
Seeing Zhuang Zhuang's anger, Asan hurriedly stepped forward: " Zhuang Zhuang Fan, a child is ignorant, don't have the same knowledge as him."

"Just this time." Master Fan's momentum came and went quickly.

Xu Shaocong was already frightened by Mr. Fan's aura just now, so he didn't dare to say another word.

"Xu Shaocong, do you really want my life?" Xia Xia looked at Xu Shaocong and smiled.

"What do you want?" Xu Shaocong was no longer as arrogant as before.

"Then how about the two of us gambling our lives?" Xia Xia looked at Xu Shaocong and said indifferently, with a very calm tone, as if what he said was not his own life.

"Just because you are worthy of gambling with me? My life is more precious than yours." Xu Shaocong looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

"What kind of thing are you, just because you are worthy of being compared with my son." Xu Qinghua's attitude was even more arrogant. If it wasn't for the Green Forest Villa, he would have let Asan do it long ago.

"What I'm asking is do you dare to gamble your life?" Xia Xia looked at the Xu family father and son with a cold tone.

"Joke, what are you betting on with me? If you want to bet, at least take out your capital. Why should I bet with you when the chips are not equal." Xu Qinghua looked at Xia Xia contemptuously.

When Xiao Fei saw that he despised his master so much, the wildness in his body suddenly emerged, and he walked directly to Xu Qinghua.

"Xiao Fei, come back." Xia Xia frowned.

"But, master..." Xiaofei turned to look at Xia Xia.

"I'll let you come back." Xia Xia said lightly, Xiao Fei nodded and walked back to Xia Xia.

"You should be very glad that you didn't do anything stupid just now, otherwise you would be a **** now." Asan looked at Xiaofei coldly.

"You can try." Xiao Fei's coldness came from his bones.

Asan's coldness lies in the ruthlessness of his actions, which gives people an inexplicable pressure, but Xiaofei's coldness is no worse than his, and Xiaofei's bones reveal wildness and coldness.

Seeing that Xiao Fei was not shocked by his own, Asan snorted coldly and turned his head.

He is a master, well-known in Jianghai City. In his opinion, this competition does not have any difficulty. If he would lose against a child, he would not be Asan.

"Xu Dechuan, you have lived in vain for so many years. You put your life in the hands of such a hairy boy." Xu Qinghua looked at Mr. Xu with disdain: "The reason why you are still alive these years is not God's blessing, but me. pity for you."

"I believe in summer." Xu Dechuan didn't say much.

"Hehe, believe him? A hairy boy, I laughed so hard, if it wasn't for quicksand protecting him, I would have killed him." Xu Qinghua sneered, it was because of quicksand that he There is no moving summer, which is also the purpose of his coming here.

As long as the Green Forest Villa is the master, even if he kills Xia Xia, Quicksand will not do anything to him.

"Quicksand?" Master Fan frowned when he heard the word.

"Fan Zhuangzhu, this kid is backed by quicksand, so he doesn't care about your Green Forest Villa at all." Asan knew that Fan Zhuang didn't like quicksand people, so he deliberately talked about the summer with quicksand come out.

"Are you from Quicksand?" Master Fan looked at Xia Xia.

"No." Xia Xia said calmly, without showing any joy or sorrow on his face.

"You have something to do with the people in the quicksand?" Master Fan asked again.

"No." Summer said.

"In this case, the competition can be played. As for the final bet of your competition, you can now make a decision. This decision will be guarded by me." Fan Zhuang's words were very simple, but everyone present understood this. What a burden to guard.

Without that ability, it would be absolutely impossible to say this sentence.

"Aren't you going to gamble your life? I'll gamble with you." Asan looked at Xia Xia coldly.

Since Master Fan has already said that he guards the bet, even if he kills Xia Xia, Quicksand will not retaliate against him.

Although Xia Xian just said that he had nothing to do with Quicksand, Asan absolutely didn't believe it. That day he saw with his own eyes that the people of Quicksand came forward to protect Xia.

"Okay." Xia Xia smiled slightly. Although the Xu family's family business is large, they have established many enemies over the years. The reason why those enemies dare not deal with the Xu family is because of the existence of Asan. If Asan falls, then It won't be long before the Xu family is over, and only then will Elder Xu be truly safe.

"Third uncle, don't kill him directly, abuse him properly." Xu Shaocong shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely help you out." Asan said confidently.

"Asan, you must pay attention to safety." Xu Qinghua reminded that although he had confidence in Asan, he still reminded him out of concern.

"Don't worry, sir." Asan nodded.

He is a lame Asan. He has defeated countless masters with his lame legs. He has never put Xia Xia in his eyes.

Previously, the reason why he didn't move in the summer was because of Today, the owner of Fan Zhuang has already said that he guards the bet, then Asan will have no scruples.

"It's started." As soon as Asan finished speaking, the whole person appeared in front of Xia Xia, and then kicked Xia Xia's head directly, with an extremely fast speed.

Asan's attacks are completely instinctive movements of his body. He has already practiced the kung fu on a pair of legs to the point of being superb.

Xia Xian didn't panic at all, he grabbed Asan's kicked leg with his right hand, and the powerful force was caught by Xia Xia.

"It's the old man's Taijiquan, it's interesting." Fan Zhuangzhu was slightly taken aback when he saw Xia Xia's actions.

Although Asan was a little surprised by Xia Xian's throw, but he wouldn't be sloppy, and kicked Xia Xia's back with a kick of his right foot.

Seeing that Asan's kick was about to succeed, Xia Xia's body suddenly rushed forward and directly avoided Asan's kick.

Although this method is a little awkward, it is just right to let Asan's foot fall in the air.

"Hey, you're in the early yellow stage." Ah San was slightly startled when he saw Xia Xia's skills. He didn't expect that Xia Xia was a master in the early stage of the yellow stage. He was so young with such skills.

"You're not bad either." Xia Tian used Tianxing Jue to show his strength in the early yellow stage.

"Having such strength at such a young age, it seems that I really can't keep you." There was a hint of ruthlessness in Asan's eyes. He absolutely couldn't let Xia Xia continue to grow, otherwise it would definitely be a disaster in the future.

"Then it depends on whether you have that ability." Xia Xia didn't retreat but advanced, directly stretched out **** on his right hand and pointed to Asan's body.

The action is like flowing water.