
Xia Xia went directly back to Ye Qingxue's house in the evening. Ye Qingxue knew about his college entrance examination and didn't bother him. The next morning, Xia Xia continued to take the exam.

The exam lasted for two days.

The invigilation on the second day was the same as on the first day, with professors from seven famous universities.

This exam is related to the reputation of Beijing University, so they can't be sloppy. Summer's answering speed is still so fast.

During the last exam.

"I warn you, you don't have to play tricks, and don't have any luck, we will use the teachers from our seven universities to grade the papers as soon as you finish the test, and give you the final score, if you pass the test this time. If you have a low score, then the last thing was that you cheated, we will sue you in court, and you must publicly apologize in front of the media." The professor at Beijing University warned.

"SB." Xia Tian said without looking up.

The exam was over soon, and when his exam was over, seven universities jointly reviewed his exam papers under the attention of the media.

Because of the media attention this time, his papers were openly and alternately reviewed.

The review time is one day, and many media have already surrounded the place for reviewing the papers, but the parties were not nervous at all in the summer.

The last video went straight to the headlines.

The attitude of the professors of Beijing University is called arrogance. Because of the three professors, people all over the country think that Beijing University has insiders, especially those special enrollments, and they are not as strictly reviewed as they are openly.

but entered through the back door.

The impact of this incident was very great, so the three professors were temporarily suspended after they returned. In addition, they made things difficult for good students, the impact of this incident was no worse than the first one.

If Beijing University does not handle it well, it will have a great impact on the reputation of Beijing University, and all good students will not dare to go to Beijing University.

But once it is discovered that Xia Xia is indeed cheating, then the three professors will be reinstated, and they will also be transformed into messengers of justice, exposing the good professors whose students cheated.

So everything is in this scoring. In order to maintain fairness, the scoring is carried out by the scoring teachers from seven famous universities. It is broadcast live by Beijing TV. The reason for the live broadcast is to block the public opinion outside.

Talking about things like the grading teacher being bought off.

After taking the exam in the summer, I saw a bunch of messages in my hands, including the congratulatory text messages from my cousin and Bing Xin, and the text message from Huo Chili about apprenticeship, and the text message from Zeng Rou asking him when he had time, and last night. The chat text message sent by Li Ying who was rescued was the last text message from Mr. Xu.

"Mr. Xu, I am Summer."

"Brother Xia, you finally switched on, are you ready for tomorrow?"

"What's there to prepare for? It's better to just start it."

"Brother Xia, Asan is not an ordinary person. I know you can do martial arts, but Asan's skills are quite impressive. If you see if your master is free, you can go together."

"Don't worry, Brother Xu, since I promised you, there will be no problem."

Xia Xia hung up the phone. He knew that Old Master Xu's worries were normal. After all, once Xia Xia lost, his life would be almost at risk. Over the years, in order to suppress him, the Xu family would do whatever he did. Destroy it.

Asan became famous relatively early, and Mr. Xu had seen Asan's ability with his own eyes, so he was worried.

Although Xia Xia didn't know the classification of martial arts in the society, the second-level killer said last time before his death that he was a late Huang level, so Xia Xia also had a certain understanding of his ability.

He has seen that Asan's ability, which is similar to that of the second-level killer, so he shouldn't be as powerful as himself.

After sending back a message to Zeng Rou and Li Ying, Xia Xia came to the bar he went to yesterday again, still sitting in that position. He came here to let himself adapt to the life here.

His father once told him that there are two types of real masters. One is that no matter where he goes, no one or anything can take away his brilliance. This kind of person seems to stand out from the crowd, and the other is that no matter what Everywhere, they will quickly mix with the people here, regardless of you and me.

To put it simply, what you do is like what you do.

He used to have no chance, no money, and no time to come to such a place. Now it is different. He can come here often to make himself an ordinary person here.

"Here again?" It was the same beautiful woman from yesterday.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"You are very strange." The beautiful woman looked at Xia Xia and said.

"What's wrong?" Xia Xia turned to look at the glamorous woman, her eyes unscrupulously looking at the glamorous woman.

"My eyes are not honest, I always like to look around, I have a heart, but I don't seem to have the courage." The glamorous woman smiled slightly.

"Really, then how can you be considered a person of color?" Xia Xia asked.

"Look at the people on the dance floor, and the people sitting over there." The glamorous woman looked at the people in front of her with her eyes, and the dancers were looking for their target~www.mtlnovel.com~find the target People swayed around in front of those women, wiping their oil from time to time. The people sitting there brought women by themselves or hooked up with them. They played games with women there, and they wiped their oils while playing games.

Those women knew they were being taken advantage of, but they might have been deceived by alcohol, and they all seemed very generous.

"Have you seen it? That's what you call a person with a heart and guts." The glamorous woman said lightly.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

"Hey, cheapskate, you're here again!" A beautiful girl also came on the other side of Xia Xia, and the beautiful girl directly picked up the wine in front of Xia Xia and drank it.

"You stole my drink again." Xia Xia said dissatisfiedly.

"I didn't say I wronged you when I said you were a cheapskate." The beautiful girl was the beautiful thief from yesterday.

"Cut." Xia Xia turned her head away and didn't look at her. Compared with the beautiful thief, the beautiful woman in front of her was more attractive.

"Hey, hey, am I that ugly? You don't even look at me." The beautiful thief said dissatisfied.

"It's boring to see you." Xia Xia said without looking back.

"It's boring, anyway, I'm also a beauty." The beauty thief was even more dissatisfied when he heard Xia Xia's words.

"Your upper body is too small to look good."

"Why is my upper body so small?" The beautiful thief deliberately straightened her upper body.

"Beauty and ugly, which do you like to watch?"

"Hmph, who knows if she's real or fake, maybe it's water injection." The beautiful thief felt very shameless when Xia Xia said this.

The beautiful woman heard the beautiful thief's words, and came directly to her, picked up her right hand and placed it on her upper body: "Come and try, is it really worth adding water."