Crisis is coming

Zeng Rou took Xia Xia to the most prosperous street in Jianghai City. Zeng Rou planned to buy some clothes for Xia Xia. Anyway, Xia Xia is also the special general manager of Zeng Group.

He now wears cheap casual clothes wherever he goes, so how can he be imposing.

Zeng Rou took Xia Xia into a store. Zeng Rou went in first, and after Xia Xia, Xia Xia didn't know what brand it was. Anyway, it was a bunch of English letters. After entering, the shopping guides went to warmly entertain Zeng Rou. is completely ignored.

At a glance, you can see that Zeng Rou has the aura of a superior person, and the clothes she wears are all high-end clothes, and the shopping guides surround Zeng Rou one by one.

After working here for so long, they can see at a glance who can afford it.

Xia Xia stood at the door and looked around, Zeng Rou went in to choose clothes for Xia Xia.

No one is around, and in summer, you can take a look at it.

When he saw the price of the clothes, Xia Xia's expression was extremely exaggerated: "I'll take it. It costs more than 8,000 yuan for a piece of clothes."

"Hey, don't touch it, you won't be able to pay for it if it gets dirty." A shopping guide saw Xia Xia touching the fabric of the clothes and came forward to stop it.

"Uh." Xia Xia was slightly taken aback and put down the clothes in his hand.

Zeng Rou, who was picking out clothes, frowned. Now there are only two people in the store, she and Xia Xia, so the person who the shopping guide said must be Xia Xia.

Zeng Rou turned around and walked towards the shopping guide: "What kind of clothes are not allowed to be touched, you can see if they are suitable or not by looking at them?"

"I'm sorry, beauty, I'm not talking about you." The shopping guide hurriedly explained.

"Then who are you talking about?" Zeng Rou looked at the shopping guide with cold eyes.

"I'm really not talking about you, I'm talking about him." The shopping guide pointed to Xia Xia, and Xia Xia shook his head helplessly when he saw that the shopping guide was bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

"Why do you speak of him?" Zeng Rou has been a leader for so many years, and she has the aura of not being angry and arrogant.

"I." The shopping guide naturally understood that the two of them were together.

"Beauty, I'm sorry, she's new here." The store manager hurried over, anyone could tell that Zeng Rou was definitely not to be messed with.

"Humph!" Zeng Rou glared at the shopping guide, then pulled up Xia and walked to the store next door. These high-end brands are next to each other. This is also for the convenience of the rich. As for those who have no money People will not enter this street.

Seeing that Zeng Rou was not looking for trouble, the store manager breathed a sigh of relief: "Next time, open your eyes and don't always look like your nostrils are upside down."

The people who work here will inevitably be influenced by the people around them. They think that they have entered the high-end group, so they look down on those who have no money.

"Store manager, maybe they can't afford clothes at all. The woman just now may have come to dress up on purpose." The shopping guide said unconvinced.

"That's right, the store manager, if she is really rich, why is she the only one who can wear it, and I haven't seen the brand she wears at all, maybe it's a high imitation, or it's not a brand at all. ." Another shopping guide echoed, they are usually like this, and they help each other and talk to each other when they have something.

"No, I seem to have seen the dress she was wearing just now. I saw it when I watched the fashion festival program a few days ago. It seems that there is only one in the whole country, more than 300,000." A newcomer in the corner The shopping guide said suddenly.

"What do you know? You're a newcomer, and you've seen a few high-end clothes. These days, A's are all over the place." The shopping guide reprimanded.

"Okay, stop arguing, I'll go take a look later." The store manager frowned. If it was a big customer, this matter would be troublesome, and her position as the store manager might not be guaranteed by then.

The competitiveness of this street is very high. On the surface, the bosses of these families seem to be in harmony with each other, but in fact, they compare each other with each other every day for how much they have sold.

Once that woman just bought expensive clothes next door, their boss will definitely know about it immediately.

ten minutes later.

"What are you doing to eat? Why are there so few sales today? There is a big customer next door. Come and follow me. That big customer has already bought clothes worth 100,000 yuan." The owner of the store called the store manager.

After the store manager heard the content of the call, sweat broke out from her back. She hoped that the beautiful woman who left just now was not the big customer, but she saw the man and woman just now when she went out. Seven or eight bags.

"It's over." The store manager's first reaction was that it was over, but it wasn't over yet, the man and the woman went to another house.

ten minutes later.

"Can you do it? Why is the business next to you so good today, it's only our family's fault." The boss called again.

When the store manager walked out the door, what he saw was the same as before.

"This time it's over." The store manager could not wait to kill him.

After another ten I will go to the store immediately. "The boss hung up the phone after only saying these few words.

"Heaven, the earth, who can save me." The store manager raised his head and howled.

Xia Xia has now become a free porter. Zeng Rou is simply a shopaholic. When she sees something she likes to buy, she feels that she will like it in summer. She glanced at which clothes in summer and bought it.

At this time, Xia Xia finally understood what it means to have money to be self-willed.

"Buy, buy, buy." This is Zeng Rou's shopping attitude.

Finally, an hour later, Xia Xian got a chance to breathe, but he couldn't hold the things in his hands. It wasn't because he couldn't hold them, but because there were too many things, and he didn't have that many hands.

Zeng Rou's cell phone rang.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Zeng, there was an accident with the lotus water. Some people said that after using the lotus water, he was disfigured. Three people came together."

"How is it possible, lotus water has no side effects."

"Now that the situation has just stabilized, reporters have also come, and the largest cosmetics mall in Jianghai City has also been surrounded. Those people want an explanation. The mall wants us to come forward to solve it quickly, or suspend cooperation with us."

"Damn, what's going on?"

"I don't know either, Mr. Zeng, why don't you come here."

Zeng Rou hung up the phone and looked at Xia Xia.

"Let's go." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"How did you know I was leaving?" Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

"I heard." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"No way, your hearing is so good." Zeng Rou looked at Xia Xia in surprise. Xia Xia was three meters away from her, and she didn't speak out.
