The first swordsman in the world

The morning breeze blew, and Xia Xia's home was very secluded. Although there were other people's homes in the suburbs, Xia Xia's home was about a mile away from other people's homes. His father had a quirky temper and liked to be quiet.

That's why he moved his family here, which means that even if the people from Quicksand killed him now, no one would find out.

With one enemy and three summers unsure, he now only has two moves of Taijiquan, which he learned stealthily from Mr. Fan. It's not authentic at all. It's okay to deal with some three religions and nine styles, but when it comes to real masters, that's not enough. .

His biggest reliance right now is his clairvoyance. clairvoyance can not only see through clothes, but also see through people's weaknesses. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he might win.

"Summer, I advise you to think carefully about where your father put things, our patience is very limited." The man in gray said in a cold tone. After the escape last summer, they have understood that if you are not happy If they find something, then summer will escape their control sooner or later.

"I don't even know what my father left, and I didn't find it. What do you guys think?" Xia Xia looked at the people in front of him fiercely. Even if he found his father's relic, he would never hand it over. Yes, how can my father's relics be given to others casually.

"It seems that you are determined to do the right thing with our quicksand." The man in gray said gloomily: "Don't think that the two followers who defeated Asan can compare with us, the three of us are together. If you take action, even Asan will surely die."

Asan's name is very famous in Jianghai City, people in both black and white have heard of his name, and the Xu family is the most respected person.

His reputation was not blown out, but it was actually played out. Xu Qinghua's status today was achieved by Asan helping him. Back then, the battle for the position of the head of the Xu family was a bloodbath, and all Xu Qinghua's brothers They began to frame each other, and even sent people to assassinate each other, but Xu Qinghua was the one who finally got the position of the head of the Xu family.

Everyone knows that the person who solved those obstacles for Xu Qinghua was Asan.

Even among the three assassins in Quicksand, none of them can fight against Asan's people alone, but if the three of them join forces, Asan will not be an opponent.

"Xia Tian, ​​who are they?" Zeng Rou ran out of the house and looked at the three people outside nervously.

"Go back to the room first, and don't come out no matter what you hear." Xia Xia smiled at Zeng Rou, reassuring her. Seeing Xia Xia's expression, Zeng Rou was reluctant, but returned to the room. middle.

After Zeng Rou returned to the room, Xia Xia looked at the three men in gray. He didn't waste his energy looking at the three people's faces with perspective eyes, because their appearance had nothing to do with him.

"I said, I can't find it. If you insist on handing it over, then do it yourself."

Xia Xia's eyes were fixed on the three people in front of him. He knew that today's battle was inevitable. He had to keep his full attention and not be sloppy. Judging from Asan's attitude towards these three people, this Three people are definitely not easy to mess with.

Zeng Rou hid in the room and looked out nervously through the window.

"Looks like you're forcing us to take action?" The grey-clothed man at the head nodded to the grey-clothed man beside him.

The man in gray immediately rushed towards Xia Xia, at an extremely fast speed. If these people went to participate in the track and field competition, they would all be ranked. When he came to Xia Xia, he punched Xia Xia in the face.

Be quick, accurate, and ruthless. This is a means of killing people.

Xia Xia instantly opened his perspective eyes and caught an attack route, then stepped back with his right foot, pulled his right hand on the arm of the man in gray, and threw the opponent directly.

The man in gray is not easy to deal with either. After a tossing in the air, he directly kicked the summer.


Xia Tian, ​​who was not in a hurry to think, used his arms to block himself in front of him. Suffered from such an attack, Xia Xia retreated more than ten steps before barely stopping his body.

"This kid actually used Taijiquan just now. It seems that he has something to do with Fan Chaifeng. We must not keep him today. Otherwise, if he goes to the Green Forest Villa to hide, we will have nothing to do with him." The clothing man said in a cold tone.

There was a numb feeling on his arm. The opponent's strength was too great, making his arm uncomfortable. He knew that if the necklace hadn't strengthened his body, his bones would have been kicked off just now.

"It seems that I still underestimate these three men in gray." Although Xia Xia saw the opponent's weakness, he couldn't make the best attack, and he didn't have any attack methods other than the two Tai Chi moves in his mind. , but in Taijiquan, all he knows is to unload the force, and it can't hurt the man in gray at all.

