good ecstasy

"Where's the beads?" The thief's senior sister was also stunned for a moment. What happened just now, why did the beads suddenly disappear.

This is too weird. Could it be the hand of a thief? But Robber's right arm has been paralyzed, the left arm simply can not be so fast.

The thief's brother, who was the person involved, was also completely stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes. The beads really disappeared in front of him. No one knew what just happened better than him.

After he threw the beads upwards, they never fell again. He didn't exert any strength at all. At most, he could throw the beads 30 centimeters high.

"Will it fall to the ground?" The pirate's senior sister asked.

"Look for it." Thief's senior brother frowned, although there may be almost none, but now that's the only way to do it.

The two looked down for a long time, but couldn't find anything. Finally, they looked at Pirates in doubt: "Little Junior Sister, is it your fault?"

"You have a sick mind, you lost things in your hands, and you still say I'm a ghost. I warn you that this is the treasure left by the master. If you lose it, you two will die." Angrily looked at the two.

"Little junior sister, you can't say that. You also have a share in what happened just now. At most, it was lost when the three of us were robbing. If the master is to blame, you can't escape." .

"What does it have to do with me? You already won." Pirates looked at the two of them angrily.

"Little Junior Sister, you said we won, but where's the proof?" The Senior Sister of Pirates smiled slightly: "Today we both failed, we will come back next month, if you lose something, Master, his old man Once the blame comes down, it's useless for us to plead."

"You are too despicable, you have already stolen it, but now you don't admit it." Pirates knew what the two of them meant, and wanted to make himself the scapegoat.

"Despicable? I don't think so." After stealing a disdainful glance at the stealing star, the two of them were about to walk outside.

At this moment, Xia Xia suddenly turned around and bumped into Rou Xing's senior brother's arms. All the wine glasses in his hands fell on Rou Xing's senior brother's body.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll wipe it for you." Xia Xia wiped the thief in her brother's arms with his hands.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way." Pixing's senior brother pushed Xia Xia away.

"That's right, get out, it's time to get out." Xia Xia turned around and returned to where he was sitting. The thief's brother, just as he turned around and was about to go down the stairs, he suddenly found that his legs didn't seem to obey him, and his whole body rolled directly from the stairs. down.

"Senior brother." Pirate's senior sister hurriedly ran to her senior brother.

Robber looked suspiciously at her senior brother who rolled down the steps, and then she noticed Xia Xia's smug smile, she guessed that it must have something to do with Xia Xia.

"It turns out that this is rolling, the posture is so beautiful, and the rolling is so ecstasy." Xia Xia looked at the thief's brother with a smile.

"You. You must be the one who did it." Robber's senior sister looked at Xia Xia angrily, only Xia Xia touched Rou Xing's senior brother just now.

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Xia said innocently.

"Junior sister, let's go first." The thief's senior brother gave Xia Xia a vicious look. He was sure that what happened just now was caused by Xia Xia, and he would definitely find it back in this place.

Sister Hong was watching everything just now. From the angle of Thief and the others, they couldn't see Xia Xia, but Sister Hong could see it.

From the very beginning when Xia Xia grabbed the beads, to the senior brother who deliberately bumped into the stealing star, these were all deliberately done by Xia Xia. As for how Xia Xia made the senior brother of the stealing star fall, it is not clear.

She guessed it might be something like anesthesia.

"Deserving it." Pirates felt much better after seeing the senior brother and senior sister who had left in embarrassment.

"I can't tell, your brother has quite a lot of things on his body." Xia Xia raised it with his right hand and threw dozens of things on the bar, including eight in his wallet and twelve in his hand.

"How did you do it?" The beautiful Thief Thief star looked at Xia Xia with surprise.

They are professionals. She knows her senior brother's abilities best, but her senior brother's things were stolen by Xia Xia. Could it be that Xia Xia is also a fellow? Thinking of this beautiful thief thief stared at the summer with an incredible look.

"Secret." Xia Xia said mysteriously.

"Cut, don't tell me to pull it down." Pirates pouted, but she immediately realized another thing, and hurriedly looked at Xia Xia and asked, "Did you steal that bead just now?"

"No, wasn't that bead always in your pocket? You put it yourself just now." Xia Xia said solemnly.

"I didn't put it in my pocket just now, it was caught on my finger, but wasn't it snatched by my senior brother later?" Pirates She thought that Xia Xia didn't even notice that she just now method.

Sister Hong smiled slightly: "Xiao Xing, look in your pocket."

Hearing what Sister Hong said, Star Thief touched his pocket suspiciously: "Hey, there really is."

Seeing the red bead Robber Star in her hand was extremely excited. This time, she kept the bead again. As long as she can keep the bead for a year, she can go back to learn Master's strongest skill.

"No, the beads were clearly in my brother's hands just now, how could they be in my pocket." Pirates suddenly realized the problem, then turned to look at Xia Xia: "I see, it must be you who did it, right? ?"

"What did I do, I don't know." Xia Xian casually flipped through the pile of things.

"Hey!" Xia Tian suddenly saw a photo. There was no one on it, but a small bamboo slip. If a normal person saw this photo, he would definitely throw it away. There are many such pictures on the Internet, but Xia Xia But clenched his fist.

The thing on this photo is the Scroll of Heaven, exactly the same as his.

The Scroll of Heaven appeared. If he guessed correctly, what the islander said a few days ago might have something to do with the Scroll of Heaven.

If you want to know the true past of your father, you must get the Scroll of Heaven.

"What's wrong with you?" Sister Hong was stunned when she saw a photo in Xia's hands.

"Ah, it's nothing." Xia Xia recovered: "Sister Hong, you can deal with these things. I still have something to do. Let's go first."

"Yes, he must have done it. He is so powerful. If he is willing to help me, then I will be able to keep this bead." The beautiful thief and thief said to herself, waiting for the summer when she looked up. is gone.
