
"This glass is mine." Sister Hong grabbed the last glass of wine.

Looking at the wine glass in Sister Hong's hand, the beautiful thief was very unwilling, but she couldn't take it forcibly. If it was cheating, she and Xia Xia had cheated.

"Hmph, I'll ignore you, cheapskate." The beautiful thief turned and left.

Xia Xia then also stood up.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" Sister Hong asked Xia Xia.

"I don't know, but it should come in the future." Xia Xia finished and walked out of the bar.

Today, he returned to the old house. After returning, he exhausted all his physical strength before going to sleep. With the help of Tianxingjue, Xia Xia instantly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Elder Xu brought Xiao Fei to Xia's residence.

You are me, my big apple.

"Cousin, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you finish the college entrance examination? Why didn't you come back last night? We both waited for you for half the night and thought about celebrating for you."

"I have something to do today, so I didn't go back last night."

"You must come back tonight, Bing Xin will cook by herself."


Xia Xia hung up the phone and got into Mr. Xu's car.

Although I haven't seen Xiaofei for a few days, Xiaofei has changed a lot. He is wearing a Nike sports suit, and his face is expressionless.

"Xiao Fei, how are you doing recently?"

"is acceptable."

"Don't be too tired." Xia Xia didn't have many feelings for Xiao Fei, but Xiao Fei was his first disciple.

"I wish I could help the master earlier." Xiao Fei said expressionlessly.

"Help me? Your destiny belongs to you, you can just go the way you like." Part of the reason why Xia Xia taught Xiaofei martial arts was because Xiaofei was very similar to him when he was a child.

The difference is that his father has taught him a lot since he was a child, but Xiao Fei has only a wildness in him.

Xiaofei didn't speak, but he had already made a decision in his heart.

The car drove towards the Green Forest Villa.

The Green Forest Villa is not in the city, but a manor by the sea. Most of the manor is planted with green forests.

The environment in the manor is very good.

To be able to have such a large manor by the sea, and it is full of forests, is itself a symbol of strength.

There is no one to guard the Green Forest Villa, but there are guards to prevent outsiders from damaging it, and they are also responsible for cleaning the environment in the manor.

No one knows why the Green Forest Villa is famous.

But all the big people in Jianghai City know this place, and there are even many big people who come here to give gifts from time to time, which makes outsiders even more confused about who the big person here is.

There was a reporter who wanted to expose this place, but before the news got out, the reporter burned the film by himself.

The car drove about 100 meters outside the Green Forest Villa, and Mr. Xu got out of the car. This is a respect for the manor.

The three walked directly to the Green Forest Villa.

"Green Forest Villa, Green Forest, that's what it meant." Xia Tian nodded silently.

"Hello, please let me know that Xu Dechuan is here." Mr. Xu respectfully said to the nurses.

"Please wait."

"You still need to be notified when you come here." Xia Xia said puzzled.

"It's not necessary, but doing so shows respect to the owner of the villa." Elder Xu explained.

"Oh." Xia Xian nodded. He remembered that he met that old Fan while training in the park once, and told himself that he could come to Greenwood Villa to find him when he had time.

At that time, I also secretly learned two Taijiquan techniques from Lao Fan.

"Mr. Xu, the owner of the village has an invitation."

Elder Xu thanked the man with a fist, and then walked inside with Xia Xia and Xiao Fei.

When I walked inside, I could see a bamboo house. There were a few simple tea tables and stools outside the bamboo house. At this time, there was a person sitting at the tea table.

This person is dressed in a white robe and has a typical national character face. When he saw Xia Xia waiting for others, he poured four cups of tea.

"Master Fan." Elder Xu said respectfully.

"You're welcome, Mr. Xu. Come and **** tea." Master Fan smiled slightly.

The three sat on those small stools.

Master Fan is very particular about tea, including what to drink tea, whether it is a cup, a teapot or a tea table.

Xia Xia drank the tea in the cup: "Good tea."

Although he has also drank tea before, but those are ordinary tea leaves, and the tea sets are also the most ordinary, and there is no way to compare the taste with this.

"Little brother, do you understand tea?" Master Fan smiled and asked Xia Xia.

"I don't know, I know it's delicious." Xia Xia said very casually.

"Frank enough, true temperament, much stronger than those who don't pretend to understand." Master Fan looked at Xia Xia with admiration.

"Of course, there is absolutely nothing to say about Brother Xia's character." Elder Xu praised.

"Your surname is Xia?" Fan Zhuang asked looking at Xia Xia.

"Yeah." Summer nodded.

"Master Fan, Brother Xia is the one I hired to compete." Elder Xu said hurriedly.

"Oh?" Master Fan looked at Xia Xia again. Mr. Xu had already told him about this time, but he only knew that the opposite was the Xu family, and the Xu family was attacked by Asan.

He is very clear about Asan's ability, a pair of stump legs can be said to be kicking all over Jianghai City. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The reason why Xu Qinghua is in his current position is because of Asan's help.

Originally, he was still guessing who Mr. Xu would look for, but he didn't expect Mr. Xu to find such a young boy. No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see how Xia Xia could compare to Asan.

Whether it is from the temperament or the body.

"Sure enough, a hero comes out of a young man." Fan Zhuangzhu praised.

"Master Fan has praised him." Xia Xia said lightly.

"I'm not flattering you. Since Elder Xu can ask you for help, then your ability is definitely not small." Master Fan smiled slightly.

"Master Fan, we seem to be a little late." Xu Qinghua walked over from the woods with Asan and Xu Shaocong, and started to say hello before anyone arrived.

"It's not too late, it's not too late." Master Fan smiled slightly.

"Since everyone is here, can we start?" Xu Qinghua said straight to the point.

"Okay." Master Fan nodded.

"Since we're going to fight, let's say the rules first. If we win, I want Xu Dechuan to have eyes, and this brat must stay on this leg." Xu Qinghua pointed at Xia Xia and said.

"What if I win?" Xia Tian raised his head and asked.

"If you win, the past will be written off. Xu Dechuan has nothing to do with me anymore, and I will not embarrass him again." Xu Qinghua's words were full of domineering.

"Dad, you can't let him go, he must die." Xu Shaocong looked at Xia Xia fiercely.

"Hmph, if you want to kill people in the Green Forest Villa, I'm afraid you don't have that ability." Fan Zhuang snorted coldly, and then the momentum on his body directly pressed against Xu Shaocong. generally.