Bianque magic needle

Xia Xia can see that this Xiang Lao / father / son is very helpful to Xiao Ma's business. If he cures Xiang Lao / father / son, then both Xiang Tou and Xiang Lao / father / son will be very grateful to Xiao Ma. Marco's.

"I have. I have a set of treasures hidden in my house, which were handed down from my ancestors." Mr. Xiang turned around and walked towards his bedroom.

Soon, Mr. Xiang walked out of his bedroom, holding a brocade box in his hand. When he saw this brocade box, Xia Tian knew that it contained extraordinary items.

"Old/Master/Son, you can't let him do this. Who knows if he is a deceiver in the arena." The nursing doctor of Master/Master/Son stepped forward to stop him.

"I am voluntary." Although it was the first time for Mr. Xiang to see Xia Xia, he believed in Xia Xia's ability very much.

"No, absolutely not. If he gives you acupuncture, I will call the police." The nursing doctor at the home of the old man/father/son threatened. He is the nursing doctor of the home. , he absolutely does not allow strangers to treat the old / father / son.

He holds a generous salary/salary every month.

He will never allow anyone to deprive him of this job. Now Mr. Xiang has begun to believe in an outsider. Let's not talk about whether this kid can cure Mr. Xiang. This kid has threatened him. .

If this kid can cure Xiang Lao/father/zi's disease, then his job will be lost/, if he can't be cured, he will still lose his job when he dies, although Xiang Lao/lord/ Son has only one or two years to live now, but these two years are enough for him to make a fortune.

"Doctor Guo, what do you mean? When did you start to decide this family?" Mr. Xiang looked at the nursing doctor with dissatisfaction.

"Old/Master/Son, you misunderstood, I am thinking of your safety." Dr. Guo hurriedly explained and then looked at Xia Xia: "Do you have your own hospital or clinic?"

"No." Summer said lightly.

"Then do you have a medical certificate?" Dr. Guo asked again.

"No." Summer said.

"Why do you treat the old man/father/son for nothing? I suspect that you are cheating. I want to call the police." Dr. Guo took out his phone/phone.

Xia Xia shook his head helplessly when he saw this man's actions.

"Doctor Guo, what are you doing? I asked Brother Xia to treat me." Mr. Xiang frowned.

"No, I'm your nursing doctor. I don't allow such a person of unknown origin to treat you." Dr. Guo strongly stopped him.

"You're going too far." The old man/father/son shouted angrily, "From today onwards, you will be fired."

"Uh!" Dr. Guo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the old man/father/son, and then continued: "The old man/father/son, I found it from the head, even if it is dismissed, I need to speak to the head, and I am To protect your safety, I think Xiangtou will support me even if he is here."

"Fuck/fart, I am his father, and I have the final say in this family." Mr. Xiang was really angry.

"Old/father/son, I think it's better to say hello to Xiangtou." Brother Xiao Ma looked at the old/father/son and said, he believes in summer, as long as it can be done in summer, it can definitely be done, but for treatment Even the most advanced technology in this regard cannot achieve a 100% success rate. If something happens to the old man/father/son, the summer will suffer.

He didn't want to ruin the summer because of his business.

"It seems that I have a good temper in recent years." Mr. Xiang looked at Dr. Guo with a cold expression: "Are you going by yourself, or should I ask someone to throw you out?"

Hearing the words of the old man/father/son, the servants and security guards all came up.

"Okay, I'll go." Doctor Guo gave Xia Xia a vicious look.

"Brother Xia, I'm so sorry for what happened just now." Mr. Xiang said looking at Xia Xia.

"Old/Master/Son, you should tell Xiangtou about this matter. My brother/younger is not a doctor. In case of any accident."

"It turns out that you are worried about this, then I will leave a letter first. If there is any accident, it has nothing to do with Brother Xia." Xiang Lao / Ye / Zi really wrote a note.

"It's time to start."

Xia Xian opened the box, and the twelve silver needles were placed flat in the box. When the box was just opened, Xia Xian felt the smell of traditional Chinese medicine blowing into his face, and each of the twelve needles seemed to have spirituality.

"Bian Que Divine Needle!!" Xia Xia looked at the twelve silver needles in the box in surprise.

"Little brother has good eyesight, but this is not the real Bian Que divine needle. The real Bian Que divine needle cannot be stored to this day at all. It was opened by the descendants of Bian Que according to the records of the classics and fed them for decades." Xiang The old man/father/son said lightly.

"Sure enough, it's a good baby. With its help, I believe that I can cure your illness within a month at most." Xia Xia said confidently.

"One month!" Mr. Xiang's eyes lit up.

"Almost, although there are many diseases in your body/in the final analysis, the body/body cannot resist external diseases on its own due to the disappearance of your body/body vitality. As long as I reactivate your body/inner ~Your body/body can recover on its own." The treatment method in summer is different from that in the hospital. Hospital treatment can only gradually weaken the antibody of the person/body/in the body, but in summer, the antibody of the person can be strengthened. Fight the disease on your own.

Everyone in the room held their breath, even the little brother.

I saw that the silver needles seemed to be alive in Xia Xia's hands, like a snake coming out of a hole, and then quickly stabbed/entered into the head of Xiang Lao/dao/zi, a total of twelve silver needles, Xia Xia carefully inserted them into Xiang Lao. /Father/Ton's back.

It all seemed to be completed in less than two minutes, but at this time, summer was covered in sweat and gasping for breath.

"Are you alright?" Brother Ma hurried forward to support Xia Xia.

"It's okay, it's just too tired." Xia Xian felt that the two minutes just now were more tiring than his three hours of training.

Seeing the old man/father/zi sitting there motionless, no one dared to disturb him.

"This." Brother Ma looked at Xia Xia suspiciously when he saw Mr. Xiang's appearance.

"Don't worry, the effect is even better than expected, just wait ten minutes." Xia Xian sat on the sofa, and the ancient Buddha relic from Dan/Tian Zhi replenished his consumed energy.

The room was unusually quiet, and no one dared to disturb Mr. Xiang.

"Listen to the people in the house, you release the hostages immediately, disarm and surrender." The sound of a police car came from outside the villa.

"What the **** are these scouts doing, it looks like there are robbers here." Brother Ma got up and walked outside.

"Raise your hands, or we'll shoot."

"Comrade J Cha, that's him, he has another accomplice in it." Dr. Guo said behind a Cha Cha.