most romantic gift

When the bracelet encounters blood droplets, it instantly emits a blood-red light, and each bead on the bracelet becomes crystal clear. These beads are not that red thread, but that thread of blood.

"Blood jade bracelet, how is this possible, only my grandfather has one in the whole family." Wang Nianlin looked at the bracelet on Ye Qingxue's wrist in surprise. Although it looked like a street stall before, but now it has become A priceless treasure.

The price of blood jade is not high. It is a trivial thing to buy a few strings with his family's assets, but the most precious thing about blood jade is that it is not available. Once blood jade appears in the market, there will be people who will buy it as quickly as possible. Speed ​​buys it.

It will not be sold to others at all, because blood jade is very beneficial to the human body. Wearing it on a woman can beautify the body and remove toxins in the body. If worn by the elderly, it can delay aging. The role of physical fitness.

It is precisely because of this magical effect that blood jade is such a rare treasure. When they heard Wang Nianlin's words, everyone present had begun to guess what it was, and even those who had never heard of it could see it. A blood-red glow emanated from the bracelet.

At first glance, it is a good thing, and with what Wang Nianlin said just now, everyone naturally knows that this is a treasure.

"What a beautiful bracelet." Bing Xin looked at the blood-red bracelet on Ye Qingxue's hand in surprise. She heard Ye Qingxue say about the summer situation. It was really hard for her to imagine where the bracelet came from in the summer.

Just now, I was still showing off that the gift I gave was valuable, and the gift I gave in the summer was worthless, but now the situation has turned around, how could the diamond ring be compared with the blood jade bracelet.

All the light has been compared, and the gifts on the scene are all covered up by the gifts given by Xia Xia. Ye Qingxue herself is completely stunned. She knows Xia best. Xia has always refused to ask her mother's money for work-study studies. , so where did the gift summer come from?

Although she likes this gift very much, she is more worried about whether Xia Xia did something illegal.

Wang Nianlin's gifts have already been compared, and now the only thing in his hand that can stand out a bit is the flowers in his hand.

At this time, no one looked down on Xia Xia anymore. At first, they saw Xia Xia dressed in ordinary clothes, and then everyone slandered Xia Xia. In their eyes, Xia Xia was just a poor boy, but now they understand that Xia Xia is just pretending to be Pigs eat tigers.

A bracelet is worth several million, and these flowers are all "your birthday, how could I not send you flowers." Xia Tian smiled slightly, he could see Ye Qingxue's thoughts, but now is not the time to explain, The message left by Mr. Xu was already transmitted on the mobile phone.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, more than ten people held large bouquets of flowers. They placed the flowers on the ground into a huge heart shape, and the flowers surrounded Xia Xia and Ye Qingxue.

9999 roses, just now Wang Nianlin was still saying that he didn't even have a bunch of flowers in summer. Now there are so many people who have sent flowers, and he only sent 99 roses, but he actually found someone to send so many flowers in summer. . Not little money.

"Qingxue, look out the window." Xia Tian took Ye Qingxue into his arms. At this moment, Ye Qingxue became a little woman. She really has a feeling now that she seems to be very happy, but the other party is obviously her cousin.

Fireworks, fireworks were set off outside the window, hundreds of fireworks were launched at the same time and exploded in the air, dazzling and colorful.

At this moment, not only Ye Qingxue, but all the women present were melted. If a diamond ring and flowers are a very romantic combination, then a lot of flowers and fireworks can melt a woman's heart even more.

They were all jealous of Ye Qingxue, why was the heroine not herself at this time, Bing Xin was so puzzled when she saw everything in front of her, Qingxue told her about the summer situation, but even she was deeply moved by the scene at this time. Shocked.

The fireworks lasted for ten minutes before they ended. When everyone thought that everything was over, the lights on the upper floors outside the window suddenly went out, and all the lights on one side disappeared in an instant.

Then flashing lights suddenly lit up on the four connected high-rise buildings.

Snow, I, heart, U.

The heart shape in the middle is just right. This time, there were screams in the banquet hall. Those women were completely stunned by this scene. Even a **** like Wang Nianlin has never been so romantic.

"It's too romantic. If only I could marry him."

"Qingxue is really happy. If I can marry him and make me a fat woman in the future, I would also like it."

There are women looking forward to each other, and even a few dinosaur-level beauties have begun to fall in love with nympho, and no woman can resist all this.

The lights outside came back on again, but everyone remembered what happened just now. This romance has surpassed everyone. Wang Nianlin has retreated from the crowd, and the capital he is most proud of seems to have been destroyed. summer covered up.

