kneel down and admit your mistake

"Sister Rou, I'm going to Jianghai University soon, you can go with me." Xia Xia didn't let Zeng Rou stay here alone, after all, there was a second-level killer in the dark.

"I'll go over there and make arrangements." Zeng Rou nodded, she knew that Xia Xia was there to protect her.

Now there are still some things that need to be dealt with. Seeing Zeng Rou's simple explanation, someone will solve so many messes, and Xia Xia looks envious.

"Sister Regret, today there is a basketball game at Jianghai University."

"The CNBA hasn't started yet, so it should be a friendly match, right?"

"It's not a friendly match, it's related to the basketball **** last time."

"What? The **** of basketball? Is that the sharpshooter who hits all the shots?"

"It's him, the basketball **** who defeated Fang Li. I heard that this time they used Xue Chuan's relationship for revenge. His father is the vice president of Jianghai University. If Ye Qingxue doesn't accept the challenge, he will disband Literature and Art. department."

"It seems that the basketball club of Jianghai University is becoming more and more disappointing. I originally thought that Tang Yan's arrival would make the basketball club a little better, but the methods were a little too despicable."

"Didn't you want to watch the basketball **** play again last time? This is a good opportunity."

"I haven't been able to find any trace of that person since the last basketball game. This time is a good opportunity."

Yang Bugui is a basketball headhunter. She has been involved in the basketball career all the year round. Her job is to discover basketball talents, find basketball talents, and bring basketball talents to the battlefield of CBA.

Most of the players were excavated from the CNBA.

The last time she watched Xia Xia's game, she was very shocked. In her eyes, Xia Xia had the potential to become a superstar in all aspects. She tried to find out a way to inquire about Xia Xia, but in the end, she had everything except the name Xia Xia. Did not inquire.

"This time I must not let you escape."

"Sister Kiss, I think this time may be a misunderstanding. I didn't know Xue Chuan would do this, and I just heard about it." Tang Yan explained.

"I will naturally handle Xue Chuan's affairs. The student council is mine. No one except me can dissolve any department, not even the vice-principal."

Seeing the Huo Kiss girl was really angry, Tang Yan was also at a loss for words. She knew the strength behind the Huo Kiss girl, and the reason why she was able to become the coach of the basketball team was the help of the Huo Kiss Girl gang.

The basketball career has always been her dream. She wants the basketball team of Jianghai University to win the national championship, and she has been working hard towards this goal.

In order to make the basketball team accept her as a female coach, she has paid a lot of hard work.

"Sister Kiss, I'll go to Xue Chuan and the others, and tell them to stop this farce." Tang Yan stood up and wanted to leave.

"No need." Ye Qingxue, who was sitting next to her and never said a word, said, "Sister Kiss, summer is already on its way. I am the head of the Department of Literature and Art, and I have the right to protect the dignity of the Department of Literature and Art."

"Xia Xia! That's what you said, let Wang Nianlin deflate and defeat Fang Li." Huo-kissed girl had some impression of Xia Xia, but in her eyes, Xia Xia was no different from other men, so she also Not too much to know about summer.

"It's him." Ye Qingxue nodded.

"Since people have come, then I can agree to this game, but since it's a game, there must be a lucky draw." Huo-kissed girl looked at Tang Yan and said.

"What color head, kiss sister, you have the final say." Tang Yan said.

"This game was created by Xue Chuan. If he loses, let him kneel down and admit his mistake to Xia Xia."

"Sister Kiss, you also know Xue Chuan's temper, so how is it possible for him to do this?" Tang Yan asked after hearing the words of Huo Kiss.

"This is your business."

At the same time, in the basketball department.

"Brother Chuan, I heard that the eldest sister was called by the shrew of the fire kiss girl."

"I know." Xue Chuan said with a serious expression.

"You also know how powerful that shrew is. It seems that our game this time should be ruined again."

"No way, I can't provoke her." Xue Chuan's expression was always so serious.

"Then we can't take revenge. Everyone in the school knows that our basketball team lost to the sissies in the literature and art department, and we lost in basketball, which we are best at."

"Fang Li, come here." Xue Chuan looked up at Fang Li.

"Captain, do you think I'm handsome again? I feel the same way." Fang Li said very narcissistically.

"Is that person really as powerful as you said?" Xue Chuan knew Fang Li's ability, and it was definitely not a careless or a mistake to be able to lose to the opponent by such a large score. But the other party is really too strong.

"I've never met such a strong opponent." Fang Li usually finds it hard to look serious, but since the last game, as long as someone mentions that game and that basketball god, he will Become serious.

"Do you know who he is?" Xue Chuan asked I don't know. I found someone to check, but there was no news. All I knew was that he was called Xia Xia and was invited by Ye Qingxue. "Fang Li shook his head.

"If we can find such talents to join the basketball team, then we really have a chance to win the national championship." Xue Chuan's face seemed to never show a smile.

"Eldest sister is back."

Everyone looked at Tang Yan at the door. Tang Yan lowered her head and didn't say a word.

"Eldest sister, was the match cancelled by the shrew who kissed the fire girl?"

"I knew that shrew would definitely come out to stop him."

"Looks like we can't get revenge."

Everyone in the basketball team was downcast. After losing to the literature and art department last time, they were looked down on everywhere they went. They originally planned to use this game to win back their face, but now, looking at Tang Yan's expression, they knew that it was definitely not good news.

"Eldest sister, just talk about it, how did the fire kiss girl decide?" Xue Chuan asked

"She said that the game can be played, but there must be bets." Tang Yan looked at Xue Chuan, she understood Xue Chuan's temper, and this was the most difficult thing for her.

"What bets?" Xue Chuan asked again.

"If you lose, you must kneel down to Xia Xia and admit your mistake." Tang Yan said with a frown.

"What? That **** is too much, how can she do this?"

"What kind of wind does she smoke? No, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible."

"She is insulting the captain."

Everyone knows Xue Chuan's arrogance. He never bows his head in front of anyone, and he always gives people a feeling of being aloof, usually serious and cold.

"I agree."