classmate reunion

Li Ying also put on a white dress today, she looked very beautiful. She is a beauty herself, and wearing this white dress makes her even more sacred.

"You are also very beautiful." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Let's go, or else the gossip girls in our dormitory will be chased after a while, and I will trick them into going to the bathroom to sneak out." Li Ying spat out a snake's head and said naughty.

"Why did you sneak out?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"It's not because of you. My roommates suspect that I have a boyfriend. I said no, and they still don't believe it. Today I dressed like this, and they all said that I was going out on a date. I sneaked out." Li Ying explained.

"Uh, if you blame me, blame me." Xia Xia nodded.

Li Ying stomped her feet angrily when she saw the summer like wood.

Li Ying's high school reunion was organized by several people who came back from other places. They haven't seen each other for more than three years since they graduated from high school, so they called everyone together and planned to get together.

In order to make the party purer, they specifically requested that those who have an object can bring an object.

Li Ying and the others, a small half of the students did not go to college at all. They went out to socialize, some went out to do business, and some went to third-rate schools and second-rate schools. There are no more than five in a first-class school like Li Ying, Shanghai Jianghai University.

When Xia Xia and Li Ying came to the restaurant for the party, a lot of people had already come. When they saw the arrival of this former class flower, the people at the door came up to say hello. When they saw Xia Xia beside Li Ying, they were all slightly Nod.

"As expected of the class flower, she is getting more and more beautiful." The former squad leader came to Li Ying's side and praised her.

"The squad leader is getting more and more handsome." Li Ying said politely.

"Please come in, there are quite a few old classmates already here." The monitor smiled slightly.

Xia Xia and Li Ying walked inside.

"Li Ying" a girl ran out from inside.

"Liu Ying, hehe, you want to kill me." Li Ying hugged her directly.

"I miss you too. How have you been these past few years?" Liu Ying smiled slightly.

"Very good, what about you, didn't you study abroad?" Li Ying asked suspiciously.

"I came back the next year, and later found a boyfriend in China. By the way, this is your boyfriend, right? He looks very handsome." Liu Ying looked at Xia Xia and smiled slightly.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Li Ying asked when she saw that there was no one around Liu Ying.

"He's quite busy, so he'll be here in a while." Liu Ying said apologetically.

A few people walked directly inside, and they booked a medium-sized restaurant. There could be a dozen tables in this room, but there were not that many people, so there were only about six tables, which made it look more spacious.

"The class flower is here, the class flower is here."

A few men started booing when they saw Li Ying.

Li Ying responded with a nod. They sat at an empty table, and the table was just the three of them.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for many years, and the more they chatted, the happier they became.

"The two beauties had a good time chatting." Three men came over.

"Li Shuai, why do you still look like this, dressed like a gangster." Liu Ying didn't like to pay attention to these people.

"Haha, the old classmates haven't seen you for so long, why don't you give any face." Li Shuai said with a slight smile.

"I'm not familiar with you." Liu Ying turned his head away.

"Okay, we'll get to know each other in a while." Li Shuai walked to another table after finishing speaking.

"The handsome guy is getting more and more handsome." The person at the table greeted Li Shuai.

After the group chatted for a while, a fat man walked in at the door. His arrival attracted everyone's attention, because he was wearing Nike, a large gold chain around his neck, and a string on his wrist. Beads, with a string of car keys hanging from his waist, the logo on it is Nissan.

You must know that most of these people have not graduated yet, or they have just been in the society for a while, and they are not at all.

Can't afford a car, but this fat guy has a car, and it's a Nissan.

A good car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Isn't this Brother Feng? Where did you make a fortune recently?" Li Shuai walked up.

"What makes you rich, you still go to school." His full name is Zhou Xiaofeng. When he was in school, everyone knew that his family had money, so they all took care of his brother Feng.

At that time, everyone said that they would follow Brother Feng and have everything to eat and drink.

"Brother Feng is amazing, he was given a car when he went to school." Li Shuai spoke socially.

"Brother Feng is so envious of us. Once we graduate, we will face unemployment. When the time comes, a car and a house will be just a dream." The person at the next table said enviously.

"Did Brother Feng's house buy you a house?" Someone asked again.

"Well, I bought a house of more than 100 square meters in the urban area." Zhou Xiaofeng nodded and said very casually.

"Huh" Everyone gasped. Zhou Xiaofeng's family is really rich. They actually bought him a house in the city. This is not a small sum.

"Brother Feng, your house is more than ten thousand and one flat." Someone asked tentatively.

"Well, it cost more than 1.4 million for the decoration." Zhou Xiaofeng nodded.

This net worth, the car is hundreds of thousands, and the house is more than 1.4 million. He has such a deep family background before he graduated, and other people can only look at him with envy and jealousy~www Brother Feng, sit here, we haven't seen each other for several years, we must get together today. "

"Brother Feng sits with me. We brothers were at the same table back then."

"You have only been at the same table with Brother Feng for a few days, and I have been at the same table with Brother Feng for a year."

There was a mess in the room, and everyone was discussing who should Zhou Feng sit. Zhou Feng's family is so rich, once the chat is settled today, then if Zhou Feng pulls them, they can also have a little money.

Following the rich can also be dazzled.

It was with this idea in mind that they all fought there.

"Brother Feng, if you look down on your brother, just sit here with me." Li Shuai looked at Zhou Feng and smiled.

Zhou Feng didn't look at Li Shuai directly at all, but sat directly at Li Ying's table. Seeing that he was so ignored by Zhou Feng, Li Shuai's face immediately turned red, and he sat back directly to his seat.

"Huh, what's so great." Li Shuai snorted coldly and muttered there.

"Li Ying, long time no see, how have you been recently?" Zhou Feng stretched out his right hand, wanting to shake hands with Li Ying.

When Li Ying saw Zhou Feng's appearance, she really didn't know how to refuse.

"Hello, I'm her boyfriend, my name is Xia Xia." Xia Xia stood up directly, stretched out his right hand and held it with Zhou Feng.