
I have to say that Bai Yiyi is really beautiful. He has seen Bai Yiyi three times in total. The first time she was wearing a nurse's uniform, which blocked her perfect figure, and she also used makeup to cover up part of her beauty.

When I saw Bai Yiyi in the morning, Bai Yiyi was completely without makeup and dressed very casually, so Xia Tian didn't care. I can make Xia sigh that she is really beautiful.

There were not many people in the hot pot restaurant, but there was no way for the two of them to get a private room, so Bai Yiyi found a seat near the window.

Bai Yiyi has become the protagonist of this hot pot restaurant. Xia Xia clearly saw that the men at other tables were peeking at Bai Yiyi, and some pretended to be looking elsewhere. Even the waiters in the restaurant were in the corner. Talking about Bai Yiyi's beauty.

Seeing Bai Yiyi taking the initiative to say hello to Xia Xia, dozens of murderous eyes immediately turned to Xia Xia. If eyes could kill, Xia Xia would have been killed dozens of times.

"You are so beautiful today." Xia Xia praised.

"You mean I'm not usually pretty?" Bai Yiyi smiled slightly.

"Of course not, but you are more beautiful than usual today." Xia Xia knew that women were the most curious, and if he didn't answer well, he would suffer.

"Let's see what you want to eat." Bai Yiyi handed the Shabu-shabu list to Xia Xia.

"I'll do whatever you want. I'll eat whatever you like." Xia Tian handed the list to Bai Yiyi.

"Okay then, I'll order it." Bai Yiyi was very satisfied with Xia's performance, and quickly drew the dishes on the menu. Then she ordered two more bottles of drinks. There's something else going on tonight.

"I really want to thank you for taking care of me during the time I was in the hospital." Xia Xia knew that although Zeng Rou paid the money, some nurses now take care of the patients who have been in a coma.

"That's what I should have done, but it's you, how can your injury heal so quickly?" Bai Yiyi asked puzzledly. It's only been a few days, and even in the hospital, it will take two or three months to recover. Talent is fine, but summer is now completely like a normal person.

"Maybe my physique is special." Xia Xia explained, he naturally wouldn't say that the necklace left by his mother healed him, it would be a little too bizarre to say that.

"Then your physique is indeed too special, you stretch out your hand and let me see." Bai Yiyi was very curious about Xia Xia's physique. She had never seen someone with such a strong recovery ability.

Xia Tian stretched out his hand, not knowing what Bai Yiyi was playing.

Bai Yiyi's jade hand directly squeezed Xia Xia's big hand. Such a move made Xia Xia stunned for a moment. It was too direct. Could it be that Bai Yiyi wanted to woo him, and a sense of happiness came over him.

"What are you doing? I'm a serious person." Xia Xia looked at Bai Yiyi nervously.

"What do you think? Everyone's recovery ability is different. I just pressed it on your palm just to see how fast your blood circulation is." Bai Yiyi looked at Xia Xia and continued, "Your The ability to recover is indeed faster than normal, but it must not allow you to recover so quickly unless you eat something."

"What?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Yiyi curiously. She was just an ordinary little nurse, but he actually knew this method.

"I don't know either. Usually, this kind of restorative medicine is rare." The little nurse didn't ask Xia Tian what she ate, because she knew that even if she asked Xia Xia, she wouldn't say anything.

To have such a strong recovery ability will definitely not be eaten by mistake in summer, that is to say, it must be recovered after taking some kind of recovery medicine in summer.

From the first time she saw Xia Xia, she felt that Xia Xia was a strange person. Zeng Rou didn't want the five million she gave, but she insisted on taking the college entrance examination. She was even more surprised when she saw Xia Xia this morning. Until now, she couldn't believe that Xia Xia had recovered in such a short period of time.

No one knows the resilience of the human body better than she, because she is a family of medicine.

Although her family also has medicines that make people recover quickly, it takes seven to ten days at the fastest, and those medicine pills are treasures in the family.

But Xia Xia actually recovered like a normal person in just two or three days, which means Xia Xia must have taken some kind of medicine higher than the best medicine in her family.

This also made her more interested in summer.

A medicine that is more powerful than the medicine prepared by the old guys in her family. Once she gets the formula or manufacturing method of this medicine, her family will surpass all other medical families and become the number one in China in one fell swoop. .

"Xiamen, if I have the chance, I'd really like to meet the person who gave you that kind of medicine. UU reading" Bai Yiyi looked at Xia Tian with a smile.

"Sister Nurse, you may have misunderstood. I really didn't take any medicine, I can swear." Xia Xia did not take any medicine, he just used the necklace left by his mother to recover.

"Oh, that's probably because I checked it wrong." Bai Yiyi didn't fully trust Xia Xia's words. She thought Xia Xia might be afraid of causing trouble for herself, so she deliberately concealed it. Of course, it could also be Xia Xia's body. The probability of a mutation is very slim. After all, human potential is unlimited, and no one dares to guarantee the strength of human potential.

Neither of the two of them went to pay for the meal this summer, because the owner of the hot pot restaurant waived the bill for the two of them. Because of Bai Yiyi, the hot pot restaurant was full of people today, and there were many waiting tables.

It was all because of Bai Yiyi, so the boss also gave them a favor, and also gave Bai Yiyi a platinum membership card, and they could get a 50% discount whenever they came.

After saying goodbye to Bai Yiyi, Xia Xia walked to the bar block.

There are all kinds of people here. When Xia Xia was walking on the street, a woman happened to come from behind, and she kept winking at Xia Xia.

"Stinky hooligan, I knew you wouldn't do anything good." At this moment, Lin Bingbing's voice came from behind Xia Tian.

Xia Xia hurried to Lin Bingbing's side: "You misunderstood."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you misunderstand me." Lin Bingbing snorted coldly.

The street girl was slightly taken aback when she saw Lin Bingbing, because Lin Bingbing was so beautiful, she knew that her efforts just now were in vain, and she couldn't help but scolded herself angrily: "These days , I'm really sick when I go out to play and bring my girlfriend."