i don't kill you

"Why does it look so familiar." Master Fan frowned, Xia Tian's work made him look very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Xia Tian's footwork is ethereal, like a fairy swimming, and his **** also go to Ah San o'clock like a fantasy.

Seeing Xia Xia's two fingers, Asan felt that he had nowhere to hide, so he chose to fight recklessly and kicked his right foot directly, targeting Xia Xia's wrist. He believed that no matter what Xia Xia wanted to do, as long as he saw his own With one click, he will definitely choose to dodge, otherwise his wrist will be directly kicked off by his own kick.

"You've been fooled." Xia Tian smiled slightly, then his arm sank, his wrist made a 90-degree turn, and his **** were directly on Asan's calf.

"Ah!" Asan exclaimed in pain.

"Asan!!" Xu Qinghua looked at Asan nervously.

"I'm fine." Asan took a step back on one leg. Just now, he felt that his calf was paralyzed, a pain from a needle stick, but now the pain has disappeared.

"It took a lot of work on the legs." If Xia Xia's attack just now hit the leg of an ordinary person, the opponent's leg would be almost useless.

"Your skills are not bad, I still underestimate you." Asan shook his right leg, and then said in a cold tone, "But you have no chance, because I'm angry."

"Then let's try it." Xia Xia stood there, not weaker than Asan in the slightest.

The corner of Ah San's mouth slanted slightly, and he stepped on the ground with both feet, but he actually stepped on a shallow pit on the ground.

"Asan is finally about to use his real skills." Xu Qinghua nodded and continued: "It seems that this competition should be over."

Xu Qinghua knew Asan's abilities very well, at least he never saw Asan lose.


Ah San kicked Xia Xia's arms. If Xia Xian hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid that kick would have broken his bones.

"What a lot of strength." Xia Xia shook his hand.

"This is just the beginning." Asan's feet seemed to be straying, making Xia Tian not sure which leg he would take next time.

Quick, Asan's attack speed is very fast and powerful.

The footwork in summer is wonderful.

The two attacked and defended, and Asan had the upper hand.

"Be careful." Xu Dechuan's face was not at all bad, and now everyone could see that Xia Xia was at a disadvantage.

Xiaofei clenched his fists. He hates himself very much now, and hates himself for not being able to live up to his expectations. If he is strong enough, he can protect his master. He has no parents since he was a child, and his master is the first to treat him so well. people.

He once swore that he would live for his master all his life.

But now seeing that the master is in trouble, he can only watch here and can't help him.

"Fight back, how do you know to hide, didn't you want to gamble with me just now?" Asan kept provoking Xia Tian.

"Summer, you are a coward, why do you keep hiding." Xu Shaocong added fuel to it.

"I've said before, if it wasn't for quicksand, you would be something." Xu Qinghua sneered.

The three of them sang together there to force Xia Xia to fight against Asan head-on.

"Since you want to fight recklessly, then I will do what you want." Xia Xia took a step, changed from retreat to advance, and pointed directly at Asan with **** of his right hand. In just an instant, his whole person's aura had undergone a huge change. .

Seeing that Xia Xian didn't hide, Asan directly kicked Xia Xia.

Click it! one sound.

Xia Xia pointed at Asan's ankle, and the sound just now was exactly the sound of Asan's ankle breaking.

Click it!

This time, Asan's joint was broken.

Click it!

This time, the whole leg lost consciousness.

"What?" The Xu family's father and son looked at Xia Xia with disbelief. Everything happened too fast. Just now, Asan had an obvious advantage, but at this moment, Asan's body fell down.

"Aren't you going to fight hard?" Xia Xia pointed at Asan's other leg.

Click it!

"If both of your legs are disabled, do you have any other skills?" Xia Xia's **** shattered all the joints on Ah San's legs.

"You kill me." Asan still doesn't understand what happened to Xia Xia's body just now. At that moment, he felt blank, he only saw the beginning and the end.

He has no memory of that passage at all.

The father and son of the Xu family could not accept the scene in front of them at all, but on the contrary, the old man Xu showed a look of joy.

"I don't want to kill you, I really want to see if you escaped the pursuit of your enemy." Xia Xia shook his head.

"The result is already obvious, then Mr. Xu, don't forget the original bet~www.mtlnovel.com~ From now on, you are not allowed to embarrass Mr. Xu, otherwise don't blame me, Fan Chaifeng, for being ruthless." He looked at Xu Qinghua and said.

Xu Qinghua nodded silently, he couldn't say anything now.

Looking at the figure of Asan lying on the ground, he felt that his life was coming to an end, and part of what he could do to make the Xu family bigger was the credit of Asan, but now Asan has become like this.

Then his former enemies won't let him go.

Asan has paid a lot for him over the years, but in the end he ended up like this. He picked up Asan's body, and Xu Qinghua left the Green Forest Villa directly.

Before leaving, Xu Shaocong gave Xia Xia a vicious look.

"It's great, Brother Xia, you're so powerful, even Asan is not your opponent." Elder Xu said excitedly, grabbing Xia Xia's arm.

"I told you to rest assured." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Master." Xiao Fei looked at Xia Xia worriedly.

"Don't worry, your master, I'm very good." Xia Tian patted Xiaofei on the shoulder.

"Who did you learn Tai Chi from?" Fan Zhuang asked looking at Xia Xia.

"To tell you the truth, I learned it by chance in the park. I called him Lao Fan, and he also gave me time to come to Greenwood Villa to see him." Xia Xia explained.

"It turns out that it is my old man, but he has already returned to the capital." Master Fan nodded.

You are me, my big apple.

"Where are you? Didn't you promise me to accompany me to find that Razor today?"

"It's Sister Jinghua, where are you now, I'll find you."

"Alright then, come here."

Lin Bingbing hung up the phone after telling Xia Tian's address.