
The white clothes were gently blown by the breeze, and the whole person was full of fairy spirit. If in ancient times, this person was definitely a peerless master, but now it is the 21st century, and people these days are all guns. , like the gun in the hands of Quicksand and others, but this person is holding a sword.

The silver-white scabbard is engraved with a delicate long dragon, and the hilt is blue. Although the sword is not sheathed, it is still threatening.

"Yuanhong, the name is Jian Yuanhong." The man in gray said in a trembling tone. At this time, he was wearing a mask, otherwise he would definitely be able to see that his face was full of surprise.

"The number one swordsman in the world Yin." The voice of the man in gray stopped, and everything became calm.

The scene was unusually quiet, no one spoke, Xia Xia looked at the man in gray in confusion, why did he stop halfway through his words, and even the other man in gray beside him stood motionless.

Poof! !

Blood flowed from the throats of the two men in gray, and the two bodies fell down, lying on the cold ground. The remaining man in gray looked at the two people who fell down and trembled a little.

"Take the two of them away." The man in white said lightly.

The man in gray hurriedly picked up the corpses of his two companions and fled into the distance, daring not to stay in the slightest. This place was a gate of **** for him, even if he repented for a second at night, as long as the man in white repented, he would surely die.

Even the captain died at the hands of this man, he never believed that he could survive from the hands of the other party.

Everything in front of him happened too fast, Xia Xia didn't know what happened at all, everything just happened was too fast, he didn't know what the man in white did.

"When did he move his hand?" Xia Xia looked at the man in white in horror. Although the man in white saved him, he knew that as long as the other party wanted to die, he would tell the man in gray just now. Same.

"You are Summer, right?" The man in white looked at Summer.

"That's right, I am Xia Xia." Xia Xia looked at the man in white with his eyes fixed.

"You really look a lot like him, and you have the same courage." The man in white nodded with satisfaction.

"You know my father?" Xia Xia knew that the person the other party was talking about was his father, and he looked very similar to his father, which he had already discovered.

"You crushed the largest gem in the middle of the necklace on your neck." The man in white looked at the necklace on Xia Xia's neck.

Hearing the other party's words, Xia Xia looked at the man in white vigilantly and clenched the necklace in his hand. This chain was left to him by his mother, how could he destroy it.

"Don't worry, that gem was added by your father." The man in white could see Xia Xia's thoughts.

Xia Xia frowned. Before, he also felt that this gem was a little weird and different from other gems. Later, he thought it might be a decoration, so he didn't study it.

Hearing what the man in white said, he nodded and squeezed the gemstone with his hands. The gemstone shattered suddenly, and it was not as hard as he imagined.

After the gem was broken, a wooden slip about the size of half a finger appeared inside.

When he saw this wooden slip, Xia Xia understood that this was what Quicksand wanted, but why did his father hide here.

"Your father hopes that you can take good care of it, and at the same time hope that you can live an ordinary life. He knows that you will take good care of this necklace, so he put Dong XC in the necklace." The man in white said lightly explaining.

"Tian'er, if one day you encounter a crisis that you can't resolve or are seriously injured, put it on. Your mother left it to you."

This is what his father said when he handed the necklace to him. When he was injured before, he thought his father was just telling him that the necklace could heal his wounds, but now that he thinks about it, the other meaning of his father should be this wooden slip.

"What kind of person is my father?" Xia Tian always wanted to ask this question, but he never had the chance. No one knew his father at all except his aunt, who never told him anything about his father and mother. matter.

"He wants you to live a good life in peace and live an ordinary life, so I can only tell you that he is a great person." The man in white kept his eyes on Xia Xia.

"Do you think I can still live an ordinary life? My world has changed dramatically." Since the car accident in the summer, he seems to have entered a whole new world.

Before, he could only see the most ordinary side of the world. He was working and studying at the same time, but after the car accident, his life has been completely changed.

"I know, this is also the purpose of my coming here." The man in white walked towards the summer step by step: "Be my apprentice."

"You asked me to worship you as a teacher?" Xia Xia looked at the man in white in surprise. He could see that the man in white was the real master. The old Fan and Asan he had met before, as well as these three quicksand people There is no way to compare with him.

