
The killer industry is extremely dangerous. They may not be able to see the sun tomorrow. It is precisely because of this that many low-level killers have acquired some bad habits, such as smoking dummy, gambling and beauty.

Real high-level killers don't have these bad habits at all, because they understand that even a little mistake will cost them their lives.

Shadow is just a third-level killer in quicksand. Although it cannot be said to be bad, it is definitely not high. The level of killers in quicksand is roughly divided into five levels, and the fifth level is the worst. The kind of intern who entered the quicksand, followed by the fourth-level killer who just turned regular. A third-level killer like him is already a veteran.

Because he felt that he had no hope of promotion, and his ability was limited, so he began to enjoy life. This kind of enjoyment is not to live away from the quicksand, because once leaving the quicksand, it means death.

No one can leave the quicksand alive.

This has also infected a large number of third-level killers in Quicksand with this habit.

The bathroom was turbulent for a while, Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing enjoyed a good show inside the partition, and the two of them kept peeking in that small gap.

"It's so shameless." Lin Bingbing scolded inwardly, the two people outside were actually doing this kind of thing, but she was angry, but she didn't dare to make too many moves to avoid being discovered by the shadows.

Now her posture with Xia Xia is also very strange, she is lying on the door watching, Xian Xian is also lying on the door behind her to watch this good show.

"Hey, he actually came out with a weapon." Lin Bingbing secretly said, but she immediately realized that there was summer behind her, so the strange thing she felt should be something like a dagger.

Or is it a hidden weapon. She thought Xia Xia was weird before, but now she realizes that Xia Xia is a coward. She came out on a mission with a weapon like a dagger on her body.

When she thought of this, she felt a burst of joy in her heart. Since she came out tonight, she has no sense of existence at all.

But now she finally got a handle on Xia Xia. It turned out that Xia Xia was actually a coward. She had to bring a weapon when she came out. She had already thought about it. After she went out for a while, she must laugh at Xia Xia well, and let him talk about himself in the future. .

In order to avoid being discovered by the shadow, he didn't dare to move, which made his back sweat out. If Lin Bingbing discovered this, he would be torn apart alive.

But he immediately saw that Lin Bingbing had discovered it, but he couldn't understand why Lin Bingbing was not only not angry, but was still laughing.

Could it be that she looks cold and glamorous on the outside, but she is actually a very open woman on the inside? The thought of summer here makes me even more excited.

After more than 20 minutes, the battle outside finally ended, and Xia Xia was relieved.

"Yo, this is your girlfriend, she's really pretty." Miss Singer picked up a photo from the ground. Her angle was just right for Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing, who were hiding in the partition, to see the photo. people on top.

"Give it back to me." Shadow hurriedly snatched the photo back, and then took out two thousand dollars from his pocket: "This is extra for you. Be sure to remember it and forget the person in the photo."

"Okay, okay, there are rules in our line of business, and I won't tell your girlfriend." The singing girl thought that Shadow was worried that she would bump into his girlfriend and talk nonsense in the future, so she explained.

Hearing the singing girl's words, Shadow nodded with satisfaction, and then left the bathroom. The singing girl left with a smile of two thousand yuan in her hand.

At this time, Xia Xia frowned. He knew the person in the photo just now, and it was Zeng Rou. He didn't expect that Shadow's target was Zeng Rou, so he absolutely couldn't let Shadow go.

In his heart, Zeng Rou was already half a woman. When facing the people in Quicksand, Zeng Rou dared to stand in front of him, which was enough to prove her feelings for Xia Xia.

Although he and Zeng Rou have only met a few times, but sometimes some feelings are only momentary.

He remembered his acquaintance with Zeng Rou. From the first car accident, to the subsequent kidnapping, to the current assassination, it seemed that there was definitely a huge conspiracy hidden by Zeng Rou's side. Someone wanted her to die.

"Your task is complete, you can go and make a phone call." Xia Xia said lightly.

"What weapons are you hiding on your body?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia and said, "I didn't expect it, so you are a coward. You even bring a weapon when you go out on a mission. Is it a dagger?"

"What weapon?" Xia Xia asked in It was the tough thing just now, as if it was hidden in your trouser pocket. "Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia's trouser pocket, but did not find any weapons.

"Cough!" Xia Xia coughed softly and hurriedly explained: "Yes, you guessed it right, I did hide a weapon, you hurry up and inform him that he has returned to the box just now, I guess he is not tonight. will go."

"Okay, then, I'll go out and make a phone call, the signal is not good here." Lin Bingbing heard Xia Xia admit it, and ran out to make a phone call happily.

Seeing Lin Bingbing's back, Xia Xia let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin Bing Bing didn't find out what kind of weapon Xia Xia was wearing. Otherwise, Lin Bingbing would definitely explode, and it would be difficult to handle then.

Knowing about Shadow's mission this time, Xia Xia will naturally not let him go. No matter when the people from Auntie's side arrive, he plans to solve Shadow as soon as possible to avoid him escaping. He wants to deal with Zeng Rou's people. Will never let go.

After leaving the bathroom, he walked to the shadow box.

For Shadow, there is no safer place than this place. No one would have thought that a killer would actually rest in the KTV box. After the battle, he lay on the long sofa.

At this moment, he was still reminiscing about the beautiful experience he had with that singing girl just now, and he smiled beautifully. He vowed that after this task was completed, he would definitely enjoy it for a few days and completely relax and relax.

There are too many tasks recently, and his spirit needs to be relaxed. Just when he was perfectly indulging in this feeling, the door was suddenly opened.

"Who." Shadow hurriedly sat up and looked at the door vigilantly.

"The one who wants your life."