meet quicksand again

Just when Zeng Rou fell into the cliff of despair, the man stood up again. He was Xia Xia. The moment Xia Xia shot, he stunned the man in black. Seeing that Xia Xia was not dead, Zeng Rou could no longer control her emotions. Emotions.

Crying, at this moment there is no image of a lady or a strong woman. She is crying loudly, and the daughter beside her is crying too, but her cry is very low because she was drugged.

Zeng Rou threw herself directly into Xia Xia's embrace. At this moment, she felt that there was nowhere safer than this embrace. This embrace was very warm. At this moment, she had a thought, she wanted to stay in this embrace for the rest of her life. , without thinking about anything.

"Cough cough!" Xia Xia coughed hard twice: "Let's get out of here quickly."

Although Xia Xia stunned these people, he did not kill them. Now is a harmonious society. He was taught not to kill since he was a child. Since people have been rescued, they must leave here immediately. The police should find them soon. Here it is, if you see him shot, it will be difficult to explain at that time.

"Well." Zeng Rou wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged her daughter. At this moment, she suddenly saw fresh blood on the ground. The blood was real, which meant that she was shot in the summer just now.

She saw that there was blood flowing from Xian Xian's left abdomen, and Xian Xian was covering it with his hand.

"You were shot, I called 120, you must hold on." Zeng Rou hurriedly took out her phone.

"No." Xia Xia grabbed Zeng Rou's phone: "The matter just now was too complicated. If I was taken to the hospital, the police would definitely intervene. I don't want to cause trouble for myself."

"But you were shot." Zeng Rou said anxiously.

"Follow me." Xia Xia knew that his body was several grades stronger than before, otherwise, let alone being shot, even if he was slashed by someone, he would probably faint in pain, let alone stand up and attack again. The man in black is dizzy.

After turning off Zeng Rou's phone, Xia Xia took Zeng Rou out of the warehouse.

It is less than one kilometer away from his home. He used to play here when he was a child, so he knew so much about the situation here.

Resisting the pain on her body, she brought Zeng Rou's child back to her residence in the summer. The little girl was very sensible and stopped crying. Today, she was too tired and fell asleep directly in Zeng Rou's arms.

Xia Xia walked home carefully along the way. In order not to leave any traces of blood, he tore up his clothes and wrapped them around himself.

Summer's home is not big, but the inside of the house is fairly clean and everything is neatly placed. It's been a long time since I've been back to this home in summer, and my aunt will have someone come to clean it every once in a while, so Everything in the house is new.

"You live here?" Seeing the things in the house, Zeng Rou's heart was very turbulent, and it could be seen from this that Xia Xia was definitely not a rich man, but why did he just refuse to ask for his own money? Self-esteem, but is self-esteem and money important in this era?

She has always regarded money as more important than anything, but at that moment her mind changed, no matter how much money she had, no one would come to save her in that situation.

In the end, it was the person who saved him who didn't want his own money, and he actually said that she was his woman at that time.

If someone else said this, she would have gone up and slapped that person long ago, but the words came out of the mouth of this child who was more than ten years younger than her, but she felt so happy, she didn't know it was Because Xia Xia saved her, she was still moved by Xia Xia's backbone.

In the summer, I found matches and gauze, and these are the only things I can use at home.

"This is my former home, and now I live at my cousin's." Xia Xia grabbed the corner of the table with his left hand and grabbed his right hand towards his wound, which was now bloody.

Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia incredulously: "Does he want to pull the bullet out with his hand? How is that possible, and it will be infected."

Seeing Zeng Rou's worried expression, Xia Tian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it's alright."


A muffled roar emanated from Xian Xia's mouth. At this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and his forehead was covered in sweat. When he pulled hard with his right hand, the bullet was directly pulled out.

Zeng Rou knew very well that the reason why Xia Xia didn't call out was because she was afraid of disturbing her daughter's rest, but she didn't dare to think about how painful it was. Without anesthesia, she pulled the bullet out with her hands.


Xia Xia was almost fainted by this pain, he finally realized that heroes are not so easy to pretend, he felt death, blood kept flowing from the wound, and it couldn't stop at all. Before, he wanted to fight to prevent infection. The gunpowder in the bullet ignited and disinfected, but if he lit it now, his intestines would be burnt.

