Wen Zhaohua's anger

"Your brother?" Zeng Rou was taken aback for a moment. She had known Xia Xia for so long, and she didn't know Xia Xia had a brother. She remembered Xia Xian said before that she should have no relatives in this world.

"It's my righteous brother. He was picked up by my father when I was young, and then left. I only found him a few days ago." Xia Xia has a deep relationship with Xiao Ma.

"Oh, then I really want to meet." Zeng Rou has already met Xia Xia's cousin, so she naturally wants to see Xia Xia's brother. After all, the relationship between her and Xia Xia is very unusual.

Xia Xia called Brother Ma directly.

"Brother Xiao Ma, it's time to see a doctor today, Mr. Xiang. I'll go right over."

"Okay, I'll go there right away. I just prepared some supplements."

"see you then."

Xia Xia didn't mention Zeng Rou. This is also to surprise Brother Xiao Ma. Although Zeng Rou is not her girlfriend now, in his heart Zeng Rou is already his woman.

Zeng Rou personally drove for the summer. When Zeng Rou drove the car to her destination, she was also stunned.

She did not expect that the place where summer will come is actually a villa.

This villa doesn't look cheap from the outside. Although Zeng Rou has enough money to buy this villa, her assets will almost be hollowed out.

"Doesn't your brother live here?" Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia suspiciously. It was appalling that a boy his father picked up grew up to own such a big villa.

"Of course not. I came here to treat the owner of this place." Xia Xia explained.

"You still heal?" Zeng Rou found that the more he had contact with Xia Xia, the more mysterious Xia Xia felt, which surprised her every time.

Summer is like a treasure chest, or a Doraemon. You never know what he will come up with.

"A little bit." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

When the two entered the villa, the security guard did not stop them in the slightest, and they even saluted Xia Xia. Seeing this kind of treatment, Zeng Rou became even more puzzled as to what relationship Xia Xia had with the owner of the villa.

When I came to the villa, the little brother had already arrived.

"Hey, Zeng Rou." Xiaoma looked at Zeng Rou in surprise.

"Brother Xiao Ma, do you know Sister Rou?" Xia Xia looked at Brother Xiao Ma suspiciously.

"I saw it, I saw it at a charity auction." Brother Ma nodded.

"Oh, I remembered, you are Ma Yongzhen." Zeng Rou remembered Brother Ma's name because it was exactly the same as a well-known senior.

"Ma Yongzhen!!" A black line appeared on Xia Xia's forehead.

Even Mr. Xiang was slightly taken aback when he heard the name, because this name has been seen in TV dramas before.

"Hahaha, Ma Yongzhen, so your name is Ma Yongzhen. No wonder you never told me your name." Xia Xia almost burst out laughing. He has known Brother Ma for so long, and Brother Ma has never said his name. No matter what summer asks.

"I knew you would laugh, so I didn't tell you." Brother Ma never said his name when interacting with people. At that charity auction, he paid a high price for an oil painting, so The party read out his name.

"By the way, Xia Xia, why are you with Zeng Rou?" Brother Xiao Ma has also heard of Zeng Rou, who is a strong woman.

"You said Sister Rou, she is mine." As soon as Xia Xia said this, he saw Zeng Rou's warning eyes: "She is my good sister, yes, good sister."

Seeing Xia Xia's way of speaking, Brother Xiao Ma smiled slightly, but he didn't make it clear. Zeng Rou also looked helpless.

"Master, are you ready?" Xia Xia took out the Bian Que needle.

"It's been ready for a long time." Mr. Xiang was full of energy.

Xia Tian's acupuncture is like flowing water. He has used the Bian Que Shen needle once, and this time he used it more smoothly than the last time, and his understanding of acupuncture has also improved.

The real skill is not something that can be completely learned in writing, but it has to be tested a lot.

After the treatment, Xiang Lao felt that his body was much better, but it was not as obvious as last time.

"Summer, how was the exam?" Brother Ma asked after leaving Xiangjia's villa.

"It's okay." Summer nodded.

"If you need my help, just call me." Brother Xiao Ma's meaning is very simple. If you don't do well in the test, tell him which university you want to go to, and he will help.

"Okay." Summer didn't explain.

in the hospital.

"I want revenge, I want revenge, I will never let that stinky boy go." Wen Zhaohua shouted angrily, who is he? Where would he put his face in the face of fierce revenge?

I lost face today, and was thrown out of the building.

Seeing the wounds on his face and hands~www.mtlnovel.com~Wen Zhaohua became even more angry.

"No, I have to take revenge on them, and Zeng Rou, that bitch. If it wasn't for the Zeng Group, I wouldn't go around her every day." Wen Zhaohua saw something falling.

"Okay, Zeng Rou, since you're shameless, don't blame me for being cruel." Wen Zhaohua directly dialed a phone number.

"My name is Wen Zhaohua. I have notified the marketing department that all cooperation with the Zeng Group will be temporarily suspended."

"But what we do is against the law."

"MD, don't you know who I am? What I tell you to do, just listen to me."

After Wen Zhaohua hung up the phone, he made another call.

"Abiao, help me with one thing. Didn't the Zeng Group release a new snow lotus water? Go and make a fuss for me, remember, you must make a big fuss." Wen Zhaohua explained a few more words Then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Zhaohua finally felt much better.

But as soon as he saw his ward, his anger came up again. What kind of identity was he, he didn't even have an intensive care unit. When he came just now, he was going to be in an intensive care unit, but the doctor actually said that there was no more.

This made him angry. He called the hospital leader directly. However, the intensive care unit has been in short supply recently, and there is indeed no more, and those are now for the severely ill. He is only slightly injured.

Hearing their reasons, Wen Zhaohua got furious and beat out all the patients in the same ward as him.

Seeing such a situation, the leaders of the hospital had no choice but to give him this ward to live alone.

"Zeng Rou, you can't escape from my palm." Wen Zhaohua smiled sinisterly.