The most stringent college entrance examination in history [No. 4

I woke up very early this summer, because today is a special day, the college entrance examination.

For so many years, he was waiting for today. His father hoped that he could be admitted to the university, which was also his last request for him.

After arriving at the school, he entered the examination room, but to his surprise, there was only one examination number in this examination room, which meant that there was only one examinee in the huge examination room.

Xia Xia didn't know that what happened last time greatly damaged the reputation of Beijing University, and the video went viral on the Internet.

After the three professors returned, they were temporarily suspended.

For this incident, Beijing University specially contacted several well-known universities to jointly investigate this test.

Each of the seven famous universities has a professor who will supervise Xia Xia himself together.

If they still get good grades in the summer, it proves that the three professors at Beijing University really want to make things difficult for the students, and the three professors will be suspended immediately. If they do cheat in the summer, then the three professors can write an examination.

After all, they did say at the time, 'I can let you have no places in your class' or something like that.

When it was time for the exam, there was still one candidate in the classroom, Xia Xia, but seven invigilators came. The seven of them surrounded Xia Xia, but in order not to disturb Xia Xia, they did not stare at Xia Xia all the time.

"Such an exam is really interesting." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

After taking the exam papers, he began to answer them in the summer. As expected, even if it was a calculation question, he could do it with his brain, and all the questions were easily solved.

In summer, I have a feeling that my computing power is probably no worse than that of a computer.

Under normal circumstances, high numbers are the most difficult in the exam, and no one will hand in the paper before the time.

Those invigilators were secretly watching Xia Xia the whole time. Not only was the signal blocked in this room, but there were also other interferences. They believed that no matter what technology Xia used, it would be impossible to cheat under their noses.

Thirty minutes later, Xia Xia handed in the papers directly.

"Finished?" The invigilator looked at Xia Xia in disbelief.

"Hmph, I definitely didn't copy it and gave up." One of the invigilators snorted coldly. This person is the professor of Beijing University. He is good friends with the three professors who were punished. This time he came here. Just to expose Xia Xia's cheating methods and give justice to the three of them.

"Idiot." Xia Xia cursed and turned to leave.

The first section of the exam is as simple as that. It comes out too early in the summer, so you have to wait for other people to finish the exam before you can take the second section. This is not a mock exam, you can't take the exam alone.

In his idle time, he wandered around the campus in the summer. He studied here for three years of high school, but he never visited this school well.

In the past, besides studying, every day was to make money.

"Master, I'm here." Huo 0 Chili jumped and ran from a distance.

"I'm not your master." Xia Xia said.

"You are, the two tricks you taught me last time, I have already practiced them when I went back, but they didn't work much." Huo 0 Chili said depressedly, when he saw that he used those two tricks in the summer, they were obviously very powerful. But it doesn't work for me.

"You're stupid." Xia Tian said lightly.

"Would you like to be so direct? I admit that I'm a bit stupid, but people say that famous teachers produce great apprentices. No matter how stupid Hong Qigong's apprentice is, he will definitely be more powerful than the apprentice taught by a cook." Hot Pepper gave an example. .

"So what?" Xia Tian asked.

"You are so powerful, although I am a bit stupid, but as long as I learn 10% of your ability, I will be quite satisfied." Hot pepper giggled.

"What does it have to do with me." Xia Xia turned around and continued walking.

"Of course it does matter. You are my master. If I'm bad at it, I'll embarrass you." Huo 0 Chili followed Xia Tian.

"I already said that I'm not your master, you are too young." Xia Xia didn't even bother to go to see Huo 0 Chili. It's not wrong that she and Huo-kissed girl are sisters, and the important points are not big.

"Master, you said that I used to look ugly. I have already asked my sister to help me change it. Now you say that my important areas are small, so I am going to have an operation." Huo 0 Pepper said depressedly, she It's not the non-mainstream dress that it used to be.

"You asked a tomboy to help you change, it's because of what you think." Xia Xia admitted that the fire kiss girl did have some looks, but she dressed like a tomboy.

"You dare say my sister, if I tell her, you will die."

"Then go tell her." Xia Xia said indifferently.

"I don't have to tell her, but you must accept me as your disciple." Hot Chili thought summer was afraid.

"You'd better go tell her." Xia Xia turned and walked towards the classroom.

"You." Seeing that in the summer, he didn't buy his own account at all, and stomped his feet in anger.

The second exam was exactly the same as the first was still invigilated by those professors. In the summer, the answering speed was still very fast. In about half an hour, I finished a paper again.

Time passed quickly, and the first day of the exam was over.

In the evening, I planned to go shopping in the summer, but I have been too tense lately.

The place he chose was the bar street. After entering a bar casually, he sat at the front desk, ordered a glass of wine, and watched the feasting here.

He had never been to such a place before, except the last time he was with Lin Bingbing.

Under this kind of feasting and feasting, there are all kinds of people hidden. Summer is here to relax today, and I don't want to observe those people and slowly drink the wine in the glass.

"Little handsome guy, this is the first time to come to this kind of place?" A woman sat beside Xia Xia.

"That's right." Xia Xia turned to look at the woman.

The woman is very beautiful. The dim light makes her look even more charming. Although she has makeup on her face, it is not offensive. She has a very good figure, and the clothes on her body are also very technical, giving people a different feeling.

"Have fun." The woman was a little displeased when she saw Xia Xia's eyes, and turned to leave.

In summer, I want another glass of wine.

"Handsome guy, how about buying me a drink?" A young girl sat down beside Xia Xia and touched Xia Xia intentionally or unintentionally.

"I'm a pauper." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Then I can drink your glass." The girl directly snatched half of Xia's glass of wine.

She is doing this to indirectly connect with Xia Xia. The girl is very generous and doesn't care about that.

"Big brother, it seems that she is." Three men walked towards Xia Xia, and one of them pointed at the girl beside Xia Xia.