say it again

"Uh," Bai Yiyi's uncle Bai Mang was stunned for a moment, and looked at his mother with a puzzled expression: "Mom, are you too confused, you can't see such a simple liar."

"I want you to apologize to Divine Doctor Xia." Bai Yiyi's grandmother said in a cold tone.

"No, let me apologize to a liar, it's impossible." Bai Mang refused directly, and looked at Xia Xia viciously at the same time: "Get out of my house, get out of Bai's house, or I'll be welcome."

"You told me to get out?" Xia Xia looked at Baimang coldly.

"Divine Doctor Xia, don't have any knowledge of him. I apologize to you." Bai Yiyi's grandmother hurriedly apologized.

"Grandma, aren't you breaking me?" Xia Tian didn't want to be as knowledgeable as Bai Mang because of Bai Yiyi's grandma's face.

"You still pretend to be a good person, I told you to get out, didn't you hear? I told you that Bai Mang is not easy to mess with." Bai Mang was even more angry when he saw Xia Xia Dadu's appearance, he felt that what he did was clearly Yes, but good people let summer be.

"For grandma's face, I'll give you a chance and apologize to me now." Giving grandma's face in Xia Xia does not mean that he can be bullied by others.

"Grandma, grandma, what kind of thing are you called? You don't have to give anyone face, I can't apologize to you." Ask him to apologize to a little hairy boy, and the other party speaks so arrogantly, this is the dream.

Xia Tian didn't speak, but walked directly to Baimang.

"Hmph," Bai Mang snorted coldly when he saw Xia Xia walking towards him: "Stinky boy, do you want to fight? Although the men in our Bai family don't understand medical skills, their bodies have been brewed with medicinal wine since childhood, and they have been exercising all year round. I'm not afraid of being a soldier."


Xia Xia punched Baimang directly in the face: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly, say it again."

"You dare to hit me." Bai Mang was stunned for a moment. He was just bragging about how powerful he was, but now he was directly knocked down by Xia Xia's punch.

"Why don't I dare?" Xia Xia looked at Bai Mang and asked.

Bai Yiyi, who was beside him, was completely speechless. This summer, he was really a violent man. He just beat up a section chief at the police station, and now he beat his uncle.

"Hmph, you were a sneak attack just now, this time I will definitely knock you out." Bai Mang thought that it must have been a sneak attack just now in summer, otherwise he would not have been beaten by him.


Bai Mang's body flew straight up, turned into an arc and fell to the ground: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly, say it again."

When Baimang's body made a close contact with the ground, he woke up. The pain in his body let him know that he was not dreaming, and that he was actually knocking him flying. Isn't this what he just said?

"Uh." Bai Yiyi's grandmother and aunt were all stunned. They didn't expect Xia Tian to be so powerful. The children of the Bai family know that every body is really strong, and it is completely useless for one person to deal with three or four ordinary people. The problem, but Baimang didn't even have the ability to fight back in front of Xia Xia.

"You." Bai Mang was at a loss for words at this time. If he said that the first time was either his own carelessness or the other party's sneak attack, then the second time was definitely not a coincidence.

"Yiyi." Bai Yiyi's grandma glanced at Bai Yiyi.

Bai Yiyi understood what grandma meant: "Xia Tian, ​​don't fight, he is my uncle no matter what."

"For the sake of my little wife, I'll let you go once." Xia Tian cast a glance at Baimang and said.

"You wait for me." After Bai Mang finished speaking, he ran out of the hall.

Seeing Bai Mang fleeing in embarrassment, Bai Yiyi's grandmother shook her head in disappointment. This son of hers is really not good enough, and doesn't have the bearing to make a big deal.

"Xia Tian, ​​you should help grandma and the others treat their illness." Bai Yiyi looked at Xia Xia and said.

"Okay, since it's your grandmother and aunt, let's do 10,000 yuan per person." Xia Xia didn't ask for much money, and people who can cure this disease in the world can check it out with one hand, and the others are still The hermit man.

"Okay, I'll transfer money now." Bai Yiyi's aunt agreed without hesitation when she heard the ten thousand yuan. For this disease, let alone ten thousand yuan, they would be willing to treat it even if it was one hundred and one million yuan. The pain was worse than death, and the medicine every month was more than this amount of money.

Compared with human life, money is worthless.

A minute later, Xia Xia's mobile phone prompted that the money had arrived.

"Grandma, you are getting old and your body's recovery function is declining. I need to treat you for a while. After the treatment, you need to stop eating high-protein foods for three days." Xia Tian reminded.

"Okay." Grandma agreed happily.

Xia Tian opened the brocade box, and the needle in her hand disappeared quickly. Ten minutes later, Xia Xia closed her hand, but the needle did not come back. Grandma is old, and it is not enough to rely on her own body to recover, so Xia Xian needs to Her acupuncture points open for a while to boost metabolism.

After half an hour, Xia Xia took back the silver After taking back the silver needle, Bai Yiyi's grandmother felt that her whole body was full of energy, and the coldness in her body really disappeared.

"Grandma, how do you feel?" Bai Yiyi looked at his grandma.

"Many thanks to Doctor Xia for saving the old man's life. If it hadn't been for Doctor Xia to save him, I really don't know how many months I would be able to carry it." Bai Yiyi's grandmother wanted to kneel down.

Xia Xia held Bai Yiyi's grandma in his arms and smiled slightly: "Grandma, this is just breaking me."

"Thank you." Bai Yiyi said very implicitly, all along, her grandmother treated her the best, and she was also the closest person to her.

"Auntie, it's your turn." Xia Tian smiled at Bai Yiyi.

"Oh, here we come." Bai Yiyi was very excited when she saw that Xia Xia had cured two of them. Over the years, the pain had tormented her for too long, and she had waited too long for this day.

Xia Tian started to apply needles directly. When Xia Xian reached the third needle, two people broke in outside, Bai Mang and his brother Bai Guang.

"What are you doing, stop me." Bai Guang shouted loudly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Xia Xian's mouth. You should not be disturbed during the injection process. Once distracted, it would easily hurt the other person. Xia Xian was afraid of hurting Bai Yiyi's aunt, and would rather hurt herself.

"How are you?" Bai Yiyi's aunt said nervously, she was afraid of what would happen.

"Don't talk, don't be afraid, relax." Blood was flowing from the corners of Xia Tian's mouth, and sweat was all over his forehead.

Seeing Xia Xia's appearance, both Bai Yiyi and her grandma were stunned. They naturally understood that they must have been disturbed by the two at the door. Bai Yiyi's grandma wanted to kill her two sons, but she was afraid of disturbing them. summer treatment.
