take action

"Summer, the college entrance examination will be taken soon. Which university do you want to go to, tell me." Brother Xiao Ma said.

"You just don't believe in your brother's learning ability?" Xia Xia said depressedly.

"Oh, yes, my godfather is so strict with you, I'm overthinking it." Brother Xiaoma smiled slightly. He felt terrified when he saw the things that Xia Xia had learned since he was a child. Fortunately, the godfather didn't ask him that much.

"What are you doing now?" Xia Tian asked.

"What else can I do, deal with the work, you saw it yesterday, all I contacted/contacted were those developers, and I was dealing with building materials." Brother Xiao Ma smiled slightly.

"Why do you know Xiangtou in building materials business?" Xia Xia said inexplicably.

"I can get steel, and I have a connection with it." Although Brother Ma didn't say it clearly, he has already shown how much business he has now.

"It's so powerful." Xia Xia said with admiration. Brother Xiao Ma is only twenty-five years old this year, yet he has made such a big deal.

"What's so great about this, I do have a lot of face in front of those developers, but I also have to look at other people's faces." Brother Xiao Ma didn't say it clearly, but Xia Xia already understood that what he said about others should be Head to the gang.

"It's still amazing. Others are still students/students at your age." Xia Xia praised.

"What's mine is yours. From today on, you're the vice president of Ma's Building Materials. Whatever you want, Brother Ma can give it to you, except for your sister-in-law." Brother Ma patted Xia Xia's shoulder and continued. Said: "You are my only relative in this world."

"I don't want it, those are all yours, Brother Ma, and you are the closest person to me, but I won't ask for your money." Although Xia Xia regarded Brother Ma as his own brother, he would never To the little brother's money.

"It's up to you. Anyway, as long as you use it, you can use all my money at any time." Brother Xiao Ma didn't force Xia Xia, he knew Xia Xia's character was strong.

The car parked outside a villa.

"Hey, his family has a driver and a servant, why do you want to take the old man to the hospital?" Xia Xia asked in confusion. There are both drivers and servants in this villa.

"How can the driver and the servant be arranged, and if I come forward, it will save him a lot of trouble." Brother Ma explained.

Xia Xia nodded, it was true, if a boss came forward to find a good doctor and ward for his father, it would be really troublesome, and he might even be investigated.

"How much money did he embezzle?" Xia Xia asked while looking at such a big house.

"Not a cent." Brother Ma continued: "If he is someone who can solve it with money, then I don't have to work so hard. This villa is the property of the old/father/son."

When he came to the room, the old man/father/son greeted Brother Xiao Ma. Obviously, Brother Xiao Ma was not here for the first time.

Xia Xian frowned when he saw the old man's condition: "Don't touch him."

"What's wrong?" Brother Ma looked at Xia Xia suspiciously. He was asking the servant to put the old man/father/son on the stretcher.

"He should have eaten cold food. If he waits for him to go to the hospital now, his life is probably gone." Xia Tian stretched out his right hand to check the pulse of the old man/father/son.

"It's so serious." Brother Ma frowned, if the old man/father/son had any problems, his relationship with Xiang Thief would be over.

The old man's face is getting greener and his breathing is getting louder. Brother Ma knows that what Xia Tian said might be true.

Xia Xia tapped the old man's stomach with two fingers, then carried the old man and ran in circles in the house.

"What are you doing, let go of the old man quickly." The servants hurriedly shouted.

"I'm the nursing doctor of Mr. Xiang/Master/Zi, please let go of Mr. Xiang/Zi. You are fooling around." Mr. Xiang has his own nursing doctor. He has already checked/examined Mr. Xiang just now. The situation of the old/father/son.

That's why I advocated going to the hospital.

Cough cough!

After the old man coughed a few times, he spit out something from his mouth. After spitting out these things, the old man's face improved obviously, and he gasped for a few breaths: "Thank you little brother for your life-saving grace."

Seeing that the condition of Mr. Xiang's/father/son had improved, everyone around was stunned.

"How did you do it?" Brother Ma looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"Although he has a stroke, as long as he recuperates normally, he can live for a year or two without any problem. The reason why he did this just now was because he ate high-cold seafood, which is a great supplement for ordinary people, but it is not suitable for people who have a stroke. It is undoubtedly deadly for people who are in the same boat," Xia Xia explained.

"Old/Master/Son, what did you eat just now?" Brother Ma asked.

"It's a snow toad. An old friend of mine brought it back to me from outside. He also asked to add some ingredients to make soup together." The old man/father/son replied.

"Old/father/son, can I see that soup?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course you can." The old man/father/son asked someone to bring the soup.

After Xia Xia smelled it, he asked the man to take the soup down again: "Old/Master/Son, how much hatred do you have with this person?"

"No, that person is an old friend of mine."

"Did that old friend of yours send it here himself?" Xia Xia asked again.

"It was sent by his son."

"The Xue Toad was originally a creature with a relatively cold nature, and with these few herbs, the cold poison in the Snow Toad can be forced out, even if an ordinary person takes this kind of cold poison, he will not survive for three months. ' Summer explained.

"Thank you little brother for your life-saving grace. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" The old man/father/son thanked him.

"Lie down and don't move, I'll help you unclog your body/body." Xia Xia tapped the old man/father/son's body with his fingers for a while, and then rubbed it for a while.

"It's so comfortable." The old man/father/son felt that his body/body had never been so good.

"You still know medicine?" Brother Ma looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"My father taught me a little bit." Xia Xia used a consonance finger, and he pointed it on the acupoints/dao of the old/father/son to unclog the flow of his blood and vital cells in the body/body/inner.

"Thank you so much, I feel that my illness is completely cured." The old man/father/zi said excitedly.

"Old/Master/Son, you misunderstood, I just helped you to unclog your body/body, your illness is not getting better, if there is a silver needle to help, it will take me more than a year to cure your illness. ' Summer explained.

"What? To cure my disease, do you mean that my disease can be cured?" The old man/father looked at Xia Xia in surprise. After so many years, no matter what hospital he went to, those people told him that the disease could be cured. , but the root cannot be removed at all, and the incidence will become more and more frequent with age.

"It should be possible." Xia Xian didn't try it either, but according to his knowledge of the human body, he could indeed remove the toxins from the old/father/child's body/body.

"I hope the little brother can heal my illness." After the old man/father/son finished speaking, he was about to kneel, and Xia Tian hurriedly supported the old man.

"What are you doing?"

"Little brother, I'm not afraid of death, but I can't die. Once I die, Xiangjia will face/face a lot of big problems, which will involve dozens of people on/up/down/down from Xiangjia, so I Please cure me." The old man said sincerely.

"Okay, but I need a silver needle."