Protect Zeng Rou

Zeng Rou quickly came to the intersection of the bar block and saw Xia Xia at first sight. This time she drove over by herself.

"How have you been recently?" In the car, Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia tenderly.

"Fortunately, it's you, I'm afraid I'm in big trouble recently." Xia Xia said lightly.

"I know that the family is full of crises recently. Those old guys have their own plans. They want me to die. As for the distribution of equity after my death, they should have already negotiated or prepared." Zeng Rou said sadly. .

"Then why do you still stay there? They may have already asked Quicksand to take action. As long as Quicksand's people take over the task, they will never die." Xia Xia looked at Zeng Rou in confusion.

"Our mother and daughter are helpless, and it is normal to be aggrieved. I hold 51% of the shares of the Zeng Group, and I am the largest shareholder of the Zeng Group. Once I die, my shares will fall. On my daughter, Tian Tian is still young and doesn't understand anything, those old guys will definitely not let her go." Zeng Rou's eyes revealed a trace of desolation.

"Hey, there are only two ways to solve things now, one is that you sell all your equity, and the other is to get rid of those old guys, not only to let their equity in your hands, but even to let those daring People die." Xia Xia sighed, the last thing he wanted to see was the second result, he didn't want to be that wicked person, but he also knew that sometimes others would force you to be such a wicked person.

"Even if I sell my shares, they won't let me go. After all, the money is enough to attract anyone to commit crimes." Zeng Rou didn't think those old guys in the family would be merciful to her.

"Then we can only find a way to get rid of these people." Xia Xia frowned.

"I don't want you to do illegal things. Just give me three days and I can dismantle the power of the old guys." Zeng Rou knew that the old guys in the family were going to attack her, so she also Get ready early.

The shares of those old guys add up to less than 30. She has a way to completely empty the power of those old guys. Ever since she almost got into a car accident every day, she has already started to plan this matter.

"Then I'll be with you for the past three days. With me, no one can do anything to you." Xia Tian nodded.

"Hee hee." Zeng Rou smiled. She was happiest not that Xia Tian could protect her, but that she was finally able to stay with Xia Xia. Originally, she didn't know how to approach Xia Xia.

Now finally has this chance.

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Xia turned to look at Zeng Rou, Zeng Rou's beauty is that kind of mature beauty, her clothes and every makeup look have their own meaning, not much, not much.

Her whole body exudes a mature charm. At this time, she is like a ripe fruit.

She had been waiting for others to pick her, but her body was covered with spikes, which was Zeng Rou's protection for herself. This layer of spikes would only disappear in the face of summer.

"I'm happy, so I just laugh." Zeng Rou was very happy at this time. She didn't ask for much. As long as Xia Tian could be by her side, her heart would be very peaceful.

The car soon drove to Zeng Rou's residence, which was an independent villa.

There is a large iron gate at the door, guarded by security guards.

Seeing the environment in the yard and the luxury of the house, Xia Xia knew how rich Zeng Rou was.

"It's really big here." Xia Xia glanced around.

"Do you like it? This is also your home in the future. This set of keys is all the keys of this villa. You take it." Zeng Rou handed a set of keys to Xia Xia.

"What are you doing for me?" Xia Tian looked at the key in his hand.

"In case the bad guy comes, which room do you want to enter, wouldn't it be troublesome without the key." Zeng Rou explained, but she didn't think so in her heart. The reason why she gave Xia Xia the key was that Xia Xian would really put This is like home.

Every day, she runs around the house under the care of the nanny.

When I saw summer, I ran over directly every day.

"Brother, hug." Tiantian likes Xia Tian very much, because Xia Tian came forward to protect her every time in the most dangerous time. Children don't know much, but she knows that no matter what danger, as long as she sees Xia Xia, it will be fine. .

"Tian Tian, ​​think about my brother." Xia Tian hugged Tian Tian and smiled, Xiao Tian Tian was really cute.

"Think." Tian Tian said in a milky voice.

"Why did you just come here, big brother, let your big brother rest for a while." Zeng Rou said when she saw Tian Tian's appearance, she was happy from the bottom of her heart when she saw Tian Tian and Xia Xia being so close.

"It's Xiao Tiantian is so cute, I'm not happy if you don't let me hug me." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Zeng Rou sat beside Xia Xia and Xiao Tian, ​​her face was full of smiles. She finally felt the existence of home. At this moment, she didn't need to think about work or the old guys in the family. Not to mention that someone is going to deal with her.

The body and mind are extremely relaxed.

"Wang Ma, go down and rest first." Zeng Rou said.

"Yes, ma'am." Wang Ma lives outside the villa, and she has a special car to pick her up every day when she comes here.

"Tian Tian, ​​you are here to watch TV with big brother, while mom is going to take a bath." Zeng Rou kissed Tian Tian's face and walked straight to the bathroom.

"Take a bath." Xia Xia's spirit was shocked when he heard this word. He had just enjoyed the battle between Shadow and the singing girl, and he was still very excited now.

As soon as she came to Zeng Rou's house, Zeng Rou was about to take a bath.

Every day I have been honest with Xia Tian, ​​and I really watched TV there.

Although Xia Xia was watching TV at this time, the battle between the dark night and the singing girl just now appeared in his mind all the time.

He didn't dare to look back, afraid that his perspective eyes would be opened involuntarily by himself, and then he would make a fool of himself.

Time passed minute by minute, and every minute and every second was a torment for Xia Xia. Although he was watching the show on TV, he was imagining what Zeng Rou looked like when he was taking a bath.

Rapid heartbeat.

The bathroom door opened: "I've finished washing, do you want to wash it too?"

In front of the bathroom, a woman with wet long hair and a stunned face stood on the spot, a few drops of water dropped from time to time on her body, but her bathrobe was very tight.
