super aunt

Xia Tian's little/aunt is called Ye Wanqing. At this time, she is sitting in a room, and there is a couple sitting in the room.

"Mrs. Ye, what happened?"

"Small things, the things we talk about are just set up like this." Ye Wanqing looked at the couple and said.

"Okay, let's do it like this, this is Bingbing's wish."

"I'll give her the chance, and I'll let someone accompany her. If she can do it, I'll hire her out of the blue." After Ye Wanqing walked out of the room, he dialed a number.

"Mr. Xue, hello."

"It's Mrs. Ye, why did you call me? The connection between us is not." Mr. Xue's words were a little veiled.

"I want you to save someone."

"Saving people? You know, if it's not a big deal, I can't do it." Mr. Xue always called Ye Wanqing yours, and his attitude was also very respectful.

"The person I want you to save is Xiyin's son."

"What? It's Mr. Long's son. What's wrong with him now?" A panicked voice came from the other end of the phone.

"He was taken away by a police officer. It is related to a person surnamed Liu. It is said that he also brought a lawyer there. If you are slow, he will have an accident." Ye Wanqing reminded, when she heard Ye Wanqing If so, Mr. Xue hung up the phone/call directly.

Xia Xia was already stared to death in the J round. Seeing those people, Xia Xia did not speak. He was confident that he would escape after killing a few people, but these people did not make mistakes, and he could not kill those innocent people.

"Arrest him." Liu shouted loudly, "I brought a lawyer here. He is a big problem."

Xia Xia didn't resist/resist. He was put on chains on his hands and feet. Since the handcuffs couldn't lock him, he could only wear iron chains. Xia Xian was taken away directly.

He was taken to the watch/bet place at the back of Game J. In a small room, including him, there were ten people in total.

Xia Xia was brought in/out. When they saw Xia Xia, everyone else looked at him with playful eyes.

"Liu ordered him to take good care of him." The lawyer dragged someone and said to the people in the surrounding cage, and then he walked out of the house, before he walked out of the house.

The door of the house was locked from the outside, all the ventilation openings were also blocked, and all the people stationed outside went to eat.

One of them walked towards the summer: "New?"

"I advise you not to mess with me." When Xia Xia saw those people, he said in a cold tone, that Liu must have sent him here to let these people deal with him.

Although his hands and feet are now chained, these people are not in a hurry. In their opinion, in the current summer, they have no ability to resist.

"This is my Hu Wu's land/plate, boy, someone outside gave me a sum of money, just to let me serve you well." The bald head looked at Xia Xia viciously: "Don't worry, I never Kill/people, but you can't take care of yourself for the rest of your life."

"I'll give you a chance, as long as you go back to your place now, I can let you go." Xia Xia said in a cold tone, he was sitting in the middle of the cage, closing his eyes and resting.

"You'll be tough when you die. If you're not disabled, I'll call you/grandpa." Hu Wu walked towards Xia Xia, he never believed that Xia Xia could face so many of them.

Seeing that one person's fist was about to hit Xia Xia's body, Xia Xia moved, and an incredible scene appeared. The iron chains on Xia Xia's hands and feet disappeared at some point.

His fingers were actually caught on the iron cage, and then he twisted his hands, moved his fingers up again, and with a crisp sound, the iron/stick fell directly to the ground, and his body/body came directly from the seam / Wear it out in the gap.

All this happened in an instant.

what! !

Hu Wu's mouth let out a scream, and several others let out a scream at the same time.

"You don't need to call him grandpa. I don't want a grandson/child like you." Xia Xia looked up at the air vent made of the iron railing and smiled. He didn't plan to stay here any longer.

Hu Wu and others have all their right hands abolished by him. I am afraid they will not be able to use them in this life. This is also a small punishment he gave these people. If they do, then their fate will only be worse than theirs.

Although he won't hurt those outside, it doesn't mean that he won't punish these poor/violent/extreme/evil people, he has reminded these people before.

Mr. Xue's home.

"No, I'm going to make a trip myself."