"Am I really going to die here?" Xia Xia roared unwillingly, her body had fallen down, Zeng Rou hurriedly hugged Xia Xia's body, she didn't know what to do now, she wanted to call the police, wanted to call the police 120, but she remembered not letting her play in the summer.

The moment Xia Xia fell down, a yellow light appeared in his pocket, and then the yellow light disappeared into his wound. Zeng Rou saw the yellow light and hurriedly checked Xia Xia's wound. A scene that surprised her.

Huang Guang actually moved on his own, and after it sank into Xia Xia's wound, Xia Xia's wound was repairing on its own. In less than ten seconds, the blood had stopped and the wound was healing quickly.

She is an atheist, but what she sees in front of her makes her unable to explain, what exactly is that yellow light, and why the wound will heal automatically. In just a minute or so, the wound in the summer has completely disappeared. Didn't leave any scars.

Although everything in front of her could not be explained, Xia Xia was still in a coma at this time. She carried Xia Xia to the bed and put her daughter next to Xia Xia. At this moment, the house was very quiet, and her heart was also very quiet.

She had never felt so at ease before, she felt very happy looking at the big and small two in front of her.

In fact, that's all she wants, but she has never met the right person for so many years. In her eyes, there are only interests, and there is no relationship other than family.

Gradually, she also fell into a deep sleep, and she was so tired. The three of them just lay on the same bed and fell asleep.

Xia Xia had a very strange dream. He dreamed that a huge Buddha statue was sitting cross-legged in his dantian, and the Buddha statue was repairing his wounds for him. This dream was very strange, and he could clearly feel the Buddha statue in his own in vivo.

The next morning, when Zeng Rou opened her eyes, she saw the warmest picture. She and Xia Xia were hugging each other, while her daughter was in the middle of the two, and lightly tapped Xia Xia's face.

This summer, there was a direct sign of awakening, so Zeng Rou had to pretend to be asleep.

Xia Tian opened his eyes, just in time to see Zeng Rou's lovely daughter in front of him. After he tapped Zeng Rou's face lightly, Xia Tian gently went down to the ground. He didn't notice Zeng Rou at this time. Face flushed.

Walking in my yard, I feel a lot in summer.

"A lot of things have really happened recently. I thought everything was simple, but now it's not so simple." Looking at everything that was so familiar around him, he seemed to feel that everything had changed. , his father has been very strict with him since he was a child, and studying hard is one of them, and his father taught him all other aspects of knowledge.

Thinking about it now, it seems that his father never worked, but where did his family get the money? Although he was not rich, he was never hungry, and why did his father know so much in a suburban area.

"Father's death at the time was definitely strange. UU reading and what the scrolls wanted by Quicksand." He had never heard of any scrolls, his father had not told him, and his father How did he die.

"It seems that if you want to know everything, you must first find the scroll." Xia Xia began to look around. His home is not big, and there is no place to hide things at all, and people from Quicksand must have come to look for it.

Xia Tian recalled the past carefully. His father did not smoke or drink. His usual hobbies were growing flowers and vegetables.

"Hey, it's impossible for my father to hide those scrolls at home." After searching for a long time, he couldn't find anything in the summer. When he took out his mobile phone, he found that the phone was dead. After all, this is not a Nokia brick. The base brick is fine even if it is not charged for seven days.

He knew that his cousin and the others must be in a hurry.

At this moment, summer suddenly had an ominous foreboding.

"Summer, do you want to get rid of us?" Three figures appeared not far away.

"It's really haunted. I thought I could hide for a while, but I didn't expect you to find him so quickly." Xia Xia knew very well that these people in Quicksand would definitely find him, but he didn't expect it so quickly.

"Summer, we originally planned to give you seven days, but now it has been changed to two days, and one day has passed, which means that you must find that thing today." The people in the quicksand saw that the summer had already visited the ancestral house, so they also Shorten the time for summer.

"One day?" Liu Zhi frowned, it seems that he can't be kind today, let alone he doesn't know where the scroll is at all, even if he did, he would definitely not hand it over, because it was his father's relic .

He clenched his fists. Although the three people in Quicksand were very powerful, even Asan was directly scared away by the three of them, but he had to fight.
