Azure Cloud Dagger

The first thing Xia Xia did after breaking into Shadow's box was to see if there was any surveillance, but fortunately, most of these KTVs were not equipped with surveillance, including the corridors, and only the bottom hall had surveillance.

This is also convenient for those who do not want to reveal their identity and do not want to leave a trace.

Shadow recognized Xia Xia at a glance. In that bar, he remembered what Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing looked like. He originally thought he had gotten rid of Xia Xia, but unexpectedly he was caught up.

"Who the **** are you? Now it's a law/rule society/community, what do you want to do?" Shadow didn't want to reveal his identity.

"I just want to kill you." Xia Xia didn't want to waste time. He wanted to kill Shadow in the shortest time. After saying that, the fairy steps under his feet had reached the limit, and he came to Shadow in an instant.

"He's actually a master." Shadow knew that it was bad when he saw Xia Xia's shot. He didn't expect Xia Xia's skills to be so good.

He was in no rush to fight back. He had already lost his chance and hurriedly rolled on the ground, avoiding Xia Xia's blow, but at this moment he seemed to see a pair of bewitching eyes.

Xia Xia's eyes are quick and hands are fast, his hands are condensed, and he quickly points on Shadow's body. With one hit, Shadow completely loses his ability to resist.

The speed of the attack is very fast. In the blink of an eye, Xia Xia has already clicked on the thirty-six points/dao of the shadow, and then twisted the shadow's head with a twist with both hands. This is the first time he has killed someone. .

There is no feeling of vomiting, nor any discomfort, because he knows that this person is a must-kill person, and only by killing him can he protect the person he wants to protect.

"It seems that my strength has increased a lot in the past two days." Xia Xia nodded with satisfaction. This shadow is not much different in strength from those who followed/tracked him. At that time, he was still so laborious to deal with that person, but this It's so easy when dealing with shadows on your own.

In fact, this doesn't mean that Shadow's strength is poor. He is a killer. All training for him is assassination/killing. His greatest skill is to make people die quietly, not to confront people head-on.

That's why he was killed by Xia Xia so easily.

After killing the shadow, Xia Tian set his eyes on the package on the sofa.

"It should contain weapons/weapons, let me see what kind of guy it is." Xia Xia looked at the package on the sofa, the shadow people were very careful, no matter which city they went to, they would transport their weapons/weapons there first. Then send it to a transit place, that is, the bar, and finally take it out.

If you need a hand/gun, explosive/powder, sniper/shot/gun and other items, it will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, people in quicksand generally rarely use guns.

Xia Tian opened the package and saw a dagger/dagger. The handle was green, with the word Qingyun written on it.

"Good stuff, I want it." Xia Xian hid the dagger/dagger by the side of his shoe, and then covered it with his pants.

Then, after laying the shadow on the sofa and holding the package in his hand, Xia Xian left the room and threw the package into the trash/trash can beside him.

When I walked out of KTV in summer, I ran into Lin Bingbing.

"Aunt Ye asked the two of us to leave here quickly to avoid exposure."

"Okay." Summer nodded.

"Thank you so much today, I will definitely pay you back your thousand yuan next time." Lin Bingbing was very happy at this time, because she really passed/passed the test, so from now on she will be a member of the Special Operations Department .

"Congratulations." Xia Xia took out his phone after saying goodbye to Lin Bingbing.

"I'm Xia." Xia Xia called Zeng Rou's number.

"Summer." Zeng Rou's excited/excited voice came from the other end of the phone/call. She has been sleeping poorly these past few days. Since she left the summer, her mind is full of the figure of the summer. She feels in the arms of the summer. Sleeping is the most comfortable of them all.

"Well, you've been very dangerous recently. Someone should be trying to deal with you. I just dealt with a killer who wanted to assassinate/kill you."

"Killer, where are you? Shall I pick you up?" Zeng Rou asked.

"Uh, okay, I'll wait for you at the intersection of the bar block." Xia Xia paused slightly, then agreed to Zeng Rou.

"I'll be there soon." Zeng Rou ran downstairs excitedly.

Standing at the intersection of the bar block, Xia Xian felt very bored, so he looked at the people around him. Most of these people came to have fun. Of course, some people were doing illegal activities.

Drugs are indispensable for the erosion here, and there are many idle people wandering around in various bars and KTVs, selling drugs.

Although Xia Xia could call the police and arrest them, but he didn't do that. It's useless for these people to be arrested. They are just a bunch of scumbags. Even if they are caught, there will be a new batch of people who want to eradicate the drug sales here/ sell, then the root of evil must be found.

Fighting in this kind of place can be said to be a common thing. At this time, there are several idle people in the front left of the summer beating a teenager. After the teenager was kicked to the ground, he covered his head. Those idle people It kept kicking at him.

After the boy endured it for a long time, he stood up quickly and bit directly at one of them's ears.

"Ah!" A scream came from the mouth of the idle person, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com boy's mouth was full of blood.

"Let go, let go quickly." Several other gangsters hurriedly attacked the boy.

The blood fell to the ground, and the blood flowers scattered and disappeared from sight, but the young man did not let go.

"ruthless, ruthless." This is Xia Xia's impression of the boy.

Xia Xia walked towards the idlers, and after coming to them, kicked them out one by one, while the young man was paralyzed/soft on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Can you stand up by yourself?" Xia Xia looked at the boy and asked.

"Hmph." The boy snorted coldly, and stood up with difficulty, enduring the severe pain in his body.

"Why fight with these people?" Xia Xia asked again.

"They stole my girlfriend." The boy said viciously.

"Then did your girlfriend volunteer with them?" Xia Xia then asked.

"Yes." The boy didn't explain anything.

"Very good. If you don't want to be bullied, you need to be better than others. If you want your woman not to abandon you, then you need the capital to keep her from abandoning her." Xia Xia turned around.


The boy knelt directly behind Xia Xia: "Accept me as a disciple, I know you are very powerful."

"Are you ready to die?" Xia Xia looked back at the boy.

"I have no father or mother, so I have never been afraid of death." The young man said firmly.

"What's your name?" Xia Tian asked.

"Goofy." The boy replied.

"Okay, you call the owner of this phone/phone number and say that Xia Xia asked you to find him, you can just call him Elder Xu." Xia Xia turned around and left.
