There are beautiful women looking for

"Who are you calling a toad/toad?" Wen Ya looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Whoever admits it is whoever." Xia Xia said lightly when he saw the stranger in front of him.

"You don't look after yourself either. Look at what you are. Being my boyfriend is something you can show off for a lifetime." Wen Ya said viciously.

"The story of man and toad/toad, what's there to show off." Xia Xia shook his head.

"You're the toad/toad, and you're worthy of being compared to me. You see, the worse you get, the worse you look. You can't even find a girlfriend, right?" Wen Ya sneered.

"I don't have a girlfriend, only a concubine." Xia Xia said.

"Haha, it's just you, still a concubine, what do you use to support a concubine, even if you have it, you must have been taken care of/raised by a pig/eight/jie he two/aunt." Wen Ya said with a big smile.

"Compared to her, you are ugly." Xia Xia said expressionlessly.

"You call me ugly? Just because you're worthy of calling me ugly, I'm afraid you have never seen a woman more beautiful than me in your life." Wen Ya looked at Xia Xia indifferently.

"See you every day." It is true that in summer, you can see beautiful women/girls every day. Although Wenya is not bad, but compared with Ye Qingxue and others, it is simply incomparable.

"Haha, I see you every day. You are dreaming. If you know a woman who is prettier than me, I will eat/S." Wenya said with a big laugh, as if she heard some funny joke.

She still doesn't know how many people Xia Xia knew.

dong dong dong! !

"I'm sorry, I'm looking for Summer." A beautiful woman appeared at the door. The woman was graceful and luxurious. Her appearance and temperament were the best of the best. Even the big stars on TV were not as beautiful as her.

When they saw this woman, everyone was stunned, and Wenya was more like being slapped/slapped hard, no matter who could see that she couldn't compare with the person at the door. , even if she didn't have the courage to face the beauty/woman at the door.

Xu Shaocong's eyes straightened, the woman at the door was really beautiful.

All the students/students in the class looked at Wenya very tacitly. She just said that it is impossible to meet a girl who is more beautiful than her in the summer, otherwise she would go to eat/S. She didn't expect such a woman to appear directly at the door.

Xia Tian slowly stood up, walked to the door, and passed Wen Ya's side: "Don't eat too much."

The elegant complexion was ashen.

"Who are you?" Xia Xia looked at the strange woman in front of him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, let's see if you recognize this thing." The woman took out a toy red horse.

When he saw this toy little red horse, Xia Xia was stunned. How could he not know this thing?

"Come with me." The woman looked at Xia Xia and said.

At this time, the summer teacher/ren just came.

"Summer, I happened to be looking for you. Here is your admission ticket."

"Thank you teacher/teacher, I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Xia Xia followed the woman outside after receiving the admission ticket.

After stepping into a Mercedes-Benz, Xia Xia left the school with the girl.

Looking at the little red horse in his hand, Xia Xia was full of expectations. It has been a year, and he has not seen Brother Xiao Ma for a year. This little red horse is what he gave to Brother Xiao Ma at the beginning.

Brother Xiao Ma is his sworn brother, the child his father picked up. At that time, Brother Xiao Ma was covered in injuries, and it was his father who healed Brother Xiao Ma.

Brother Xiao Ma lived in his house for a year before he left, and since then he has never seen Brother Xiao Ma again.

Since the death of his father, he has not many relatives in this world. Except for the little/aunt, cousin, and the mother who has never met, there is only brother Ma. They played together when they were two children. If you bully him, Brother Ma will avenge him. If someone beats them, Brother Ma will block all harm for Xia Xia.

In Xia Xia's heart, Brother Xiao Ma is his own relative/brother/brother.

He had asked his father where Xiao Ma was going countless times, but his father always shook his head.

The car drove to a familiar place, which was the restaurant where he ate yesterday.

The woman took Xia Xia to the next door to the box yesterday, and when she opened the door, Xia Xia saw an acquaintance, the horse brother who drove away Xu/Liang yesterday.

Brother Ma, Brother Ma.

"Brother Ma?" Xia Xia looked at each other suspiciously.

"Xiao Tian." Brother Ma smiled slightly.

"It's really you, it's really you." He said excitedly when he heard the long-lost name Xia Xia.

"It's been ten years, and you've looked more and more like a godfather." Brother Xiao Ma hugged Xia Xia, this is a brother's hug.

"Brother Ma, you want to kill me." Xia Xia said excitedly, and the woman sat next to Brother Ma.

"Let me introduce you, she is your sister-in-law/Zi Huayi." What Brother Xiao Ma said was exactly the beauty/girl who went to school to find Xia Xia.

"Sister-in-law/son-in-law." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"I hear your brother Ma tell you about you every day, but I didn't expect you to be so Hua Yi is Brother Xiao Ma's girlfriend and assistant.

Brother Ma is seven years older than Xia Xia, and he should be twenty-five years old this year. Compared with him, Xia Xia is indeed not big.

"Brother Ma, what have you been doing all these years?" Xia Xia looked at Brother Ma and asked.

"I went back to my hometown to deal with some things. I recognized you the first time I saw you yesterday. You and your godfather are so similar." Brother Xiao Ma said lightly.

"You've changed too much. Except for your eyes, your whole person has changed." Xia Xia remembered what Brother Ma looked like when he was a child, which is too different from the current one.

The more the two brothers chatted, the happier they became, and the more they talked, the more Xiao Ma was very sad when he heard that Xia Xia said that his father had died, and later let Xia live with him, but Xia refused.

"Godfather didn't let me remember the way of our family back then, so I never went back to find you." When Xiaoma lived at home in the summer, he only knew that this was Jianghai City. Except for this, he didn't know anything about it. do not know.

"Father has always been like this." Xia Xia was no longer surprised. Father had no friends, and no one ever visited his house.

"Your phone/phone." Hua Yi handed the phone/phone to Brother Ma.

"Hey, head over."

"Pony, my father has gout, and there is no one at home. I can't leave while I'm doing errands outside. Can you help me pick up my father?"

"No problem, I'll go right over."

"Then I'll trouble you."

After hanging up the phone/call, Brother Ma stood up and said, "Brother, come with me."

"Okay." Summer nodded.

"Go and prepare some supplements for me, this is Xiangtou's father." Brother Xiao Ma said softly to Huayi.