The harassment of the professor of Beijing University

The class was unusually quiet, Wen Ya glanced at Xia Tian from time to time, but all pretended to be looking at something else.

"Yesterday's mock results have come out. Next, I will read your results to everyone." The head teacher glanced at everyone and continued, "The exam questions for this exam are provided by Beijing University, because the exam results will be different from the results. Special enrollment is linked."

"So the students who are in the top 30 of their grades in this exam have the opportunity to become special admissions of Beijing University."

Beijing University is one of the most famous universities in the country. It is the dream of countless students. Every year, the most famous high schools in each province will have one or two special enrollments, and Jianghai High School in Jianghai City will have two special enrollments every year.

The requirements for special admissions are extremely strict, and many aspects need to be tested, one of which is academic performance. At this time, the school did not inform everyone about the special admissions of Beijing University before the mock test, otherwise there will be large-scale cheating.

This is also the countermeasure proposed by the professor of Beijing University.

At this time, there is no need for the head teacher to say, Xia Xia also understands who the three teachers who came in with the principal are. They must be professors from Beijing University, who are in charge of this special recruitment.

To everyone's surprise, Hot Chili successfully took the last place in the class, and her two subordinates also ranked second and third from the bottom. The three of them won the bottom three in the class.

Afterwards, everyone's grades were read out one by one. Wenya's academic performance has always been very good. This time, she also won the third place in the class and the tenth place in the school.

In the summer, his grades were actually the first in the class. Although his grades before the summer were very good, he never won the first place. Not only did he take the first place this time, but his grades in all subjects were almost full marks. The title is extremely precise.

His grades are not only the first in the class, but also the first in the grade. The most important thing is that he has the highest score among all those who have answered this test, which is why these three professors came here.

Hearing his score, Xia Tian smiled slightly: "It seems that I guessed right, my mental power has also improved. The spirit of ordinary people is limited, and they cannot maintain a high degree of concentration. That perfect state can only be maintained for a few minutes, but I was in very high spirits throughout the exam."

It is precisely because of this that not only did he answer all the papers, but he was also so fast.

"Summer, your grades are very good. According to the regulations, you have already won a special admission quota based on your grades alone, but your grades are too high. If yesterday's assessment was the college entrance examination, you would definitely become a national The first prize." The head teacher nodded with satisfaction, she was very satisfied with Xia Xia's performance, Xia Xian was a good student in the past, and she personally invigilated the exam this time. Cheating.

It's just that these three professors from Beijing University didn't believe that anyone could get such good grades, so they had to observe it on the spot.

"Classmate Xia, to be honest, your grades are unexpectedly good, but I doubt the authenticity of your grades." The woman among the three professors sitting in the last row stood up, and the way she spoke was relatively Directly, this person looks in her forties, but her face is covered with thick powder, but her neck is not rubbed, which causes her face and neck to be two colors.

Her make-up is very heavy, and ordinary professors don't wear such heavy make-up.

"I've never cheated, my father taught me." From childhood to adulthood, Xia Xia's exam results were the most authentic, and his father put an end to all cheating behaviors.

"Xia Xia, this is a professor at Beijing University and the director in charge of this special recruitment." The head teacher hurriedly reminded that she meant to let Xia Xia cooperate with each other's questions, so that he could get the special recruitment quota. .

"Your father taught you? Which parent didn't tell their children not to plagiarize these days, but which one didn't?" The female director gave Xia Xia a contemptuous look: "Tell me, what method did you use to cheat? , this set of questions cannot be answered so perfectly even by the current top students of Beijing University."

Hearing the female director's words, Xia's head teacher hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Professor Pan, this kid can't cheat in Xia Xia. He usually has good grades in his studies, and I was always by his side on the day of the exam."

"That's your dereliction of duty. He must have used some means to cheat, but it's just too clever, you didn't notice it." Professor Pan glared at Xia Xia's head teacher, signaling her not to talk too much.

Xia Xia finally understood that these people were here to find fault. He had no plans to go to Beijing University, because his cousin was in Jianghai University, so he always wanted to go to Jianghai University. Now these three professors suddenly appeared, and when they came, Say he cheated.

"Professor Pan, why do you say my teacher is negligent, and why do you say I cheated?" Xia Xia turned his head to look at the female professor.

"Why? Just based on your grades, it's impossible for anyone to pass the test with such a high score." That Professor Pan took out Xia's paper and slapped it on the table.

