
Lin Bingbing was very dissatisfied with Xia Xia's behavior. Although she knew Xia Xia was an extremely lewd man, she didn't expect him to like this kind of stuff. Just now she saw with her own eyes that the woman was too much.

They have important tasks here this time, but they still have the heart to do it in summer.

If it weren't for the fact that she came to help this summer, she would have taught him a lesson long ago.

"I warn you, this is my only chance to enter the Special Operations Department. If I fail, I want you to look good." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia viciously.

"What exactly is the Special Operations Unit?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The Special Operations Department was called special agents before the founding of the People's Republic of China, but the current Special Operations Department is indeed the most elite group of people in China. There are all kinds of people in it, and they are the best people. The requirements for entering the Special Operations Department are It's very high." Lin Bingbing explained that Xia Xia didn't even understand the special operations department.

"Then what's the use after entering?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Of course it's useful, where you can meet the best police officers, the best SWAT officers, case-solving geniuses like Di Renjie, computer experts, etc. Once you enter the Special Operations Department, you will learn more in the future. Now, I can get to know more powerful people." Lin Bingbing is particularly yearning for the Special Operations Office, everyone has heard about the Special Operations Office more or less, but few people really know about the Special Operations Office. .

The reason why she knew about the Special Operations Department was because her uncle was the mayor of Jianghai City, and of course there was a more important reason, that is, she wanted to find that man, the man who abandoned his wife and children.

"Since there are so many people in there, how could you possibly go in? Are you going to go through the back door?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing suspiciously.

"You have to go through the back door. I am being tested in an upright manner." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia angrily. The Special Operations Department had always been her dream place, and she would never rely on her uncle's relationship.

Although she had this opportunity because of her uncle, she just asked for an opportunity and didn't go through the back door.

"Okay, come here." Xia Tian stretched out his hand.

"What, I'll do it." Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"You need to go to the test in an upright manner. There are tens of thousands of people here, and you need to find shadows from these tens of thousands of people." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Hmph." Lin Bingbing gritted his teeth angrily, stomping his feet: "Go, go, whoever is afraid."

Lin Bingbing walked straight forward, Xia Xia followed behind, Lin Bingbing became more and more angry as she walked, Xia Xia obviously helped herself according to Ye Wanqing's request, but now she actually asked herself to find it alone.

Where should she go now? You can't find it just by relying on the blurry photo. The lights here are not normal colors. Even if the person stands in front of her, she may not be able to recognize it, let alone find a needle in a haystack like this.

She can't always pull someone over and ask if you are a shadow. If so, the shadow would have scared away long ago.

Look left, look right, no matter how you look, you can't see it.

"Tell me, what does that man do?" Xia Xia pointed to a man in front of them on the left. The man was neatly dressed, with a suit, leather shoes and a white shirt.

"He should be working in a bank or a professional IT worker!" Lin Bingbing said.

"Wrong, he's a security guard." Xia Xia said.

"But he's wearing a professional attire, so he doesn't look like a security guard." Lin Bingbing asked inexplicably.

"Are you still willing to wear a police uniform to go shopping and play after get off work?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't want to." Lin Bingbing understood what Xia Xia meant: "But how did you know he was a security guard?"

"His suit and shoes are clean, and he takes good care of himself, which proves that he usually doesn't wear this suit, and as long as there is a car to park, he can't help but look back at the parking space and on both sides of the road. The width and narrowness of it." Xia Xia's observation ability was cultivated by his father since childhood, what Sherlock Holmes, he would know Xia Xia before he was ten years old.

"If you are so powerful, then tell me which of these people is the shadow?" Although Lin Bingbing felt that Xia Xia's words made some sense, she was still not convinced.

"Neither, do you think Shadow is standing on the street twenty-four hours a day waiting for you to catch him?" Xia Tian looked contemptuous.

"Don't all killers come out in the dark and sleep during the day?" Lin Bingbing asked again.

"You've watched too many TV dramas. Do you have to climb the window when you enter a room to kill people in the dark?" Xia Xia was completely defeated by Lin Bingbing's innocence: "Is the killer also dignified?"

"It's like some girls don't dare to go to WC by themselves in the dark, they are afraid of ghosts. Have you ever thought about ghosts? Ghosts also have dignity. Which ghost is free to sleep in the middle of the night and get out of the toilet. To scare you."

