get out of the white house

Seeing that Xia Xia really left the police station, Chief Zhao's spirit was completely relaxed. His legs softened and he sat directly on the ground. His entire back was covered in sweat. Just now, he seemed to have experienced a life-and-death experience.

"Dad, are you all right?" Zhao Tianyu hurriedly helped him up.

"Senior Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Li Bureau asked pretending to be concerned.

"No, nothing, I'm a little tired, Tianyu, let's go home first." Chief Zhao's face turned pale.

"Well, I still have something to do, so I won't send it to you." Li Ju was overjoyed when he saw Section Chief Zhao's appearance. This time Chief Zhao was planted big, and such a big hatred would make him crazy.

Zhao Tianyu helped his father out of the police station.

"Hum, summer, I already said that the last time would not be like this. If you offend this father and son, you are not far from death." Li Ju still remembers the original situation. He was forced to death by himself. If Team Liu didn't die, he would be bitten out in the end.

"Dad, I have never suffered from this kind of anger since I was a child. I must let that man die, and that policeman." Zhao Tianyu shouted angrily, living such a big life. In front of the woman he likes, Bai Yiyi.

"That policeman is easy to say, deal with that man first, he knows a little bit of kung fu, but what's the use of kung fu these days, two fists can't beat four hands, I must let him die without a place to be buried." Chief Zhao's eyes filled with murderous intent , He has lived for so long, the first time he was beaten so badly, and his legs were weak in the end.

This is a great shame for him.

If this revenge is not avenged, he will die.

Xia Xian left with Bai Yiyi after saying goodbye to Lin Bingbing. Bai Yiyi said he would take him to his house to see her grandmother.

Bai Yiyi's home is not in the city, but in a suburb, but this large manor belongs to them. It is like a paradise, quiet and beautiful. The Green Forest Villa that I went to before the summer is considered the best environment. The place is, but it is a bit low-key where all the forests are there.

Here is different, there are countless kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

"The environment in your home is also very good." In summer, I saw a lot of herbs here, ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, etc. can be seen everywhere, and they are also very picky about the location and environment of planting, not all of them are planted together, But everywhere.

This prevents them from competing for nutrients from each other, and in the end all are stunted.

"Our ancestors have studied medicine from generation to generation, and our family's medical skills are passed down to women rather than men," explained the little nurse Bai Yiyi.

"Oh." Xia Xia nodded, other people's skills are to pass on men and not women, but theirs's skills are very strange, they actually pass on women and not men.

"Let's go, I mentioned you to my grandma." The little nurse Bai Yiyi smiled slightly.

Xia Xia followed the little nurse Bai Yiyi into the interior. When they came to the living room, Bai Yiyi's grandmother and aunt were already sitting there.

"Hello grandma, hello auntie." Xia Xia greeted very politely.

"Hello, hello." Bai Yiyi's grandmother responded very politely.

Bai Yiyi's aunt did not speak, but frowned tightly. Xia Xian was so young, it was hard for her to believe that such a young child could be a genius doctor.

"Can I get treatment now?" Bai Yiyi looked at Xia Xia and asked.

"Of course, but my treatment is not free. You are my wife and I can give you free treatment, but others can't." Xia Xia gave the old man a set of silver needles to treat him.

His father taught him from a young age that everything has a cause and effect, and there is no free lunch in the world.

"Then treat me first." Bai Yiyi nodded.

"Okay." Xia Tian took out a brocade box from his arms, and when they saw the brocade box, the three of them put their eyes on the brocade box.

When the brocade box was opened in the summer, Bai Yiyi's grandmother opened her mouth wide: "Is this the Bian Que magic needle?"

Bai Yiyi's grandmother had a lot of doubts about this summer, because she knew better than anyone else about their family's illness. She had been practicing medicine for so many years and she had no idea what to do. She heard Bai Yiyi's phone call saying that someone could cure it. When she was sick, she didn't hold out much hope.

Even when she saw Xia Xia, she didn't hold out hope, because Xia Xian was too young, but when she saw the items in the brocade box, she already believed most of them.

"Grandma has a good eye." Xia Xia smiled slightly and directly picked up a silver needle in his right hand. Grandma and aunt kept staring at him, but they actually found that the silver needle in Xia Xia's hand disappeared out of thin air.

Xia Tian picked up the second one again, but the second one also disappeared.

Just like that, when Xia Xian picked up the tenth one, they finally discovered that all those silver needles were actually inserted into Bai Yiyi's body.

When exactly did the needles be given in the summer? The two of them were staring at each other all the time, and they didn't relax the whole time.

This speed is too fast, can you find the acupuncture points at such a fast speed?

Looking for acupuncture points is part of the instinct in summer, just like people can eat and sleep.

Two minutes later, the needle is closed in summer.

"Okay, it won't happen in five Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"How do you feel?" Bai Yiyi's aunt looked at Bai Yiyi nervously.

"It seems that there is really no more, the cold current in the body has disappeared." Bai Yiyi said excitedly.

"It's really amazing." Bai Yiyi's aunt looked at Xia Xia with an incredible face. He really did it. Before, she never believed that Xia Xian could do it, but now the facts show that he has indeed succeeded.

"What are you doing?" A man walked in outside the living room. The man looked to be in his forties.

"It's really good." Bai Yiyi said excitedly, "You can help me heal my grandma and aunt."

"As I said, I can only give it to you for free, others have to pay." Xia Xia explained.

"Receive money? How much do you want?" Bai Yiyi asked.

"Where are you a liar, how dare you come to my Bai's house to cheat." The man stepped forward and scolded when he heard the money. Bai Yiyi's surname is only Bai, regardless of gender. Mother's last name, not father's.

"Uncle, he's not a liar." Bai Yiyi hurriedly explained.

"He also said that he wasn't a liar. Are you frightened by this disease? You also believe the words of such a hairy boy." Bai Yiyi's uncle gave Xia Xia a disdainful look.

Xia Xia did not speak, but put away the silver needle. Seeing Xia Xia's actions, Bai Yiyi's aunt and grandmother were stunned at the same time. They knew that Bai Yiyi's uncle had angered Xia Xia, and a genius doctor like him must have a bad temper. is great.

"I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Wait, Doctor Xia." Bai Yiyi's grandmother suddenly stopped Xia Xia, then turned to look at her son: "Apologize to Doctor Xia for me, or get me out of the Bai family."
