation now, and he wished he had a crack in the ground for him to get in.

"Miss Ye, why don't you tell everyone that you have a boyfriend? It hurts us Wang Laowu to miss you for nothing. I, Sun Fu, pursued you just now." The rich second generation who pursued Ye Qingxue just said directly He said that his words directly resolved the embarrassment of Wang Nianlin now. As soon as he said it, it showed that everyone present liked Ye Qingxue, so Wang Nianlin would not be so embarrassed.

Wang Nianlin nodded at Sun Fu, Sun Fu saw Wang Nianlin's gesture and said again: "Miss Ye, why don't you introduce your boyfriend to us, what does he do, where is his father? Well, let's say we might still know each other."

His words pointed directly at Xia Xia's dead end. Seeing Xia Xia's clothes, he naturally knew that Xia Xian was definitely not a rich owner, so he brought up these most sensitive topics.

Wang Nianlin was very satisfied with him when he heard his words, remembered him, and the others joined in the fun to vent.

"I don't need you to take care of my business." Ye Qingxue's face turned cold. She knew that these people were doing it on purpose. The reason why she let Xia Xia pretend to be her boyfriend was to make them give up, but she didn't expect that these people would actually She began to run on the summer with words, and no one knew everything about the summer better than her.

"Qingxue, I don't know where this Xia brother just came from, why did you come to your birthday party wearing so casually." Wang Nianlin was full of hostility to Xia Xia, and he was even more angry when he saw Xia's clothes. He was very rich, even if he gave Ye Qingxue a sports car villa, he wouldn't care.

Usually in the eyes of others, he is one of the four high-ranking young masters of Jianghai. Today, he prepared it carefully. The reason why he chose the method of hiding a diamond ring in a rose is because it is very romantic, and this is also Ye Qingxue's change of direction. took his ring.

He's definitely pioneering this approach, and it's romantic enough.

However, he was spoiled by a stinky boy who appeared so suddenly. Not only did he ruin his plan, but Ye Qingxue actually publicly said that she was this stinky boy's boyfriend, which made him very embarrassed.

For a long time, let alone a woman in the university, even those big stars outside were respectful when they saw him. Whether it was people in the officialdom or those tycoons in the shopping mall, they were very polite when they saw him.

He grew up with a golden key in his hands since he was a child. He is tall and handsome, but his brand name is better than that of a poor boy with a mediocre appearance. In summer, he has no other advantages at all except that his skin is particularly good.

But Ye Qingxue actually chose such a little white face instead of him.

"That's right, Qingxue, he really doesn't give you face, and he came here dressed like this."

"That's right, just because he is worthy of being compared with Young Master Wang."

"No one who came today is better than him. He is just a little white face."

Justice is often directed towards the strong. In the eyes of everyone, Wang Nianlin is a strong man. He is a tall, rich and handsome man, while Xia Xia is just a Diaosi. There is no way to compare him to Wang Nianlin.

At this time, they all said this to make friends with Wang Nianlin. If Wang Nianlin really became friends with them, it would be of great help to their family's career. Even if their parents knew about this, they would definitely Compliment them for being smart.

A series of voices of contempt came one after another.

"Shut up for the old lady. He can wear whatever he likes. What does it have to do with you? My old lady, I wear it very casually. Let me tell you about the old lady and try it." The fire kiss girl finally broke out, she is not good The master of provocation, when her eyes swept to those people, those people lowered their heads involuntarily and did not dare to look directly at her.

Even Wang Nianlin, one of the four young masters of Jianghai, snorted without saying a word.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's prepare to start the banquet." Bing Xin pulled the fire kiss girl and said to the crowd, helping to round the scene.

"Wait, Qingxue, this is your flower." Wang Nianlin put the ring into the flower again, and took the flower to Ye Qingxue. Everyone saw him throw the ring into the flower.

If Ye Qingxue takes the flowers, it means that she accepts Wang Nianlin's pursuit, but she has to accept the flowers, because she has already accepted the flowers just now, and refusing now is obviously not giving Wang Nianlin face, then Wang Nianlin is likely to cause trouble .

At this moment, Xia Tian held Ye Qingxue's hand and smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, my girlfriend can only ask for the roses I gave."

"It's just you? I don't know what gift you want to give Qingxue." Wang Nianlin looked down on Xia Xia at all. Judging from this suit of Xia Xia's clothes, he didn't bring any gifts, because there was no place for gifts on his body. The flowers, he was the only one present.

Although Ye Qingxue said that Xia Xia was his boyfriend, Xia Xia didn't even buy her a flower, which made everyone doubt the relationship between the two of them.

Speaking of gifts, everyone looked at Xia Xia again and came to celebrate Ye Qingxue's birthday. Xia Xia didn't take any gifts, right?

"He gave me the gift long ago, and I like it very much." Ye Qingxue said hurriedly, she knew that there was no money in summer, and even if she bought a gift for her, it was not suitable for this occasion. Gift.

It's because Xia Xia will be discriminated against by everyone here after she takes out a gift. That's unfair to Xia Xia. She just came to Xia Xia to help block the pursuit of these people, and doesn't want to hurt Xia Xia.

"Oh? What kind of gift did you give? No matter what you gave before, today is your birthday, don't you even have a bunch of flowers?" Wang Nianlin smiled sarcastically. What he gave were diamond rings and flowers. matching.

"A gift, of course." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and took out a bracelet from his pocket. The bracelet itself was very ordinary. From the outside, it looked like a two-dollar stall.

A series of laughter came from the bracelet that Xia Xia took out, especially those who wanted to befriend Wang Nianlin.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. It's better to buy a bunch of flowers if you dare to show off such a stall." Wang Nianlin seemed to have seen something very funny. The man who claimed to be Ye Qingxue's boyfriend was actually there. Ye Qingxue took out such a stall on her birthday.

Ye Qingxue was worried about Xia Xia's embarrassment and hurriedly said, "I like it, no matter what it is, as long as it's what you gave me, I like it."

Looking at everyone's sarcastic eyes, Xia Xia smiled slightly, put the bracelet on Ye Qingxue's hand, and then bit his finger with his teeth, and a drop of rose-colored blood fell on the bracelet, and the blood drop turned into countless The particles are sucked into the bracelet, and the tiny red blood cell molecules disappear into the air.