most direct

Xia Xia can be sure that he has encountered the legendary best, which should be regarded as the arrival of the goddess of luck. In the middle of the night, he met the legendary best beauty at the food stall. This made him calm and see through the two women. 's glance.

The two women are definitely super beauties in terms of size and body. Their styles are completely different. One of them looks like a breeze, clean and flawless, while the other looks like a colorful flower.

"Rogue." The Nike girl glared at Xia Xia and sat down, not because she wanted to sit here, but because other places were full, only Xia Xia was alone.

The other open woman smiled at Xia Xia and said nothing.

"Beauty, we must have met somewhere before." Xia Tian's words broke the silence.

"Little handsome guy, your approach is too old-fashioned." The open girl responded with a slight smile.

"Oh, is it?" Xia Tian continued: "I would like to be a stone bridge, and be blown by the wind for five hundred years, in the sun for five hundred years, and drenched in the rain for five hundred years. I just ask you to pass by the bridge and let me see See what you're wearing."

"Hehe." The open girl smiled slightly: "You are also interesting. I like this way of approaching, but do you know who she is?"

What Kai Kai said was the woman wearing Nike. At this time, the Nike woman looked very ugly and looked at Xia angrily.

"Beauty, you are sick." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"You're sick, just sit there and don't talk, be careful I'll catch you up." The Nike women finally broke out. Ever since they sat down, they've been teasing them in the summer, staring at them with that undisguised gaze. look on the body.

"Beauty, you have misunderstood. You are really sick. Have you been suffering from insomnia and dreams, dry mouth, hot temper, and this month's aunt has been postponed?" Xia Xia hurriedly explained.

"Do you think I really don't dare to beat you?" The Nike woman's eyes lit up, but she was pulled by the open woman beside her.

"Bingbing, don't be angry, he seems to be right." The open girl explained, "Maybe he is really a doctor."

"Just him? He's a stinky hooligan." The Nike girl glared at Xia Xia: "If he were a doctor, all the female patients would suffer."

"That's not necessarily true, little brother, but you can talk about what happened to Bingbing's illness. If you are right, you will be rewarded." The open girl's words and deeds reveal boundless enthusiasm.

In particular, she seemed to deliberately lean forward slightly when she spoke.

"What reward?" Xia Xia looked at the open girl in anticipation.

"What reward do you want?" The open girl looked at Xia Tian charmingly.

"If I'm right, then you will be my concubine." Xia Xia said very naturally.

But the Nike girl was about to explode. She stared at Xia Xia with a stubborn slap, and slapped Xia Xia directly in the face.

He didn't hear a clear slap, because the Nike woman's hand was already held by Xia Xia, and Xia Xia was carefully looking at the Nike woman's palm.

"Your love line is actually flat, but recently there have been a few shallow marks, which proves that love is coming soon; the career line was very bumpy at the beginning, but there are also shallow marks later, which proves your love. Your career will soon be booming; the lifeline is looming, which proves that you will be in great danger recently, but in the end you can save it." Xia Xia said solemnly: "To sum up, you are missing me in your life."

"Hehe." The open girl snickered after hearing Xia Xia's words.

"Shameless, I must teach you a lesson today." The Nike woman said angrily.

"Okay, okay, Bingbing, don't make trouble, let him see your illness first, and see if what he said is accurate." The open woman hurriedly persuaded, this is a food stall, if Bingbing gets angry here, then There were too many people to suffer, and he felt that the little boy in front of him was very interesting.

"Hmph." The Nike woman snorted coldly, "Don't let me go."

"Oh." Xia Tian reluctantly let go of the Nike woman's hand.

"Little brother, tell me, what's the matter with Bingbing's illness? If you're right, I'll kiss you." The open girl gave Xia Xia a wink.

Xia Tian nodded: "Well then, if I suffer a little, I will suffer a little."

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the two women were completely speechless. A beautiful woman like her kissed this boy, but this boy actually said that he was at a disadvantage.

"If I'm not mistaken, you definitely won't live to be thirty years old." Xia Xia looked at the Nike girl seriously.

"What?" The two women were taken aback at the same time, not because of what Xia Xia said, but because what Xia Xia said was actually right.

"How did you know." The open girl said in surprise.

