beauty thief

"Beauty, return the wallet to me, and forget about it." The three of them didn't seem to want to cause trouble.

"What wallet, I don't know." The girl said innocently.

"It must be you. No one approached me except you just now."

"I really didn't take it, you don't want to wrong the good people." The girl defended with all her might.

"Beauty, don't force us. If you don't hand it over, we'll have to do it yourself. If you find it out, don't blame the brothers for not knowing how to love Xiangxiyu."

"What are you doing? My boyfriend is here. He is very powerful." The girl took Xia Xia's arm.

Seeing her actions, the three of them turned their attention to Xia Xia. When they saw Xia Xia was alone, the three of them took a step forward: "Stinky boy, don't meddle in your business."

"This is what you want." Xia Xia took out a dark black purse from his arms. This purse was placed on him when the girl approached him just now.

Seeing Xia Xia's actions, the beautiful woman not far away shook her head in disappointment.

"Sure enough, you did it." The three of them looked at Xia Xia and the girl fiercely.

"The wallet has been given to you, what do you want?" Xia Tian said lightly.

The girl didn't know when Xia Xian discovered the wallet, but when Xia Xia handed over the wallet, she knew it was broken. How could these people be honest.

"How is it? Now that there are witnesses and physical evidence, do you just want to forget it?"

"Otherwise?" Xia Xian asked for another glass of wine.

"What are you doing, I warn you, my boyfriend has a bad temper." The girl grabbed the glass in Xia Xia's hand and drank it directly.

Looking at the empty cup, Xia Tian shook his head helplessly.

"Hmph, if you stay with us tonight, let's forget about it." The leader snorted coldly.

"My boyfriend is here, how dare you talk to me like this, I tell you, my boyfriend is already angry, and he will launch a photosensitive wave to scare you to death." The girl exaggeratedly said.

"Stinky boy, get out of here if you're sensible, otherwise, don't blame us for being black." The man in the lead looked at Xia Xia viciously.

Xia Tian didn't speak, but asked for another glass of wine.

"You're still not a man, so you know you drink. Your woman has been bullied to the door. You still drink." The girl snatched the glass in Xia's hand and drank it.

"Sister Hong, can we go over there?"

"Wait and see." The beautiful woman said lightly.

"You will pay for it later." Xia Xia said calmly, looking at the girl.

"Hey, what time is it now, you are still worried about the money for these drinks, you are too stingy." The girl said dissatisfied.

"Stinky boy, are you going to get out of the way!" the leader shouted again.

"I can't roll, you teach me first." Xia Xia turned to look at the man and said.

"Damn, you dare to play with me."

"I only play with women, I'm not interested in men." Xia Tian's mouth slanted slightly.

"Go on, let me scrap him."

The two of them kicked directly at Xia Xia. At this time Xia Xia was sitting there, seemingly unable to escape.

what! The screams of Qi Shushua came, but this was not from Xia Xia, but the two people. Just when the two were about to kick Xia Xia, their other leg was attacked and they split directly.

The strong tearing pain made them feel like their eggs were shattered to the ground.

"Uh." The man in the lead was stunned. It was probably because of the lights just now that he didn't see clearly how Xia Xia made his move.

Even the girl was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect this innocent looking guy beside her to be so powerful. Just as she was about to run away, she saw Xia Xia's mighty appearance.

"Sister Hong, what should I do?"

"Don't rush to look again." The beautiful woman was a little surprised when she saw Xia Xia's performance.

"You dare to hit my brother, do you know who my dad is." The man in the lead looked at Xia Xia angrily, but he didn't step forward. Neither of those two people hurt Xia Xia just now, and he was of no use alone. Not much.

This person's attitude is extremely arrogant. Obviously, it is not the first time that he has said such things outside.

Xia Tian smiled slightly: "Then you have to ask your mother."

"Hee hee!" The girl next to Xia Xia smiled.

At this time, the person in the lead understood the meaning of Xia Xia's words: "Okay, you are arrogant enough, you wait for me."

"Wait!" Summer suddenly said.

"What are you doing?" The man looked at Xia Xia vigilantly.

"Take the two of them away." Summer said coldly.

The man hurriedly helped the two people on the ground, and the three of them limped out of the bar. The events here didn't attract much attention because the lights and music here were too loud.

Seeing the three people leave, the girl smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"Wait!" Xia Xia grabbed the girl's arm.

"What are you doing?" The girl was slightly taken aback.

"Fix the wine money," Xia Xia said.

"Why are you so stingy." The girl looked at Xia Xia with dissatisfaction.

"I'm not familiar with you." Xia Xia said. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Anyway, I've been your girlfriend for ten minutes, isn't it enough for your wine money?" The girl was a little unhappy. She was such a beautiful girl that she was his girlfriend for so long, and she didn't want to buy a few glasses of wine.

"Your **** are too small to be my girlfriend." Xia Xia said lightly.

"What? You said my chest is small." The girl deliberately raised her chest.

"Don't stand up, no matter how hard you stand, it's still 32B." Xia Xia had already measured it with a fluoroscopy eye, and it was this number.

"You." The girl looked at Xia Xia angrily, and then she smiled again: "I see, you must be unable to eat grapes and feel sour."

"Haha, whatever you think." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You'd better leave quickly. If that person asks someone to take revenge on you in a while, we'll see what you will do." The girl glared at Xia Xia.

"It's really been a long time since I came out, and I'm going home." Xia Tian smiled and stood up.

"Sir, your drink money."

"She handed in." Xia Xia said and walked out slowly.

"Stingy, I'll give it to me." The girl paid for the drink and then followed Xia Xia out.

"You guys, go down." The glamorous woman smiled slightly: "He's still a very interesting little guy."

After Xia Xia walked out of the bar, it was already dark. Looking at the phone, it was already turned off. I have to say that the battery of this phone is really unbearable.

"Stingy, where do you live?" The girl followed.

"Suburban." Xia Tian replied.

"Do you need me to get you some taxi money?" The girl smiled slightly.

"No need, I have taken the wallet back myself." Xia Xia shook the wallet in his hand.