bet on dice

"Uh." The beautiful thief was stunned for a moment, she just said that just to get angry.

Seeing the glamorous woman's behavior, she knew she had said something wrong, and hurriedly apologized: "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Do you see how stingy my elder sister is?" The glamorous woman smiled slightly.

Xia Xia looked at the beautiful thief enviously. He wished that the hand just now was his.

"Whatever you look at, it's all your fault." The beautiful thief glared at Xia Xia.

"David, give me three cups of your specialties." The glamorous woman said to the person at the front desk.

"Sister Hong is in good spirits these days." David began to shake the wine glass in his hand. He had a very special way of mixing wine and liked to play tricks.

Soon, three glasses of fine wine appeared in front of the three of them in the summer.

"Wow, it's so delicate." The beautiful thief looked at the wine glass in front of her in surprise. There were five colors in the wine glass, and the combination of these colors was like a light in the dark night, like a rainbow.

It was the first time I saw such a beautiful wine in summer, and it was so beautiful that I couldn't bear to drink it.

"Try it, this is David's best." Sister Hong raised the wine glass in her hand.

"Wait!" the beautiful thief suddenly shouted.

Xia Xia and Sister Hong both looked at her.

"Let's play a game." The beautiful thief suggested.

"What game?" Sister Hong seemed to be interested.

"Let's play dice, the bet is the wine in your hands, whoever wins can take a glass away?" The beautiful thief seemed to like wine very much.

"Okay, whoever gets the wine depends on who is lucky." Sister Hong smiled slightly, she was also very satisfied with this proposal.

In the summer, the chance is gone before he votes. Even if he disagrees, it is only 2:1, which is invalid.

Sister Hong got the dice from nowhere.

"How to play?" Sister Hong asked for a proposal from a beautiful thief. After all, this was what she proposed.

"Let's compare the size. If you guess wrong, you lose. I'll shake it first, you two guess." The beautiful thief smiled slightly, and then she shook the dice in her hand.

"Let's guess first." Sister Hong said very generously.

"Then guess it's small." Xia Tian smiled slightly. He had already seen it with his clairvoyant, and the number of points in it was 134 points. Originally, he was still thinking about how to win Sister Hong, but now Sister Hong actually took the initiative to let him guess first.

"Then I'll take a big guess. Anyway, it's a bet on luck. My luck has always been good." Sister Hong said generously.

"I've guessed it all, then I'll open it." The beautiful thief opened the cup, and it was 134 o'clock on it: "Small, the summer has won, and Sister Hong's wine is summer."

"I'm willing to admit defeat." Sister Hong put the wine in front of her in front of Xia Xia.

"Okay, I'll bet with you next, I'll give you a guess, as long as you guess right, the wine in front of me is yours." The beautiful thief smiled slightly.

There is weirdness, and the first feeling in summer is weirdness.

The beautiful thief shook the cup: "Guess it."

Xia Xia looked at it with a perspective eye, and inside it was 456 points big: "Big."

"I'm open." The beautiful thief directly opened the cup and there were only two dice in it: "9 o'clock is small, you lose."

"Well?" Xia Xia and Sister Hong were stunned at the same time, obviously there were three dice, how could it become two, but it was indeed 9 o'clock.

"This cup is mine." The beautiful thief took the cup of wine in front of Xia Xia, which was the cup he had just won against Sister Hong.

"Let's come again, but I lost one of the dice. Sister Hong, let's replace it with a new one." The beautiful thief smiled slightly.

Sister Hong brought another dice, plus the two just now, there are still three in total.

"If you lose again, the cup in your hand will belong to me." The beautiful thief said proudly.

"How did you know I was going to lose before I started?" Xia Xia smiled slightly, he already understood, just now Xia Xian guessed the big one, and the beautiful thief deliberately stole one of the dice, which made the number of the dice small.

The dice was not thrown, but in her hand. If she guessed big this summer, she would steal it again. If she guessed small, she would throw the dice in her hand. The odds that four dice are big are much higher.

"Guess, is it big or small." The beautiful thief smiled slightly.

"Then guess it's small." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, I'll open." The beautiful thief threw the dice in his hand at the moment of opening.

"It seems that my luck is better, 234, nine o'clock." Xia Xia brought back a glass of wine.

"How is this possible?" The beautiful thief was stunned for a moment. She clearly remembered that she threw the dice in. There should be four dice in it, but now it has become three.

"Is there something wrong?" Xia Tian looked at her and asked.

"Yes, come again." The beautiful thief said hurriedly, "I'll guess first this time."

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded.

The beautiful thief directly shook the dice in his hand: "I guess it's Then I guess it's good." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

"Open." The beautiful thief opened the cup, and at this moment, a dice rolled into her hand.

"It seems that my luck is really good, 345, it's twelve o'clock." Xia Xia snatched the last glass of wine in front of the beautiful thief. At this time, there were three glasses of wine in front of Xia Xia, and there was not one in front of Sister Hong and the beautiful thief. .

"That's not right." The beautiful thief looked at the dice in her hand. This dice is here, so why are there still three dice in the cup?

"Wait, you must be fooling yourself." The beautiful thief looked at Xia Xia angrily.

"Why did I cheat?" Xia Xia looked at the beautiful thief.

"You're a fool." The beautiful thief looked at Xia Xia angrily. She was sure that she must have done something just now, but the number of dice had not changed.

This proves that Xia Xia must have played tricks on the dice again, taking one of the dice the first time, and returning the one that was taken away the second time.

"Then tell me what's wrong with me." Xia Tian picked up a glass of wine and was about to drink it.

"Anyway, you are cheating. You are not allowed to drink. Let's start over." The beautiful thief held Xia Xia's hand and prevented her from drinking.

"Are you taking advantage of me?" Xia Xia looked at the beautiful thief and said.

"Bah, bah! Who took advantage of you, shameless." The beautiful thief let go of Xia Xia's hand.

Summer is very happy to drink it down.

"You really drink." The beautiful thief snatched a cup directly in front of Xia Xia, drank a cup himself, and then snatched another cup in front of Xia Xia with his left hand.

Just when the beautiful thief was about to grab the wine, the other hand grabbed the glass of wine.