Bai Yiyi was kidnapped

"Director, there are two disabled old people in front."

"How can there be disabled old people here, you two get out of the car and throw them out to me." Ye Wanqing said very domineeringly.

There are usually no good people here, let alone two disabled people.

The two guards got out of the car directly and threw the senior brother and senior sister who mentioned Pirates into the distance.

"What are you doing? You are bullying the old man."

"You can't do this. We are old people and need to be respected."

The two guards walked back into the car as if they didn't hear the two of them talking.

boom! !

There was a gunshot, and the tire of the car was blown out. When the brothers and sisters of the thief heard the gunshot, they were both blinded. This was completely different from what they thought before.

"Get off the bus, the guests are here."

All the people got off the car, and a group of hundreds of people surrounded the car mightily. This time, there were not only people from the special operations department, but also the guards who escorted the goods.

These guards are also experts.

Ye Wanqing got out of the car directly, followed by Fan Chaifeng and the expert from the Dragon Group.

"Since everyone is here, please show up. If you guys shoot again, I think the entire Flying Tigers in Jianghai City will be dispatched." Ye Wanqing shouted loudly.

A large number of people appeared on the left side of the road.

"Fan Zhuifeng, at such a great age, he still learns from others to fight, and he is not afraid of getting hurt and dying." Hidden bat led the people from Quicksand to appear there.

"You should still worry about yourself. I have never been injured in a fight with you." Master Fan looked at Hidden Bat with a smile.

The people on the right side of the road also came out one after another.

"Ninja." Ye Wanqing looked at these ninjas with cold eyes.

And there were two women in front of the road.

The two women wore masks on their faces, just the two of them.

"Hmph, I don't know whether to live or die." Hidden Bat snorted coldly, and then the two second-level killers beside him directly killed the two women.

Poof! puff!

Two streaks of blood flashed across, and the two second-level killers fell directly into a pool of blood.

"Mysterious master." Everyone was stunned.

"It seems that this battle will not be easy." Ye Wanqing said lightly.

"Hahahaha, that's the only way to be interesting." Xuanhu of the Dragon Group said with a big smile.

"Let's fight, you can fight, anyway, I'm just watching the fun." Xia Xia sat in a dilapidated house and looked outside. There was a hole in the house, so you could see the outside.

The place was very quiet.

"Mom, what the **** is going on here, isn't it just stealing? Why are there so many people?" Pioxing brothers and sisters were completely stunned by this scene.

"Kill!" Hidden bat said "kill", and all the people in Quicksand rushed forward, as did those ninjas, all of them rushed towards Ye Wanqing and the others.

"Auntie and the others are in a bad situation." Xia Xia kept staring at the battlefield.

Yun Miao and Ling'er also attacked the crowd at the same time. The two of them have no allies, only enemies. No matter who is standing in front of them, they both ignore it and just keep rushing.

"Fan Zhuifeng, today I will kill you." Hidden Bat and Fan Zhuifeng are old rivals.

The leader among the ninjas directly killed Ye Wanqing.

"Your opponent is me." Xuanhu instantly appeared in front of the opponent and threw a punch.

Chaos, the scene can only be described with chaotic words.

However, their goal is only one, that is, the splintered scroll in the car.

The battle lasted for ten minutes, and the Scroll of Heaven reappeared in front of everyone.

It was the ninjas of the island country who succeeded.

All the other forces attacked the ninjas of the island country.

"Hey, it's my turn to play." Xia Xia smiled slightly and rushed towards the crowd. At this time, he was also wearing a ninja costume.

Under his feet, Manyun Xianbu quickly shuttled through the crowd. No matter who wanted to fight him, he would not shoot, just rush. Soon he rushed into the group of ninjas.

"Hashimoto, why did you come back?" the leader reprimanded in the language of the island nation.

Xia Xia didn't answer. Although he could speak the language of the island country, he couldn't imitate that person's voice, and it would be a bad thing to say it.

"What are you doing, your invisibility is the best of all people, take your things, and run away quickly." The island ninja headed to Xia Tian with the broken scroll in his hand.

"The things are back." Xuanhu punched the island ninja leader.

Xia Xia was slightly stunned when he saw the Tongtian Remnant Scroll in his hand. He originally planned to steal the Tongtian Remnant Scroll, or else he would attack it, but he didn't expect it to be in his hands so easily.

"What are you still doing, hurry up." The ninja leader shouted loudly.

Xia Xia only reacted at this time. With a flash of immortal steps under her feet, she rushed directly into the house area. This is the best escape route.

"Want to escape?" Yun Miao and Ling'er rushed towards here.

"Stop them, no matter what the cost, things must be taken away." The island ninja shouted loudly.

Following his order, all the ninjas rushed towards the others without fear of death, just to buy more time.

If you let them know that the person who escaped just now was not Hashimoto but Natsume, I'm afraid they will be **** to death.

Xia Tian didn't dare to take a breath, so he ran all the way back to his hometown in the suburbs.

"Damn, such a simple thing is at hand." Looking at the Tongtian Remnant in his hand, Xia Xia felt very unreal. Those people just now were masters of the masters. Roll away.

Holding the Tongtian Remnant in his hand, Xia Tian smiled slightly, this is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.

"I'm afraid they're killing it in the dark." Xia Xia changed his and crushed the bead in the middle of the necklace.

Summer put two bamboo slips together.

At this moment, the bamboo slips emitted a faint purple light, and then the two bamboo slips actually merged into one.

"It's so amazing." Xia Xia looked at the bamboo slip in front of him in disbelief.

Xia Tian picked up the bamboo slips in his hands and played with them.

"Ah! My head hurts." Xia Xia's body fell directly to the ground and fainted.

"The Dao can be broken, the Buddha can be killed, and it can reach the sky."

These words kept appearing in summer dreams.

I don't know how long I slept, but Xia Tian slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to see if Tongtian Remnant was still there. He found that nothing was missing. He breathed a sigh of relief and pinched the Tongtian Remnant. The beads were put back on the necklace.

"Hey, I actually broke through again." Xia Xia said with an incredible face.

The third level of Tianxing Jue, he actually broke through to the third level of Tianxing Jue under inexplicable circumstances.

"Is it related to the Tongtian Fragment Scroll?" Xia Xia thought about it for a while, and he determined that it must be related to the Tongtian Fragment Scroll. Although he is very talented, but if he wants to break through the Tianxing Jue to the third level, I am afraid there is no one or two. year is impossible.

But he actually broke through after just sleeping.

"Damn it, have I slept for decades now?" Xia Xia hurriedly took out his mobile phone, turned it on, and he was relieved to see the date on the phone, it had only been a few hours.

Ding Ding!

The sound of text messages.

"In the summer, Bai Yiyi is in my hands. If you want her to live, she will come to the Xu family warehouse in the east of the city alone."

Looking at the information on the phone, summer's anger rose.