dark battle between women

"I originally planned to let Brother Xia sit here for a while. Since there is something to do, we must come over another day." Fan Zhuang said lightly.

"Definitely." Xia Tian clasped his fists.

The three of them left the Green Forest Villa. This battle made Xia Xia see his own inadequacies. It's true that Asan is a mid-level Huang, but his fighting ability is much stronger than that of the second-level killer.

The second-level killer mastered assassination and all kinds of firearms. He was not good at frontal combat, so Xia Xian defeated him easily, but Asan was different. Asan's strength was real, Xia Xian wanted to use Tianxing Jue. The first level of internal strength against Asan had no chance of fighting back.

Later, when he raised his internal strength to the second level of Tianxing Jue, he defeated Asan. At that time, his strength was already at the late Huang level.

There is nothing worth showing off in defeating the mid-level Huang level in the late stage, and his Immortal Steps over the Clouds and Lingxi Finger are both superb martial arts.

After Mr. Xu sent him to the coffee shop, he took Xiaofei away.

"I'm here." Lin Bingbing kept staring at the door, and beckoned when he saw summer.

The men in the cafe all looked at Xia Xia jealously. Someone came to say hello while Lin Bingbing was sitting here just now, but Lin Bingbing never gave them a good look.

As soon as Xia Xia came in, he felt the murderous aura of those around him.

"You called me so early, did you miss me?" Xia Xia's eyes swept recklessly on Lin Bingbing.

"What are you looking at, you rascal." Lin Bingbing glared at Xia Tian.

"Don't you let me see how beautiful you are?" Xia Xia said innocently.

"Speaking of business, what are you going to do today? Are we going to prepare in advance? The other party's vigilance is very high." Lin Bingbing was worried that something went wrong in the mission. She had just entered the special operations department, so she must not screw up .

"Isn't your mission to follow him, to see who he contacts, it's too simple." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Simple?" Lin Bingbing said dissatisfiedly seeing Xia Xia's casual look: "Did you know that his anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong."

"So what, just follow me." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Since something happened at night, he must inform Ye Qingxue.

"Hello, cousin."

"What's wrong?"

"I may have to go back later tonight."

"Why are you so busy day by day, I warn you, if you dare not come back, I will repair you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely go back tonight."

"Well, don't fool around outside all the time."

After Xia Xia hung up the phone, she saw Lin Bingbing's weird look at him.

"You live with your cousin?" Lin Bingbing asked.

"That's right." Summer nodded.

"Have you got the certificate?" Lin Bingbing asked very gossip.

"What are you talking about, she's my cousin." Xia Xia explained.

"That's right, they all live together anyway, so I don't care whether I get a certificate or not." Lin Bingbing nodded.

"What are you talking about, the house is very big, with two rooms." Xia Xian suddenly felt speechless.

"What's the vacant room for?" Lin Bingbing continued to ask.

"Come out?" Xia Xia finally understood that the glamorous policewoman Lin Bingbing was actually teasing him. Thinking of this, Xia Xia smiled slightly: "Sister Police Flower, are you jealous?"

"Uh." Lin Bingbing didn't expect Xia Tian to fight back so quickly: "Do you think I'm jealous? Little boy, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you."

"You are already one of the candidates for my concubine, it's normal to be jealous." Xia Xia nodded.

"Go away." Lin Bingbing looked at Summer angrily.

In the afternoon, Xia Xia took Lin Bingbing to dress up again. This time, he also simply packaged himself. Although it was not a big brand, it was not the kind of clothes that made people look like a street vendor.

This time, instead of humiliating Lin Bingbing, he made a dress for Lin Bingbing. Lin Bingbing wearing this dress was a complete mess.

Although the skirt is not expensive, it is extremely perfect when worn on her body.

"You're more suitable for wearing a skirt." Xia Xia looked around Lin Bingbing's body.

"Stop talking so much nonsense." Lin Bingbing said dissatisfiedly, she was very uncomfortable to dress like this, she was so big, she had never worn skirts and high heels, today was the first time, and walking was very awkward.

She has been controlling herself not to twist her foot, otherwise she will follow.

"I'll show you around first." Xia Xia took Lin Bingbing to the bar street.

Fire Day KTV is also on this street, but in summer, instead of going to that KTV, I entered a bar.

As soon as Lin Bingbing entered the bar, he attracted the eyes of all the men around him. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly stared at Xia Xia with countless eyes. If eyes could kill, Xia Xia would have died many times.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Bingbing frowned, she was a little uncomfortable.

"Let you get used to this kind of lighting and environment first, so as to save a while of exposure." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Came to the bar: "David, bring me two cups of your best."

"I still have a mission, so I can't drink." Lin Bingbing said in a low voice.

"It's okay, David's craftsmanship is great." Xia Xia said lightly.

"I don't drink it." Lin Bingbing said firmly.

"Your girlfriend is very beautiful." David praised, then took out two glasses of the same wine as yesterday.

"Thank you." Xia Xia didn't deny it.

Hearing that Xia Xia did not deny it, Lin Bingbing's hand twisted fiercely around Xia Xia's waist.

"Why did you come so early today?" A beautiful woman walked slowly from a distance.

"Sister Hong, you seem to be here every day." In the summer, I can meet Sister Hong every day.

"This is my bar, of course I'm here." Sister Hong smiled slightly.

"Oh, it turns out that Sister Hong is the boss. You came just in time. David just mixed two cups of this for me. Here's one for you." Xia Tian handed the other cup to Sister Hong.

"Hey, that's my wine." Lin Bingbing said in dissatisfaction when she saw Xia Xia giving away her own wine.

"Didn't you just say not to drink?" Xia Xia looked at Lin Bingbing suspiciously.

"Who said I don't want to drink anymore, bring it to me." Lin Bingbing grabbed the wine in Xia's hand and drank it in one gulp.

As soon as a sip of wine entered her stomach, Lin Bingbing almost choked on tears. This wine was as bad as she imagined. Who told her to never drink.