"There are two meridians in the human body. In ancient martial arts, it was called the two meridians of Ren and Du. In fact, this is also the two meridians of yin and yang. Men belong to yang, and women belong to yin. In normal men, the Ren meridian is thicker than the Du meridian, while women belong to yin. The Du meridian in the body is thicker than the Ren meridian, so that the yin and yang can be reconciled." Xia Xia continued to explain: "If the Ren and Du meridians are thicker, then this person is neither male nor female, that is, an ancient eunuch. If a person only has the Renmai or the Governor Vessel in his body, it is called the Nine Heavens Profound Vessel, and there is not even one out of 100 million such people, and they will not live to be five years old."

"Which type does Bingbing belong to?" The open girl looked at the summer expectantly.

"No, she belongs to the Du meridian that is too thick and the Ren meridian too thin, and her governor meridian is still growing, and she even has to drive the Ren meridian out of her body, which is why her temper is hot and her mouth is dry. Dry tongue, and even delayed menstruation." Xia Xia explained that these things were taught to him by his father when he was a child.

"Then why do you know that she can't live to thirty?" The open girl asked again.

"Thirty years old is just an approximate statement, because people like her basically don't live to be around thirty years old, but if you actually investigate the disease, you will find that her final lifespan should be around twenty-seven years old. ." Xia Xia just checked the Nike woman's condition with X-ray eyes, and it was more serious than he thought.

"Twenty-seven, that's next year." The open girl looked at the Nike girl worriedly.

"Sister Ping, don't worry, who knows whether what he said is true or false." The Nike girl was also cold when she heard twenty-seven, but she didn't want others to worry about her, so she deliberately said Xia Tian said No, in fact, no one knows her body better than herself, and he knows her current body best.

"Be my wife, I can save you." Xia Xia looked at the woman very seriously and said.

"Dream, I'd rather die than marry a shameless person like you." The Nike woman stood up after speaking and turned to leave.

"Bingbing, wait for me." The open girl hurriedly stood up, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly turned around and kissed Xia Tian's forehead: "This is my phone number, remember to call me."

Looking at the business card in his hand, Xia Xia knew that she wanted to heal the Nike woman, but he also had difficulties. The Nike woman's disease was not so easy to treat, and it required the two of them to be naked in a pool. For the treatment, Xia Xia needs to open up 78 acupuncture points on her body, some of which are private.

If he has even looked at those positions, he will naturally marry this woman. He is not that kind of irresponsible man, and he is not shameless at all. Until now, he only has a concubine. , is Tang Yan.

After a simple meal, he walked back to his hometown in the suburbs in the summer. The reason why he walked back was to exercise his walking.

After returning, he rested early, UU reading www. After all, is going to see his aunt tomorrow. He admires the inner strength method left by his father, called Tianxingjue, and it is useless to meditate at ordinary times.

This mental method is improved by sleeping, and it cannot be forced to sleep. Only in the case of normal sleep will this mental method be automatically cultivated. boundary.

Sleeping is also very particular. His father taught him that he must be free from distractions when he sleeps since he was a child. He should maintain an ethereal state and enter the highest level of sleep.

If sleep can be divided into three grades, the first grade is long dreaming after falling asleep; the second grade is ordinary sleep, it is difficult to get up in the morning; the third grade is the current summer, once you fall asleep, the whole person seems to be in harmony with the world Connected, completely integrated into the heaven and earth.

There have been masters who have studied suspended animation in order to enter deep sleep, but in the end they were unable to achieve the highest effect.

All of this is very simple for Xia Xia. His sleep state at this time is the highest level of sleep. This is the training his father has trained him since he was a child. This method can not only prolong life, but also make people live in When sleeping, speed up the absorption of heaven and earth aura.

This is also the real magic of Tianxing Jue.

When in deep sleep, Tianxing Jue runs automatically, making Xia Xia practice more than ten times faster than others.

This summer, he slept very comfortably. The next morning, he practiced Manyun Xianbu and Lingxi Finger several times. He took a shower, put on new clothes, and then ran to the place where he made an appointment with his aunt. .

After having Manyun Xianbu, he hardly ever rides in the car in summer. Walking is not tiring for him at all, and he can also exercise the Manyun Xianbu.
