Big funny B

With this voice, everyone turned their attention to him. It was a man again. These people were strange. Why does this old man like to buy cosmetics, and he even won the lottery. The second-class just now The prize was taken by a man.

Under the stands, those who were ordered by Xia Xia left very wisely, because they saw Xia Xia's ruthlessness, and Xia Xia recognized their identities, and those around them stayed away from them.

They didn't dare to do anything if they continued to stay here.

"I won the lottery, hahahaha, half a million." The man was about to laugh madly.

Seeing him running up to the podium excitedly, everyone looked at the host with anticipation. Don't be an oolong.

Xia Xia returned to Zeng Rou's side. Seeing Xia Xia's domineering side, the owner of the mall gave him a thumbs up.

The host took over the man's winning ticket, "Yes, it's really our special prize, 500,000. Let's congratulate this gentleman together."

After hearing the host's words, everyone off the court cast envious, jealous eyes at the man.

"The grand prize is coming out so soon." Xia Xia sighed.

"Well, there are actually two winners in the grand prize." Zeng Rou felt speechless for a while. Could it be that most of the people who bought her company's cosmetics were men.

"By the way, Sister Rou, I have a friend. I introduced her to work in the company. She is a college student and can't come often. Please arrange an internship for her." Xia Tian thought of Li Ying.

"Male and female," Zeng Rou asked jealously.

"Woman." Xia Tian answered honestly.

"Then don't." Zeng Rou said very capriciously.

"Others, Sister Rou, she is a good friend of mine, she is accommodating." Xia Xia begged.

"It's not impossible, unless you promise me a condition." Zeng Rou saw that Xia Xia had taken the bait, so she put forward her own condition.

"Okay, tell me, I will agree to any conditions." Xia Xia said directly.

"There is an auction tomorrow night. Come with me." Zeng Rou smiled slightly.

"No problem." Xia Tian said, patting his chest.

At this time, the man on the podium excitedly looked at the cash in front of him. The Zeng Group was very humane and even prepared a safe for him.

The man didn't take care of the envious, jealous and hateful eyes under the stage, but stared at the half a million cash in front of him, as if he was afraid that the money would disappear out of thin air.

"Hello, sir." The host called beside the man.

"Ah, don't call me sir, please call me a local tyrant." The man said excitedly.

"Oh, Mr. local tyrant, first of all, I congratulate you for winning the grand prize of 500,000 yuan, the highest prize in this draw." The host congratulated.

"Haha, when I went out today, I felt that my soul was possessed. I always felt that I was going to have great luck today. I didn't expect that I would actually win the special prize." The man said with a big laugh.

"Don't you buy your cosmetics for yourself?" The host asked, remembering the male college student who won the second prize just now.

"Of course not, I bought it for my sister." The man shook his head.

"Then you have so much money, how are you going to spend it?" the host asked.

"However you spend it, of course, you have to pay back the money first. I am the most trustworthy person. When I have money, I have to pay it back to others." The man looked upright.

"It seems that Mr. still has a very reputable person, what about the rest?" the host asked again.

"The rest, pay the rest slowly." The man explained.

"Return slowly." The host was completely stunned.

The people in the audience were also stunned, even the three of them in Xia Xia were stunned. The person who won the special prize is actually a big joker.

"Sir, can I ask you a question?" The host looked at the man and asked.

"Ask," the man said.

"How much do you owe others?" the host asked again.

"I owe others a total of 1.5 million. Now I have won 500,000 in the lottery, and the remaining 1 million will be paid off slowly." The man explained. br/>

"Oh, well then, we wish you another big prize next time so that you can pay off your debt." The host was almost struck by lightning.

The man closed the safe and left the stage.

"The grand prize is almost gone. The biggest one is only a second prize. It's not worth seeing." Xia Xia said lightly.

You are me, my big apple.


"I'm Li Ying, do you have time tonight?"


"Can you do me a favor?"


"I agreed so happily."

"The beauty has a request, and I naturally agree."

"Can you pretend to be my boyfriend at night? At our high school class reunion, they all have boyfriends, but I don't have one. It's embarrassing to go there."


After Xia Xia hung up the phone, Zeng Rou looked at him with strange eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xia Tian covered his body with both hands and looked at Zeng Rou vigilantly.

"Your female predestined relationship is really good, and you have another beautiful appointment." Zeng Rou said with a pouted mouth.

"In my eyes, Sister Rou is always the most beautiful." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Little slippery, I'll ask the driver to take you there, just let him know where to pick you up at night." Zeng Rou took out a small box from her bag after speaking, "How can Mr. Xia of the dignified Zeng Group even have a watch? no."

Zeng Rou put the watch on Xia Xia's wrist, and it was just right. Zeng Rou had calculated the thickness of Xia Xia's wrist, so after buying it, it was just right.

"This watch is pretty good, it must be expensive." Xia Xia looked at the watch in his hand.

"It's not expensive, you can take it with you." Zeng Rou said.

"Sister Rou, then I'm leaving." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

When Xia Xia left, the owner of the mall looked at Zeng Rou.

"If I'm not mistaken, that watch is the supreme one." The owner of the mall said that it was the watch Zeng Rou bought for Xia Xian just now.

Zeng Rou nodded silently.

After Zeng Rou's driver sent Xia Xia back to Ye Qingxue's residence, Xia Xia let him leave first, but left his mobile phone number. If it was too late at night, he would be picked up. It was getting dark, but Xia Xian still had to go back. Change your clothes. Today, in order to participate in this lottery event, I came back and changed into a suit in summer.

He couldn't accompany Li Ying to a dinner party in a suit, that would be too high-profile.

After returning home, Xia Xia chose a suit from the pile of clothes that Zeng Rou bought for him. These clothes were matched by Zeng Rou for him. Zeng Rou's vision is very unique. After wearing it in summer, the whole person looks more handsome. .

It's quite a bit of a creampie.

After changing her clothes, she went to Jianghai University to pick up Li Ying in the summer.

"Wow, you are so handsome today." Li Ying was stunned when she saw Xia Xia for the first time.