into the police station


The people from the art group walked out of the box. They didn't know what happened outside just now, but they heard the pain outside. Ye Qingxue wanted to go out more than once, but was stopped by Bing Xin.

They were all confused. They didn't know what happened just now, why Xia Xia suddenly said it was resolved.

When everyone walked out of the box, Brother Leopard had been carried away by his employees, his employees and the security guards had also left, and the corridor became empty.

"What about those people just now?" Ye Qingxue glanced around, but there was no one there. She had heard screams of pain from outside just now, but now she can't even see anyone.

"Maybe they all went to worship God." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Really?" Ye Qingxue's face was full of disbelief.

"Qingxue, let's leave here first." Bing Xin reminded.

"Yes, let's get out of here first, everyone should go home, I will tell you about today's affairs when I go back." Ye Qingxue was very angry at what the sports department did.

Everyone left the Emperor KTV one by one.

Xia Xia found it strange that when such a big thing happened here just now, the other boxes in the distance were still overcrowded, and the boss never showed up from beginning to end. It was as if nothing happened here just now.

When Xia Xia and Ye Qingxue left the Emperor KTV, he finally understood why.

There are three J cars at the intersection not far away. When I saw Xia Xia coming out of the KTV, three J cars came out of the three intersections. Those cars were hidden there early, just waiting for Xia Xia to come out.

When Xia Xia came out, the three J cars stepped forward and surrounded him.

"You are suspected of intentional injury, and now you need to go back with us for investigation/investigation." A police officer took out his handcuffs and went to Xia Xia.

"Wait, it's just to assist in the investigation/investigation, there's no need to wear handcuffs, right?" Xia Xia's face turned cold, if it wasn't for Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin by his side, he wouldn't have been caught without his hands. He had already seen that Mr. Liu was sitting at the back. It's in the car of . Obviously, he arranged all this. He found a lawyer early to do this kind of thing.

Then, if you go back with him, you will definitely not have any good fruit to eat.

But now I can't help but follow, otherwise Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin will suffer.

"No, I just received a report/report. You are an extremely dangerous person, so you must wear handcuffs." Although J Cha did not make Xia Xia embarrassed, he did not give in at all when it came to handcuffs.

"Extremely/extremely dangerous/dangerous person? Well, I'll go with you, but I must see the two of them leave safely." Xia Xia nodded.

"No, you have to go with us now." J Cha was firm.

"Don't force me." Xia Xia turned his eyes, stared at the J Cha, and said in a cold tone.

That J Cha only felt as if he was being targeted by a beast, his back was covered in cold sweat, and his whole body was a little unnatural: "Okay, okay."

"Cousin, you two go home first, I'll be fine." Xia Xia smiled slightly, he had to watch Ye Qingxue and the others leave safely, otherwise it would be troublesome for those employees in KTV to come out later.

"But you." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Xia worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Xia Xia called Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin a taxi, and he deliberately checked the car with fluoroscopy/eye inspection/check, and he got into the J car without finding any problems.

"Qingxue, what should we do?" Bing Xin asked.

"Let me call my mother." Ye Qingxue called her mother, but no one answered.

"What's the matter today? No one answered Sister Kiss's phone/call, and no one answered Mother's call/call." Ye Qingxue frowned and said, "Looks like I have to go home."

After getting into the police car in the summer, he closed his eyes and rested. He had to be fully prepared. What might happen next? They hired a professional lawyer and the mysterious Mr. Liu. They are absolutely Don't let yourself go easily.

Inside the J inspection bureau.


"Summer" sits lazily on a stool in summer.

"Do you know where this place is?"

"Inspection Bureau." Xia Xia replied.

"You still dare to be so presumptuous when you know it's the J Inspection Bureau, and answer my question honestly."

"I came with you just to cooperate with the investigation/investigation, but I want to know what crime I committed, and I have been answering your questions." Xia Xian sat up straight and said solemnly.

"Severely injured, thirteen people have now been sent to the hospital, and one has been admitted to the intensive care unit."

"What does this have to do with me? You don't think I sent so many people to the hospital by myself." Xia Xia didn't admit it at all. If he admitted this situation, he would have to spend time in prison. Live the rest of my life.

"You'd better cooperate with us, or you won't be able to come out for the rest of your life."

"Mr. J Cha, are you threatening me? Or do you have any evidence that I/did it." Xia Xia looked at the J Chai with disdain.

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room was opened, and it was Mr. Liu and another inspector who came in. After Mr. Liu came in, he signaled that the inspector who was interrogating J should leave first and leave it to him.

When I saw Mr. Liu in the summer, I knew the main event was coming.

Mr. Liu gave the man a look, and then the man temporarily turned off the interrogation camera, and Xian shook his head when he saw everything they had done.

Today, he has really learned a lot.

"Stinky boy, you fell into my hands today, let's see how I deal with you, if you are honest, I will ask the lawyer to sue you two less, if you are not honest, then you will be in it for the rest of your life. Let's go through it." Mr. Liu looked at Xia Xia evilly, just now Xia Xia made him humiliated in the Emperor KTV, and even broke Brother Leopard's arm.

Brother Leopard and Li Tou are sworn brothers. Now Brother Leopard makes people fight like this. If he can't handle this matter well, his future will be over.

"That's what Brother Leopard said before." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You still have the courage to mention Brother Leopard, you have destroyed/destroyed all my good deeds." Mr. Liu looked at Xia Xia and said, "I originally asked Brother Leopard for something today, but you beat him like that. "

"Oh, it looks like I have a windfall." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

For Xia Xia, being able to destroy the enemy's good deeds is something that makes him happy. This is what he likes to do the most. Although he has handcuffs on his hands, he is not worried at all.

"Boy, now you kneel down and kowtow to me three times and beg me not to kill you, maybe you won't have to stay in it for the rest of your life." Mr. Liu felt that he had lost all face for running away in embarrassment, so he asked Xia Tian to give it to him kowtow.

"Now you kneel down and kowtow three times and beg me not to kill you. Maybe you don't have to stay in it for the rest of your life." Xia Xia said like Mr. Liu.

"Stinky boy, do you think I dare not deal with you, but I found the best lawyer, and I can sue you for the rest of your life." Mr. Liu said angrily as he slapped the table.

"I believe in justice." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

The lawyer stood up and walked towards Xia Xia. When he reached the dead end, he wanted to give Xia Xia a sneak peek behind him.

But in the back of summer, it seems like eyes have grown.

The handcuffs appeared directly on the lawyer's hands.

"You. How on earth did you do it." Mr. Liu's face was full of disbelief, and the handcuffs on Xia Xia's hands had disappeared.

Mr. Liu, who originally wanted to teach Xia a lesson, was completely stunned.

Superman? Could it be that I have seen the legendary Superman. In the KTV, surrounded by forty or fifty people, Brother Leopard was seriously injured. After arriving at the J inspection bureau, his hands were buckled, and now such a thing has happened.

Mr. Liu was dumbfounded, and so was the lawyer. This was really too sudden.

"What are you going to do?"

Mr. Liu rang the alarm in the interrogation room, and the alarm bells in the entire building rang.

At the same time, Ye Qingxue's phone call to her mother finally got through.

"Mummy, why did you answer the phone?" Ye Qingxue finally breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't find her mother after returning home, which made her even more worried about Xia's safety.

"What's the matter? Qingxue, in a panic."

"Xia Xia was arrested by J Cha." Ye Qingxue briefly told her mother what had happened.

"I see, you don't have to worry, everything will be fine in the summer."
