super power

As the road in the summer becomes more and more deviated, the speed at which the other party keeps up is getting faster and faster.


Xia Xia knew it when he first saw the other party, because he was wearing a ninja costume.

"Daro Takeshita was injured by you, right!" The other party said coldly.

"Why are you guys from the island country so fluent in Chinese?" Xia Xia looked at the other person and asked.

"Dead people don't need to know so much." The ninja threw a paintball on the ground, and then the whole person disappeared, just like that.

"Damn, so advanced, yet still invisible?" Xia Tian opened his perspective eyes instantly, and glanced around, he discovered the other party's traces, and he had to admire the other party's ninjutsu skills.

If it wasn't for the see-through eyes, he really couldn't find out that the wall was actually disguised.

The so-called invisibility in ninjutsu is actually a trick, turning oneself into a part of the surrounding, so as to achieve the purpose of invisibility.

This will make the opponent feel fearful, and use the sneak attack to attack, then even an opponent who is stronger than them will be killed by them.

Xia Xia's right hand flicked, and the Qingyun dagger appeared in his hand. Then he pretended not to find where the other party was, carefully searched around, and approached the wall little by little.

The ninja was even more careful, didn't show any breath or was in a hurry, just fought with Xia Xia for patience.

Xia Xian waved his dagger indiscriminately at the air, and his body had come to the wall.

Poof! !

Xia Xia's dagger cut the ninja's neck directly.

"For." The ninja looked at Xia Xia with an incredible look on his face.

"There's nothing to explain to a dead person." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and when he saw the figure of the ninja falling down, he suddenly had a better way. Then walk away.

"Director, this time we have dispatched a total of 37 experts, and the members of the Dragon Group have also come." A man in a suit said respectfully in front of Ye Wanqing.

"Well, I've already asked Fan Zhuifeng to help, this time there is nothing to lose." Ye Wanqing said with a serious face.

"Don't worry, Director, those islanders are already under our surveillance."

"Be careful with quicksand," Ye Wanqing reminded.

"With the owner of Villa Fan, it is useless even if Hidden Bat makes a move. The owner of Villa Fan is his nemesis."

"It's better to be careful, this time the items are very important, don't make any mistakes." Ye Wanqing said with a frown, she always felt uneasy and felt like something was going to happen.

Inside Jianghai University.

"Senior sister, let's go!" Ling'er was bouncing around in the room.

"Well, this is my only chance. If I can't get it, I have no reason to delay." Yun Miao said with a serious expression.

"Isn't there that basketball god?" Ling'er looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face.

"He shouldn't have that." Yun Miao shook his head.

"You haven't tried it yet, how do you know if he is not?" Ling'er looked at Yun Miao curiously: "Oh, I see, Senior Sister, have you taken a fancy to him?"

"What nonsense!" Yun Miao reprimanded.

"How about I go to his house one day, beat him half to death, and force him to hand it over." Ling'er said with a serious face.

"Stop messing around, let's go." Yun Miao walked outside with Ling'er.

At this time, in an abandoned factory building in Jianghai City.

"Master Hidden Bat, everything is ready. There are three first-level killers, twenty-seven second-level killers, and one hundred third-level killers."

"Okay, Tongtian Fragment must be grabbed." Hidden Bat's voice revealed coldness: "I heard that Fan Zaifeng also moved."

"Yes, Ye Wanqing, the director of the Special Operations Department, asked him to take action."

"Hmph, this guy Fan Zhuifeng, sooner or later I will definitely kill him." Hidden Bat's tone was full of hatred.

Inside an uninhabited bungalow in Jianghai City.

"Are you all ready?" The ninja headed looked at everyone and asked.

"It's just Hashimoto."

"Where are the others?" the leading ninja asked in dissatisfaction.

"Takeshita was injured. After he heard about it, he went to avenge Takeshita."

"It's really troublesome, what time is this, and he still goes out to cause trouble. Don't wait for him, he knows where the location is." The ninja at the head waved his hand, and hundreds of people dressed as ninjas all dispatched.

In a cafe.

"Senior brother, what exactly are those islanders asking us to steal?" asked the pirate's senior sister.

"I don't know, the photo is still lost, but I remember what it looked like, we don't need to care what it is, anyway, there will be 5 million when we get it." Pirate's senior brother said excitedly.

"Let's go, it's almost time." Pirate's senior sister glanced at the time and said.

At this time, Xia Xia was traversing the streets The place he was going to was a passage in the suburbs, and that was the destination of those ninjas.

After arriving at the destination, Xia Xia put on a ninja costume, and then hid. This is the demolition area. Usually, there are almost no people. When I opened my perspective, Xia Xia was instantly stunned.

There are more than 100 people hiding in the quicksand not far from him, and there are more than 40 ninjas on the other side, but these are not what surprised him the most, what surprised him the most was how many people he saw. an acquaintance.

There are two brothers and sisters of Thief Star, and the two of them are now pretending to be a pair of disabled people and waiting by the side of the road.

The other two surprised him even more.

The first beauty of Jianghai University, Yun Miao and that Linger.

In the summer, I tried to see the two of them with X-ray eyes, but I couldn't even see through the clothes. At that time, I felt that the two of them were mysterious.

At this time, all these people except the brothers and sisters of the thief discovered the existence of others, because they did not deliberately hide it at all. Of course, Xia Xia has always been well hidden, and they have not been discovered by them.

These people are tacitly aware of each other, their goals are the same, although they know that there will be a war in the future, but now is not the time.

They are waiting for the arrival of the group of people who will deliver the Fragments of Heaven.

Xia Tian was lying on the ground, and he had already heard the sound of cars, one, two, three. A full six motor vehicles came here from afar.

"The good show is finally coming." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

The car had already entered the place where it was visible to the naked eye. The brothers and sisters of Thief Star walked directly to the road, and when they got there, the two started to crawl.

The car stopped.
