
"Mom, I'm afraid." The sweet voice of her daughter completely melted Zeng Rou's heart.

"Don't worry, I will give you no matter how much money you want. As long as you don't hurt my daughter, I can give you all my shares in the company." Zeng Rou's most precious thing is her daughter. You can earn more, but if something happens to your daughter, she won't be able to survive.

"Mrs. Zeng, don't worry, we won't hurt you. As long as you cooperate with us, I guarantee that you and your daughter will be fine." The man in black looked at Zeng Rou sinisterly. He glanced back and forth on Zeng Rou's body.

Zeng Rou's figure can only be said to be the best of the best. Her already bursting figure is fully revealed by the clothes she wears.

Some people will look more beautiful when they wear good clothes, and they will become ordinary people when they wear cheap clothes, but Zeng Rou is different. Her clothes reflect the nobility of her clothes because she wears them.

Xia Tian was slightly taken aback when he looked at the direction the car was driving. He finally knew where these people were going. If he continued in this direction, it would be the suburbs. To ask him why he was so familiar, the answer was simple, his home was there.

"Brother Xu, give me your coat and hat." Xia Xia knew very well that the people in the quicksand had been following him all the time. If he went out like this, he would definitely continue to be followed by the people in the quicksand, so he wanted to replace the prince with a civet cat. .

This will get rid of the quicksand's tracking.

"Be careful." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Xia worriedly.

The car slowly parked on the side of the road, got out of the car in the summer, then the car drove away again, and hid in the summer, he saw that the people in the quicksand drove a very ordinary car behind the BMW, if not From perspective, he couldn't see that those people were quicksand people.

Quicksand's tracking method is very good. Although he knew that Quicksand was following him, he never noticed it. Until this moment, after throwing off the quicksand, Xia Xia came to the bridge and ran down the slope. This is going to the suburbs. the shortcut.

No one is more familiar with the road here than him. When he was a child, he almost relied on his feet to walk this road.

The van drove to the door of an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs. Four men in black pulled Zeng Rou's mother and son out of the car. Zeng Rou held her daughter tightly in her arms. Just now, these people injected her daughter. Abandoned for a long time, there is a smell of dust everywhere.

The huge iron door creaked, and the breeze blew through the dilapidated warehouse as if it were a ghost.

No matter who is brought here, they will feel helpless, and Zeng Rou is no exception.

"What are you guys going to do? You can talk now." Zeng Rou hugged her daughter tightly. What she was most afraid of was that these people would suddenly take her daughter away. Although she was also very scared, she asked herself to be strong.

"It's nothing, I just hope that Mrs. Zeng will accompany us to play a movie. This movie should be the most open and direct. I will be the hero, and you will be the heroine." The man in black looked at Zeng Rou , his eyes kept spinning on Zeng Rou's body.

The remaining three men in black took out their cameras. At this time, Zeng Rou finally understood what they were going to do.

"I'll give you as much money as you want." Zeng Rou kept holding her daughter back, she began to feel real fear.

"Someone will give us the money, but we need to give the movie to each other as a guarantee." The man in black glanced at Zeng Rou, pressing step by step.

Zeng Rou looked at the men in black in front of her. She knew that someone must be trying to harm her, and that person was from the Zeng family. She wanted to force her to transfer her shares. When there was a video, she would never dare to resist.

Doing this will save that person a lot of trouble, because once he dies, the police will intervene in the investigation. After all, she is a celebrity, and even if she dies, there will be a lot of claims about her shares, even if it is divided. Go on, everyone can't share much.

When she died, the stock of the family business would plummet.

"Don't come here, or I'll bite my tongue and kill myself." After thinking about this, Zeng Rou planned to force her to death.

"Mrs. Zeng, I advise you not to do this, think about your daughter, once you die, your daughter will be an orphan, and there are a lot of beasts these days, I'm not sure if there are any I will attack your daughter." How could the man in black be unprepared, that's why he captured Zeng Rou's mother and daughter.

He knew that Zeng Rou's weakness was her daughter. As long as she attacked her daughter, she could force Zeng Rou to submit.

"Save me, who can save me." Zeng Rou's heart kept calling, no matter what kind of strong woman she was in front of outsiders, she was the most vulnerable at this time. How she wished to have one Men can stand up and fight these bad guys for themselves at this time.

But nothing changed. The man in black had already grabbed her arm, and she didn't dare to resist. The daughter in her arms was severely frightened.