The opponent didn't give him a chance to think, he punched him in the face again, Xia Xia hurriedly unloaded, but at this moment the opponent withdrew his right fist and punched his left.

The move just now was actually a false move. This method is useless in a duel between masters, but Xia Xia had no combat experience, so he almost fell into the opponent's way.

If it wasn't for the X-ray eyes to see the trajectory of his punching at the last moment, then this would probably make Xia Xia lose his ability to fight.

"Damn, what should I do? Am I really going to die here today?" Xia Xia was anxious in his heart, and at the same time, he thought quickly in his mind that his father never taught him any martial arts since he was a child.

Even the training method was not given to him.

"No, I can't die." Xia Xia's body was filled with infinite fighting spirit. Looking at the punch coming from the opponent, he didn't dodge or evade, and he punched out directly. The golden power, this power entered his right arm.


Click it!

"Ah!" With a scream, the man in gray fell directly to the ground. His arm was interrupted by Xia Xian just now. Resisting the pain, the man in gray stood up.

"How is this possible?" The grey-clothed man at the head said with a frown. The terrifying power that erupted just now in Xia Xia was even shocking to him. At this moment, he thought of Xia Xia's father.

"Isn't he the last thing he wants Xia Xia to be involved in martial arts? And he never teaches Xia Xia martial arts. What happened to Xia Xia's power just now?"

The grey-clothed man at the head did not step forward, but took out a pistol from his arms. They were killers, and they weren't sent to compete by a famous family. Since Xia Xia was out of their control, they absolutely couldn't let Xia Xia live.

Thinking of Xia Xia's father, they are still very afraid of Xia Xia when they grew up.


Xia Xia smiled helplessly. He had only seen the guns held by the people in front of the cash truck before, but yesterday and today, he had seen real guns twice. He knew very well that he would definitely not be able to dodge the bullets. The clairvoyant can see the trajectory of the bullet, and he can't hide himself.

"Although it's hard to get something that kills you, if you grow up, it will definitely be a big threat to us." The man in gray, headed by him, aimed his gun at Xia Xia.

"Hey, are you still going to die here?" Xia Xia sighed. He originally thought that his destiny had begun to change after obtaining the clairvoyant. He was also qualified to know why his father died and where his mother went.

But now that the cold muzzle was aimed at him, he was still so powerless.

Zeng Rou ran out of the house and stood in front of Xia Tian.

"What are you doing?" Xia Tian frowned: "Go back quickly."

"No, I don't go back, even if I die, I will die with you." Zeng Rou made up her mind, she couldn't imagine what she would do after Xia Xia died, and her hope of burning gas would be dashed again.

She doesn't want to live that kind of life anymore. UU Reading

"What's the trouble with you? I'm just a poor student with no parents and no mother." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Because I don't know when I've fallen in love with you. I can't control my emotions. I can't imagine what I'll be like when I don't see you." Zeng Rou's eyes were full of tears.

At this moment, Xia Xia's heart also melted. Although Zeng Rou used money to insult him, he knew very well that a woman like Zeng Rou must do this to anyone, because she wants to protect herself, she is a woman, She needs to disguise herself like this.

Now it's a life-or-death moment for Xia, but it's this life-or-death moment that you can see a person's heart for you. Zeng Rou stood up at this critical moment, which is enough to make up for everything she did before.

"I still have the heart to flirt when I die." The grey-clothed man at the head added a silencer to the front of the gun. Although there is only one family here in the summer, if they shoot directly here, they will definitely be walked far away. The passers-by heard: "Then I will give you a ride, and let you be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks."


Is it the sound of wind? No, is it the sound of sand and gravel? No, is that the sound of leaves? neither.

It was the sound of a person falling on the ground. It was very soft. This person was dressed in white. His clothes were very strange. The clothes on his body were a bit like the clothes worn by ancient people. A white jade belt around his waist connected the whole clothes together. , It's summer now, and the other party's clothes look very hot, even the people in gray know how to wear short sleeves in gray.

His appearance is very clean, his eyebrows are very light, his eyes are deep, no one can see the secret hidden behind his eyes, and he holds a sword in his hand.

What age is this? In the 21st century, there are people with swords.