Moreover, he is also related to his father. If he wants to know why his father died, he must learn from the man in white.

"See the master in Xia." Xia knelt down on one knee.

"Okay, I know that there are less than six days before the college entrance examination. That is your father's wish, so you only need to come to me after school every day. How much you can study in six days depends on your understanding. ." After the man in white finished speaking, he turned and left.

It wasn't until he disappeared from Xia Xia's sight that Xia Xia stood up, and Zeng Rou hurriedly helped Xia Xia up.

"Are you alright?" Zeng Rou didn't ask who those people were just now, she only cared about Xia Xia's safety.

"I'm fine, let's get out of here first." He has to go to school in the summer, and the college entrance examination is about to take place. He doesn't want to make any mistakes at this last moment. He just took the mock test yesterday, and he still wants to know what state he is in. How many points can you get?

"I called for a car." Zeng Rou turned on her phone. There were hundreds of missed calls on her phone. She ignored those calls and called the driver instead.

Twenty minutes later, the car arrived at Xia Xia's house, and Xia Xia boarded Zeng Rou's car with Zeng Rou's daughter in her arms.

The car was very quiet, Zeng Rou didn't know what to say to Xia Xia, Xia Xia didn't say anything. Seeing Zeng Rou's daughter sleeping peacefully in her arms, Xia Xia tried her best to avoid the shaking of the car from waking her up.

"Her name is Tian Tian." Zeng Rou finally summoned up the courage to speak.

"Tiantian? You really have a relationship with me. My name is Xia Tian, ​​and her name is Tian Tian." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and she really had a good relationship with Xiao Tian Tian.

"Well, you saved her twice." Zeng Rou said softly, "I'll pick you up at night."

"No, I can go by myself. He doesn't like many people." Xia Xia said he was the man in white.

"Okay then, I'll give you a celebration when your college entrance examination is over." Zeng Rou knew that she would learn kung fu from the man in white in the past few days, so she said she would celebrate him after the exam in the summer: "Thank you for saving me too. for us."

Looking at Zeng Rou's tender eyes, Xia Xia was embarrassed to refuse: "Okay."

Zeng Rou handed the business card to Xia Xia. Xia Xian didn't care what the police did. He knew that Zeng Rou would handle it well. These things were not a big deal to Zeng Rou.

Xia Xia didn't let the car park at the school gate. He didn't want others to see him come to school in such an expensive car.

The car was parked on a street behind the school, and Xia Xia walked to the school on foot. When he arrived at the school, he found that the people around him looked at him strangely, and they were all there talking quietly about something.

"He's summer, have you heard? He molested the first female bully in the school, Huo Chili."

"How could I have not heard of it, and he also beat Xu Shaocong's Four Great King Kong. UU read"

"I heard that Xu Shaocong was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon for some unknown reason. It seems to be related to him."

Those people are hiding far away like they are avoiding the **** of plague. They seem to be afraid of the summer. Although the study in the summer was very good, not many people in the school knew him.

But it's different now. Almost everyone in Jianghai High School knows him, from the first year students to the third year students, they are all talking about summer.

The most famous people in Jianghai High School are Huo Chili and Xu Shaocong, but in the summer, they offended these two people in one day. First, he beat Xu Shaocong's Four King Kong, and then he made fun of Huo Chili.

Xia Xia ignored those people and came to the class. Today, the class was full of people. Hot Pepper ran over excitedly after seeing Xia Xia coming to the class: "Master, you are here so early."

Everyone in the class looked at Xia Xia, when did he become the master of Huo Chili.

"Don't yell, I'm not your master." Xia Xia said with a frown. He glanced at Wenya and found that Wenya's mental state was not very good, but he didn't say anything.

Xu Shaocong's illness is not so easy to treat. He has learned a lot from his father since he was a child, including acupuncture points.

The class bell rang, and the head teacher walked into the class, followed by the school principal and three teachers in formal attire, who had never met before in the summer.

The three of them were all in their forties and fifties, wearing glasses, and they and the principal sat in the last row of the class.

Huo Chili didn't skip class, but slept in the last row without giving any face to the principal. The three teachers glared at Huo Chili, obviously not happy with what Huo Chili did, but they didn't say anything.