"Haha, Professor Pan, it's not that you can't teach students like this, and my teacher can't." Xia Xia sneered. He looked down on this kind of person the most. If he thought he was a professor at a famous university, he could take it. Look at others from the attitude of a superior, and what he thinks others can't do, others can't do.

"You, how dare you talk to me like that." Professor Pan said angrily.

"Professor Pan, why did I talk to you? I always spoke in a calm tone, but you, as a professor, kept yelling." Xia Xia was not afraid of such people at all, she said. The biggest capital is that he thinks that he can cancel his special recruitment right, but he doesn't care about the special recruitment quota at all, he can be admitted to any university with his ability, and he never intends to go to Beijing University.

"Young man, this is your fault. Has anyone taught you the principle of respecting teachers?" An old man among the three professors also stood up.

"Teacher? What have you taught me, whose teacher? My teacher is standing on the podium in front of me. I have always respected her, but you have no reason for me to respect her." Disappointed, there is absolutely no reason for anyone.

"You. You kid, you are completely defiant." The professor's face flushed with anger at Xia Xia's words.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't call me master like that kid, what kind of onion are you? What are you yelling at here?" Huo Chili, who was sleeping on the desk, turned his head and said lazily.

"Where are you that little girl, look at your outfit, you don't look like a good student." The third professor finally couldn't help it, but his gunfire was aimed at Huo Chili. His eloquence is very good. He doesn't want to talk to Xia Xia directly, so he plans to start with this little girl first.

But apparently he had the wrong opponent.

"Who are you talking to, your grandmother?" Hot Chili's temper was not good. He jumped on the desk with his left foot and stepped on the stool with his right foot, looking at the professor aggressively.

"Mr. Hu, hurry up and persuade." When the principal saw what was in front of him, he couldn't do anything, so he didn't dare to control the hot peppers.

"Xiamen, sit down quickly and talk to the three professors." Xia's head teacher hurriedly advised her. She looked at Huojiao with her eyes, but didn't dare to say Huojiao.

Xia Xia saw the dilemma of the head teacher, so he glanced at Huo Chili: "Sit down."

"Oh." Huo Chili sat down directly, and I had to say that one thing falls into another. Huo Chili is definitely a tyrant in Jianghai High School, but he is very obedient in front of summer.

"With such a character, you're not eligible for our special admission." Teacher Pan said angrily. Today, she lost a lot of face, and was actually rendered speechless by a student.

"My character is not judged by people like you, and I never said that I would ask for your place. I won't ask for your place for nothing." Xia Xia glared at the woman in disdain. The professor glanced at him. In his eyes, this kind of person could get into the professor's position. Maybe he used some means.

"You. Hmph." The female professor suddenly showed a proud expression: "You just can't eat grapes and hate grapes sour."

"Oh, you finally said something of a level. UU Reading I thought you, a professor at Beijing University, would only be yelling in there." Xia Xia's words suddenly caused a lot of laughter, and Wen Ya kept watching In summer, she feels that summer has changed, and it has changed a lot.

"Okay, it's not just your quota, because of you, your whole class will not have a second special admission quota." The teacher Pan said proudly, she just wanted to make all the students in their class hate summer.

"Haha." Xia Tian suddenly laughed: "It's a big belly. It turns out that the professors of Beijing University are so big, and they also do things that only despicable people in the book can do. The professors of Beijing University are professors of Beijing University. , this kind of thing has to be made out in the open, and never engage in small actions behind the scenes."

"What a gentleman does."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, Professor Pan secretly shouted that it was not good. If these words spread out, it would have serious consequences for him. Now the social network is so developed.

"I don't want to talk to you. Beijing University is a famous school all over the world. Just because you can't go to Beijing University at all, you will say that you don't want to go to Beijing University." Professor Pan glared at Xia Xia, and the other two professors were cold. With a snort, he walked outside the classroom.

"Then look at my exam results this year, and see if my scores are enough to go to Beijing University. Don't forget my name, my name is Xia." Xia shouted to the three of them, and the three professors didn't look back. go outside.

"Hey, Xia Xia, you got into trouble." The principal sighed next to Xia Xia and followed him out.

"Let's study by yourself, classmates." The head teacher took a look at Xia Xia and walked out of the professor.

Wenya felt very uncomfortable at this time. She knew that summer had really changed. In the past, summer was always low-key and did not cause trouble, but now summer has become the protagonist wherever she goes.