Xia Xia also began to admire Mr. Xu's ability to do things more and more, and Jiang was still old and hot.

What Mr. Xu did this time was completely unexpected to him. When he received a text message from Mr. Xu, he was completely stunned.

Ye Qingxue threw herself directly into the arms of Xia Xia. What woman doesn't have spring? It's just that they haven't met the right person, and they haven't experienced these emotions. Ye Qingxue feels that she is the happiest woman in the world at this time. How much she hopes Summer is not her cousin.

"Actually, he's not bad." Bing Xin secretly said: "Oh, Bing Xin, what are you thinking about, shameless."

Bing Xin blushed, she remembered the first time she met Xia Xia, she was sure that she was wearing conservatively, but Xia Xian could still guess what she was wearing, plus today's events.

"There must be a lot of secrets on him, but I want to see what they are." Bing Xin swore in her heart.

The fire-kissing girl beside the two women seemed to have a stormy sea in her heart at this time. She had never liked any man since she was a child, and she didn't know what the emotion was, but she finally understood why those women loved to pursue these things after seeing her actions this summer. Vanity stuff too.

She could see that Ye Qingxue was happy from the bottom of her heart.

The banquet officially started. Today's banquet caused everyone present to have different thoughts because of the appearance of the summer. His flamboyance overshadowed everyone else, including the super eldest son Wang Nianlin.

At the same time, in the First Hospital of Jianghai City.

"Quicksand!! What's so special about this kid? Quicksand actually wants to protect him." Xu Qinghua said with a frown. He really didn't understand what the quicksand was playing. Quicksand is a killer organization, so how could it protect one? What about people.

"Quicksand is almost impossible to protect a person, unless the person is very important to Quicksand, either he is a descendant of the high-level people in Quicksand, or he has the treasure that Quicksand wants to get." Asan said, retreating without a fight Xu Qinghua Instead of blaming him, he kept asking him if he was injured after he came back.

Xu Qinghua knew Asan, and he absolutely believed in Asan. If Asan didn't bring anyone back, it would prove that something must have happened. Asan was his most important subordinate. Asan treats Asan as an outsider, and even treats Asan better than his own brother.

"The first possibility is very low, so it means that he has the treasure that quicksand wants. It seems that we underestimate this high school student." Xu Qinghua said: "Go back and check him carefully."

"What about the young master?" Asan looked at Xu Shaocong on the hospital bed.

"Master Wang, please do it. Although the price is a bit more expensive, it is better than losing your life." Xu Qinghua's eyes flashed, and he never made a loss-making business.

Ye Qingxue's birthday party was very lively, and everyone had a good time chatting in the end, but today's protagonist, Ye Qingxue, seemed to have something on her mind all the time, and the whole party was absent-minded.

After the banquet, someone proposed to send Ye Qingxue home, because Ye Qingxue didn't have a car.

"No need, thank you." Ye Qingxue knew that these people were friends with Wang Nianlin. Although Wang Nianlin was drunk all the time at the banquet by Xia Xia, they still wanted to trouble Xia Xia after the banquet.

Summer's clothes are very simple, and there is no place to put the car keys, so they all understand that summer must not come by car.

"Qingxue, let's take my car." Wang Nianlin said very gentlemanly when he came to Ye Qingxue.

"No, thank you, I'm going to go with Xia Xia." Ye Qingxue's arm was on Xia Xia's arm, whether it was intentional or doubtful, the pair of mountain peaks on her chest rubbed against Xia Xia's arms from time to time.

"He doesn't seem to have a car to send you." Wang Nianlin gave Xia Xia a disdainful look.

At this moment, Xia Xia's eyes saw a car in the distance, smiled slightly, and pulled Ye Qingxue over, and Bing Xin followed directly. The BMW stopped in front of it.

After getting out of the car, a man in a Tang suit opened the door for the three of them in the summer, and the three entered the car. Everything seemed to flow, leaving Wang Nianlin and the others standing there stupidly.

Wang Nianlin felt that today was his depressed day. He was slapped in the face by Xia Tian again and again. He said that Xia Xian was poor, but the gifts he gave in Xia Xia were dozens of times more expensive than him. Later, he said that summer was not romantic. Plus fireworks and lights.

Even in the end, he said that he didn't have a car in the summer, and he failed to find a sense of existence in this regard. The reason why he didn't bring the key in the summer was because he had a driver.

"Damn, I will never let you go." Wang Nianlin fiercely looked at the direction where the BMW vanished.
