Police flowers have an appointment

When I saw Dr. Guo, Brother Ma understood that it was Dr. Guo who called the police, and he actually said that Mr. Xiang had been kidnapped.

Brother Ma raised his hands.

In this situation, this is the wisest decision.

"Comrade police, I think you may have misunderstood. This is Director Xiang's home." Brother Xiao Ma said lightly. Although there were many police officers here, fortunately no special police were dispatched.

"No misunderstanding, we know this is Director Xiang's home."

"I'm a friend of Director Xiang, not a kidnapper." Brother Xiao Ma explained.

"We received a report that someone kidnapped the director's father."

"Mr. Xiang has not been kidnapped now. If you don't believe me, you can go in and have a look." Brother Xiao Ma said to the other party.

"Are you okay?" The policeman looked at Dr. Guo next to him.

"Mr. Policeman, don't listen to his nonsense, I am the doctor in charge of the old man, and this is my certificate." Dr. Guo took out his certificate and work certificate.

Seeing the documents in his hand, those police officers naturally did not dare to underestimate it. The Xiang family is a big family, and there are great people in both business and political circles. If something goes wrong, they can't afford it.

"Arrest him for me first, and you guys will rush in for me. Remember to protect the safety of Mr. Xiang."

Brother Xiao Ma did not resist, and was taken down by two policemen. Then six policemen rushed in. When the six policemen rushed in, they were stunned.

"Little brother, you drink tea." Elder Xiang poured a cup of tea for Xia Xia, and the other people in the room were doing their jobs. It didn't seem like someone was kidnapped, it was clearly entertaining distinguished guests.

"Good tea." Xia Xia praised after taking a sip of tea.

"This." Several police officers at the door put down their guns and were at a loss for a while.

"Why don't you sit down and drink some, this tea tastes good." Xia Xia looked up at the police officers.

"Mr. Xiang, what's going on here? We received a report that you were kidnapped."

"Nonsense, you don't look like I've been kidnapped."

"But it was your nursing doctor who called the police."

"He was fired by me a long time ago. Maybe he wanted revenge, so he did this prank."

"Okay, Mr. Xiang, excuse me."

The police officers turned and left.

"Director, we were played, and no one was kidnapped inside."

"What?" The director of the police station turned to look at Dr. Guo.

"Mr. Police, don't be deceived by their one-sided words. That person has no medical certificate at all, but he treats Mr. Xiang inside. This is illegal in itself. He is a liar." Dr. Guo hurriedly explained.

"Director, no one is seeing a doctor inside. It's Mr. Xiang who is entertaining guests."

"Okay, how dare you call the false police." The chief of the police station shouted angrily, "Arrest him for me."

"You can let me go." Brother Ma smiled slightly.

"Sir, I'm sorry." The director of the police station apologized in person.

"It doesn't matter, you are also responsible." Brother Ma didn't embarrass them.

"No treatment? It's impossible. I saw it just now." Dr. Guo shouted loudly.

"Take him to me."

The police came and went quickly. They were from the nearby police station. They heard that they were kidnapping the chief's house, so they dispatched all the troops in the station.

"Master, are you healed?" Brother Xiao Ma's first impression when he saw the old man was that the old man seemed to be young.

"Even you can see it, just now I thought my illness was completely cured." The old man smiled slightly. When the needle was drawn in the summer just now, he felt that he had become younger and could not feel the pain at all.

"Xiao Tian, ​​you are so powerful." Brother Ma looked at Xia Tian incredulously.

"How can it be so magical? It's just that the contrast is relatively large. The first treatment will have this illusion. Tonight, the old man may have diarrhea." Xia Xia explained.

"Have loose bowels?"

"Yes, the best way to expel impurities from the body is to have diarrhea. The old man's antibodies are activated, and he can excrete the pathological changes in his body."

"Thank you so much." Mr. Xiang filled a cup of tea for the summer.

"Master, it's too early to say thank you. I need to give you acupuncture every three days. Your health will be better after a month."

"Then I will trouble little brother." Xiang said respectfully.

"Master, you are so kind. You are my brother's senior, and of course my senior. These are all things I should do." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Don't be arrogant or impetuous, it's really rare for young people today to have such a demeanor as you." Mr. Xiang admired.

"Master, since your illness is no longer a serious problem~www.mtlnovel.com~ let's go first." Brother Xiao Ma stood up and was about to leave.

"What's the hurry, let's eat here today." Mr. Xiang said hurriedly.

"Master, there will be more opportunities in the future." Brother Xiao Ma refused.

"Since that's the case, I won't force it anymore. It's useless for me to keep this gadget, so I'll give it to my little brother." Mr. Xiang handed the brocade box containing the silver needles to Xia Xia.

"No, this is too precious." Xia Xia said hurriedly.

"Maxima often has it, but Bole doesn't have it very often. This thing is just a decoration with me. Only in your hands will it not bury its style." The old man said lightly.

"It's still not good, old man, I can't ask for this thing. This thing is absolutely priceless for a doctor." Xia Xia knew that if this set of Bianque needles were put up for auction, the price would probably be astronomical.

"Don't tell me, little brother, do you look down on me." Mr. Xiang said with a serious expression.

"Little Tian, ​​put the things away, anyway, you also need to use it to heal the old man's illness." Brother Xiao Ma advised.

"Okay, then thank the old man for his kindness." Xia Tian nodded and took the box.

The two left Xiang's villa.

"Xiao Tian, ​​you have helped me a lot." Brother Ma looked at Xia Xia excitedly.

"You are my closest brother." Xia Xia didn't say much, but he had already expressed his meaning.

You are me, my big apple.

"Hey, who is it?"

"I'm Lin Bingbing."

"Sister Police Flower, do you miss me?"

"I miss you big bastard, I need your help with something."

"Where are you, I'll be right there."