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Xue Chuan grew up with a golden key from a young age. His father was the vice president of Jianghai University, and his status was very high in Jianghai City. He was praised wherever he went from childhood to adulthood.

He is handsome, tall, and has a wealthy family. He is also the captain of the basketball team.

Everyone in his basketball team knows that when Tang Yan first came to the basketball team, no one took her seriously. At that time, everyone in the basketball team listened to the captain Xue Chuan.

It wasn't until later that Tang Yan showed his true skills and led the basketball team to win the CBA team in a friendly match. From then on, Xue Chuan began to recognize Tang Yan, and everyone listened to Tang Yan's words, but Xue Chuan only treated her only. It's just recognition.

The conditions put forward by Huo-kissed girl can be said to be very harsh. Kneeling down and admitting her mistake is simply insulting, but Xue Chuan understood that it was Huo-kissed girl warning him.

Before, he took someone to challenge Ye Qingxue with his father's name.

She is in Liwei, take Xue Chuan to Liwei.

In Jianghai University, there is absolutely no one who dares to provoke Huo kiss girl, including him Xue Chuan. Although his father is the vice president, even the president and directors of Jianghai University will take the initiative to say hello when they see Huo kiss girl.

Huo-kissed girl's background is very strong. The largest company in Jianghai City, Huoyun Company, it is said that the old chairman of Huoyun Company had fought a war before, and he later founded this Huoyun Company.

The forces involved in Huoyun Company are not only Jianghai City, but even those surrounding cities have Huoyun Company business.

Huoyun didn't start out with dirty business. They are involved in many businesses, such as movies, TV series, real estate and many other industries.

Huo Kushi is the granddaughter of the boss of Huoyun Company, and the most outstanding child of the third generation of the Huo family.

Xue Chuan naturally knew the power of the Huo-kissed girl. The reason why he intimidated Ye Qingxue was to see if the basketball **** was really as good as the legend, and to hit basketball to his level, even those in the CBA. He doesn't even pay attention to the masters, unless the stars in the NBA can make him admire.

"What did you say?" Tang Yan looked at Xue Chuan in disbelief.

"Boss, you didn't hear clearly, that shrew asked you to kneel down and admit your mistake." Everyone looked at Xue Chuan in confusion.

"I know." Xue Chuan slowly raised his head: "But it's just a bet. It's when we lose that I need to kneel down and admit my mistake, but if we win, we don't need it."

"But Captain, that summer was really good." Fang Li frowned and looked at Xue Chuan.

"Don't you have confidence in me? And I'm not playing alone. The five of us will play together, and all the main players of the basketball team will play together. I want to see if he can catch it." Xue Chuan said confidently. , This time he will attack with all his strength, and all five first-line players will play.

This is absolute strength.

"Xue Chuan, are you sure?" Tang Yan looked at Xue Chuan seriously.

"That's right."

"Okay, everyone on the basketball team gathers, I want to have a meeting." Tang Yan's voice spread throughout the basketball department.

There are so many beauties in Jianghai University, and even beauties like Ye Qingxue and Tang Yan can only rank fourth to fifth. This shows how high the quality of beauties here is. Every year, many freshmen enter Jianghai University. , there are many beauties who stand out.

But the number one beauty of Jianghai University has never changed.

Yunmiao is the well-deserved number one beauty of Jianghai University. Someone once arranged her every move into a collection and posted it on the Internet, and then it immediately hit the headlines.

She is called the most beautiful woman closest to the fairy, and looking at her is like seeing a fairy descend to the earth. Everyone has only heard of how beautiful Chang'e is, but no one has ever seen her, but everyone at Jianghai University thinks that Even if Chang'e goes down to earth, she may not be as beautiful as Yunmiao.

She feels divine, and no matter where she walks, she seems to be shining like a radiant light.

"Senior sister, it was fun to watch." An extremely ordinary-looking woman pulled Yun Miao and said.

"You, it's so hot, what happened?" Yun Miao's voice was like an oriole, and it sounded like he had entered a fairyland.

"You remember the basketball **** who made a lot of noise a few days ago. He is going to play the basketball team again. I heard that Xue Chuan personally led the team this time, and all the front-line personnel were on the field."

"What's so beautiful about this." Yun Miao said.

"Senior sister, I feel that the basketball **** is not an ordinary person. Have you forgotten the purpose of our coming out? What if this person has something to do with Tongtian Scroll."

"It's been so many years since I came to Jianghai City. I found out that the incomplete scroll might be in the hands of Xia Xialong, but he also died, and the news of the incomplete scroll disappeared completely. Since then, I have never heard about the incomplete scroll. It's over." Yun Miao continued: "There were hundreds of people who participated in that war, and in twelve foreign countries, no one knew whose hands the fragment fell into. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Senior sister, sometimes when we want to find something, it may be out of reach, but sometimes we can find news about the scraps just by watching the fun."

"I really lost to you. You can also think of this reason." Yun Miao said helplessly.

"Senior sister, just follow me. I really want to see what that basketball **** looks like."

"Okay, okay, just let you be willful once." Yun Miao nodded.

This basketball game has attracted a lot of attention. The basketball team was dispatched to fight against the foreign aid basketball **** of the Ministry of Literature and Art. This will definitely be a good show. .

Everyone is looking forward to whether the basketball **** can win again this time.

Whether his amazing long-range shooting will still appear.

Even some reporters have heard about this. They plan to broadcast this event live, and they must clearly show the appearance of the basketball god. Although there were some basketball **** videos last time, there is nothing about basketball. God's photo.

Zeng Rou came to Jianghai University with Xia Xia. Zeng Rou has already gone through a negotiation in Xia Xia. Zeng Rou said that what happened last night will only be regarded as a dream and has nothing to do with Xia Xia. She will be Xia Xia's sister in the future. , not a couple's relationship.

This matter was a decision she made after thinking about it for a long time. She was old, Xia Xia was still so young, and she was so good. She didn't want Xia Xia to put all her thoughts on her because of her selfishness.

Although Xia Xia said that she would be responsible, Zeng Rou's attitude was very firm, and in the end Xia Xia had no choice but to accept it.