Bingxin's request

Xia Xia guessed that the goal of the D country person might be to pass the sky. Since Xia Xia will also intervene, there are still two days left, and then he will hide in the dark.

After returning to the residence, Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin were already waiting there.

"Uh." Seeing such a battle, Xia Xia was slightly taken aback.

"I'm back, sit down, I have something to tell you." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Xia with a serious expression.

"What's the matter? Why is it so grand." Xia Xia sat opposite the two of them.

"That's the case, we need your help." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Xia very seriously.

"Cousin, just tell me if you have something to do." Xia Xia said happily.

"Alright then, you will go to Jianghai University with us tomorrow. There is a taekwondo competition there. Then you can pretend to be Bing Xin's boyfriend." Ye Qingxue directly stated her purpose.

"Ah? It's this again." Xia Xia felt that her fate could not escape this. She used to be a cousin as a shield, but now she has become Sister Bingxin.

"Why, do you dare to disagree?" Ye Qingxue put her hands on her hips and looked at Xia Xia domineeringly.

"Agree, agree." Seeing Ye Qingxue's terrifying appearance, Xia Xia had to keep nodding.

"It's almost the same." Ye Qingxue nodded with satisfaction: "By the way, your clothes are very beautiful today, so just wear them, and someday I will take you to buy a few sets, so that you don't have to wear them every day. A few."

Xia Xia hurried back to his room, Ye Qingxue was really terrifying, but Ye Qingxue's eyesight was good, and at a glance, he could see that the clothes looked good.

As for Ye Qingxue saying that she wanted to take him to buy clothes, it's fine. Xia Tian looked at the clothes that Zeng Rou bought for him in her closet, and her heart was bleeding.

"Hey, it's still too extravagant." He closed the wardrobe in the summer, and he really couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

After returning home, Xia Xia continued to practice/practice Tianxingjue.

Early the next morning, Xia Xian bought breakfast for the two girls. Because they had to go to Jianghai University today, Xia didn't walk too far, but just went out for a run.

"If you weren't my cousin, maybe I would really like you. It's so sweet." Ye Qingxue said happily while looking at the loving breakfast on the table.

After having breakfast, the three walked to Jianghai University together.

The taekwondo competition was at ten o'clock. There was no class this morning. Ye Qingxue and the others went directly to the literature and art group after they came.

"Brother Tian." When the girls saw Xia Xia, they hurriedly rushed up.

"Don't get so close to me, I'm allergic." Xia Xia hid away and avoided them directly.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you thought about what the Lun family said last time, but the Lun family has been waiting for your answer." A flower/chid from the literary and art group looked at Xia Xia affectionately.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't listen to her, I'm still a little girl/girl." Another flower/crazy from the art group was even more direct.

"Are you insane again? Let me tell you, this summer is Bingxin, and no one is allowed to tell me anything, otherwise I want her to look good." Ye Qingxue's eyes swept over everyone, everyone naturally Understand what's going on.

Since Xia Xia has a task at hand, they naturally can't turn around Xia Xia. In the end, they can only look at Xia Xia resentfully, and some even fly their eyes towards Xia Xia.

"Summer, can you play Go?" Bing Xin looked at Xia Xia tenderly, her eyes full of love.

Xia Xia saw Bing Xin's eyes and nodded. In his opinion, the love in Bing Xin's eyes was all for a while.

"Let's play a game of chess." Bing Xin took out the board and pieces.

"You have to be careful, Bing Xin's Go skills are quite impressive. She is the most powerful in our art group. She has played more than 100 chess moves with the national players." Ye Qingxue reminded.

"I've played chess with a national player!" Hearing this summer, he became interested. He has played chess with his father since he was a child, and he never beat his father once.

"I don't know if my mental power has become stronger now. Can I look at a few more pieces." Xia Tian's mental power is getting stronger and stronger. In the past, he would feel dizzy when he used the clairvoyant/vision eye for a minute. Now he uses it continuously. Three minutes is more than enough, and you can continue after an hour or two of rest.

"Ladies first, come first." Looking at the chessboard in front of Xia Tian, ​​he suddenly had a feeling that it was like his own world, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Bing Xin was also not polite, and directly placed the first chess piece.

Summer put the pieces in the middle.

"What are you doing?" Bing Xin looked at Xia Xia in confusion, she had never seen chess like this.

"Summer, do you know how to play chess?" Ye Qingxue said in dissatisfaction when she saw Xiaxia's play.

"Go on." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

ten minutes later.

Bing Xin's forehead was covered in sweat. Although ten minutes had passed, there were less than sixty pieces on the chessboard. UU reading www.

She once played chess with a national player, and it was only after a hundred moves that she lost, but she only played a few dozen moves with Xia Xia, and she felt endless danger/opportunity, no matter where her chess pieces were, she It feels like they will be surrounded and killed, and there is no safe place on the entire chessboard.

"I lost." Bing Xin couldn't continue to play. Although three-quarters of the chessboard had no chess pieces, Bing Xin knew that even if she played there, the result would be exactly the same as here.

"Losing? Why did you lose so quickly." Ye Qingxue looked at Xia Xia with an unbelievable face.

"No matter where I play, I have no sense of security. I feel that the entire chessboard belongs to him." Bing Xin explained.

"I didn't see it, you are so powerful." Ye Qingxue patted Xia Xia's shoulder and gave him a very developed expression.

"Hehe, it's a coincidence." Xia Xia was embarrassed. He had already tested it just now. He counted the number of pieces twice as many as before, and he could see all the changes within fifteen pieces.

Xia Xia believed that even if he went down with his father, he would definitely have a chance to win.

"Bing Xin, Bing Xin." A shout came from outside the art group.

"He's here." Ye Qingxue's expression became serious when she heard this voice, and Bing Xin also stood directly beside Xia Xia.

"Bing Xin, I'm about to compete soon, and today I will definitely win the championship." A man broke into the literary and art group directly. When he saw Bing Xin holding Xia Xia's arm, his voice was hoarse.

The man's smiling expression also turned cold.

"Who are you?" A strong hostility emanated from the man's body, without the slightest concealment, his eyes were fixed on Xia Tian.