The man in black directly tore off Zeng Rou's clothes with one hand. Zeng Rou had already closed her eyes. She accepted her fate. A tear slid across her face and fell to the ground.

"What's the point of a few big men bullying a woman?" A hearty voice came from the door of the warehouse.

"Who is it?" The guns of the other three men in black were all aimed at Xia Xia's position, and everyone's eyes turned to the iron gate, and a thin figure appeared in front of everyone.

"It's you." Zeng Rou was overjoyed and surprised when she saw the person in front of her. She was overjoyed that someone finally came to save her, but she was surprised that it was of no use if he came alone. There were four people here. , and they all have guns in their hands.

"Who are you? Stand there and don't move, or I'll let them shoot you." The man in black looked at Xia Xia vigilantly. He couldn't understand why Xia Xia appeared here. Although there are people living in the suburbs, But this factory is still some distance away from the location of those people. It is a dark sky now, and it is impossible for anyone to come to such a place.

"If you shoot here, I guarantee that the police will arrive within half an hour. I'm afraid you won't be able to run away by then." Xia Xia smiled slightly. At this time, his heart was also empty. He was worried about these people. Regardless of this, he just ran away after killing him.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, stay there honestly and I can spare your life, otherwise you will die today." The men in black obviously don't want to cause trouble. After all, they are not ordinary people kidnapped. If things go badly, they won't be able to escape at all.

Xia Xia knew that he had made the right bet.

"I don't want to die either, but if you stole my woman, then I have to fight you hard." Xia Xia smiled sinisterly.

"Your woman? Nonsense, she is Zeng Rou from the Zeng Group. She has been a beautiful girl since her husband died. What nonsense are you talking about to me." The man in black looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

At this time, Zeng Rou's heart warmed. In this dangerous situation, Xia Xia dared to say that she was his woman. This friendship made her understand that what she did to Xia Xia last time was really too much.

Xia Xia didn't speak, but rushed forward. Seeing his actions, the three of them raised their guns at the same time, but at this moment, countless dust was sprinkled on their heads. This is exactly what Xia Xia prepared just now. When the person arrived, he had already arrived. He just saw that the lime behind the warehouse was packed in plastic bags, and then spread on the roof of the warehouse.

Later, some water was found and poured on the lime. After the water met the lime, a chemical reaction occurred, and the iron that had been oxidized was directly burned and leaked, and a large area of ​​lime was sprinkled on the heads of the people. on the head of the man in black.

How could Xia Xia miss such a good opportunity? The perspective function was turned on instantly, and he found the most vulnerable place of the three of them. He quickly appeared behind the three of them and stunned them. Everything happened quickly. The clothes man hurriedly took out his gun.

Xia Xia quickly moved behind a pillar, and Zeng Rou hugged her daughter and ran outside.

The man in black couldn't find Xia Xia, so he aimed the gun directly at Zeng Rou, although things would become very troublesome after Zeng Rou was killed, UU reading www. But if Zeng Rou runs away, he will be dead, so he must kill Zeng Rou.

Xia Xia's clairvoyant immediately discovered the intention of the man in black, and hurried to Zeng Rou, but the bullet had already been fired.


A streak of blood crossed, Zeng Rou was pushed out by Xia Xia, but his own body fell down. In such a familiar scene, tears flowed from Zeng Rou's eyes. Seeing Xia Xia lying on the ground, she felt extremely regretful.

Last summer, she saved her daughter regardless of her own life, but she used money to insult her dignity. This time, she also used her own life to save their mother and daughter. She owed Xia too much.

When her daughter was the most dangerous, it was Xia Xia, and when she was most helpless, it was Xia Xia when she thought she was going to die.

"Haha, God really helped me, this is the best result." The man in black walked over to Zeng Rou and said with a big laugh, Xia Xia's timing of the shot was so good, he once thought Xia Xia was a powerful person.

But no matter how powerful people are, they can't stop bullets. After killing Xia Xia, Zeng Rou, a great beauty, has become his again. This time, he can taste the taste of this superb woman, and no one can stop him. he.

The man in black grabbed Zeng Rou's tattered clothes: "Put down the child and take off all your clothes, otherwise I can't guarantee your daughter's safety."

Zeng Rou felt that her sky had collapsed, and she, who had gained hope, fell into the deep valley again.

"You dare to learn from others who are so careless and come out to kidnap." A voice of death appeared behind the man in black, and then the man in black slowly fell down, and his face was still full of expression when he fell down. Incredible.