"You. Well, you're ruthless, so what should we do now?" Lin Bingbing was speechless, looking at Xia Xia and asking.

Xia Tian looked at Lin Bingbing and smiled slightly: "From now on, you listen to me, you can do whatever I ask you to do."

In the summer, he took Lin Bingbing directly into a bar. The bar was not big, and the decoration of the front was not very luxurious. There were not even street girls. Normally, there are very few guests in this kind of place.

Which customer doesn't want the more women in the bar, the better. The more rotten the lights, the better. Even women only like to go to larger places, so that they have a sense of security and can meet the golden tortoise-in-law.

After walking into the bar, Lin Bingbing's appearance immediately attracted the attention of the people around her. She was so beautiful, and she didn't have any makeup on. It was very rare for a woman to come to a place like this without makeup.

It is absolutely uncommon for a glamorous beauty to be so beautiful without makeup. Although the bar also has a life of singing and dancing, which is similar to other bars, but if you look closely, you will find that there will always be only those few waves of people who really dance there. As for The others either looked around vigilantly, or whispered something there.

The bar block was already very chaotic, and this bar became even more chaotic. The men were extremely lewd, and some were even secretive. The women were dressed in odd shapes, and some were even non-mainstream.

Lin Bingbing was very uncomfortable with the environment here, and her brows were constantly wrinkling. She found that people here looked at her with naked eyes, and they did not hide it at all.

"Go, dance with me." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Why do you want to dance?" Lin Bingbing asked in confusion.

"Didn't you just agree to listen to me?" Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, but I can't dance." Lin Bingbing made up her mind to cooperate with the summer.

"Follow me." Xia Xia took Lin Bingbing's hand and ran to the dance floor. Although Lin Bingbing was a little reluctant, she followed Xia to the dance floor. She couldn't dance at all, and she felt restrained here.

"There are dozens of eyes staring at us now, don't look around." Xia Tian pretended to hug Lin Bingbing and whispered in her ear.

Lin Bingbing nodded slightly, and swayed back and forth with Xia Xia, thinking it was dancing.

Xia Xia's eyes quickly scanned the room. When he and Lin Bingbing had just entered the bar, they were already under surveillance. Who made Lin Bingbing look so beautiful, and she didn't look like she came here to relax at all.

This has already revealed half of her identity.

"Boss, that little girl seems to be a spy."

"A few of you will try her in a while, and let me be careful with other transactions."

"Don't worry, boss, no one dares to arrest anyone in our territory."

"Send a few more people to check it out. I'll have a big man here to get things in a while. Don't make any mistakes."

"Don't worry, boss, let's try this chick first, and if she's a sliver, we'll take her away."

Xia Xia's eyes can see the shape of everyone Although it is very noisy here, he can't hear what those people are saying, but he has learned spoken language from his father, and he can see it with his clairvoyant eyes. Know what those people are talking about.

Although Shadow is a person from Quicksand, Quicksand has never had a fixed base. Their people do tasks outside all year round, and it is impossible to carry weapons with them. They will be arrested by the police, so they must contact the local weapons every time they go to a place. Suppliers, even if it is a simple dagger, they will not go to ordinary stores to buy it, because that will only reveal their identity.

For those in quicksand, revealing their identity is equivalent to death.

Xia Xia came here precisely because his father told him about the most chaotic places in various places when he was a child. At that time, he also gave an example of the bar district in Jianghai City, but at that time he used an educational tone to tell Xia Xia not to step on it. into this place.

Xia Tian guessed from the words of the person just now that the person who was coming was probably related to the shadow, but the people here didn't know that the buyer would be someone from Quicksand.

"Little girl, she looks pretty." Several gangsters with dyed yellow hair said as they danced around Lin Bingbing.

"This body, this face, it's so beautiful."

Hearing these words, Lin Bingbing frowned. If it was a normal day, she would have taught these guys a lesson, but in the summer just now, she had reminded her not to leak it, so she was still holding back, but it was about to happen soon. It was on the verge of an outbreak, because these little gangsters became more and more arrogant, and began to rub against Lin Bingbing.

At this moment, Xia Xia pulled Lin Bingbing into his arms with one hand.

"You seem to be offending people who shouldn't be offended." Xia Xia looked at these yellow hairs with a smile.