Mr. Xue made two calls, one was to his secretary/secretary, and the other was to Huang Tou. When he heard about Liu, he naturally knew who it was.

The most maddening people in Jianghai City are Deputy Head Li and his subordinate Liu. They have been in trouble together for many years, but the two of them never leave anything behind when they do things, so even his husband can't do anything about them.

Someone reported the two people in real names, but they colluded with the lawyer, and the witness failed to testify in the end.

Mr. Xue knew that once something happened to that person, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry about anything." He had already asked Huang Tou to call/call the J Inspection Bureau, but what he was most afraid of was that Liu and the others would murder that person after they got the news.

Mr. Xue, who was on the road, suddenly received a phone call, and that person was gone.

Hearing this news, Mr. Xue breathed a sigh of relief. As long as people don't die, everything else is easy to handle, but he faced another matter, where would people go if they escaped, and why should they escape.

"As expected of Mr. Long's son, but where did he go." Mr. Xue took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

It was Ye Wanqing's mobile phone number.

"Mrs. Ye, Lord Long's son escaped."

"Escape? Why was he locked up, Mr. Xue, I hope you can give me an explanation for this." Ye Wanqing's voice was full of anger.

"Okay, I will definitely find out about this matter."

"It's better, otherwise I'll report this matter to the top, and I'll be responsible for the consequences." Ye Wanqing hung up the phone/call.

Mr. Xue, who hung up the phone/call, had sweat on his forehead. He knew that Ryu had to be investigated this time. No matter what evidence they had and who they were looking for, this time he would eventually be punished.

"Huangtou, I don't care what method you use. Before tomorrow morning, I want all the evidence about Ryu." Mr. Xue was really angry this time.


At this time, summer had already left the J Inspection Bureau, sitting in an open-air roadside barbecue, eating skewers and drinking beer.

He didn't know because at this time, the entire J police station was in a storm.

Mr. went out in person in the middle of the night, and a strong storm broke out in Jianghai City. The main people who were investigated this time were these people and their lawyers.

"Liu, this is given to you by Deputy Head Li. He said that he will take care of you/all/family."

"Is there no chance at all?" Liu Mou's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"This time, it's Mr. Xue who came out in person. Even the people behind Deputy Head Li can't protect you."

"I hope Deputy Head Li can take good care of my family." Liu Mou drank what was in his hand after the man left the secret room.

Of course, he didn't know about all this in summer. He was tasting the most flavorful food in Jianghai City, seafood stir-fry. This area is a food There are draft beer and meat skewers here, and SH can also be added. Fresh stir fry.

You are me, my big apple.

"Little/aunt, it's you."

"Why did you answer the phone/call?" There was a complaining voice from the little/auntie on the other end of the phone/call.

"There was no internet on my phone/mobile just now," Xia Xia explained.

"You can do it now, you're still in prison, and you can escape. Have you met Yin Nie?"

"Who is Yin Nie?" Xia Xia asked in confusion, then he remembered that the people in Quicksand said that his master was Yin, the number one swordsman in the world. Later he died: "Little/aunt, are you talking about my master?"

"Sure enough, Yin Nie is here. Come over to me tomorrow. I have something to tell you."

After the little/aunt had finished speaking, she hung up the phone/call, leaving Xia Xia alone to continue eating her own seafood beer there.

It was getting late at night, but the number of people here was not less, but more and more. When summer first came, there were some vacancies, but now these vacancies are all gone. Not only that, but table fights have already begun.

There were already three or four people sitting on a small table.

"Hey, do you have anyone here?" Xia Xia slowly raised his head, and there were two beauties/women in front of them. The styles of these two beauties/women were completely different. The other is wearing a red one-piece dress.

The beauty/woman in casual clothes doesn't have any makeup on her face, but she is not weaker than the bewitching woman beside her. The two women have completely different styles, but they are both equally beautiful.

"The figure is perfect, and the appearance is 99 points." Xia Xia's perspective/vision eyes opened involuntarily: "The best of the best."