I said go

When they saw the figures of the dozen or so people, the people in the room couldn't help but back away, because these people were all shirtless, with knives in their hands and tattoos on their bodies.

This momentum looks scary.

Although some of these people in the room have some skills at home, except for Li Shuai, who was just sent to the hospital, none of them are in the society.

"d, whoever beat up Li Shuai, get out of here." The leader said viciously.

Everyone looked at Xia Xia, and seeing that they were betrayed so easily, Xia Xia shook his head helplessly, and then walked forward.

"It's really crooked. Some of my Zhu Liang's younger brothers dare to fight, and they don't go out to find out what I am, Zhu Liang." Zhu Liang's words stopped halfway, and his face was incredible. Look at the person in front of you.

The latter words were swallowed hard by him.

Xia Xia walked forward step by step, Yan Yan, Zhou Feng and others were already there waiting to watch the show.

At first glance, this group of people were not good people. They called Li Shuai in the summer. How could Li Shuai suffer? So they called his boss, Zhu Liang.

Li Ming also remained motionless. In his opinion, now is a good opportunity for him to behave well. After being beaten by these people in the summer, he will call the police. When the police arrive, he will have to take the initiative to greet him.

Others are also waiting to see summer jokes.

"I did." Xia Xia said lightly.

Hearing these three words Xia Xia said, Zhu Liang felt like a big rock had hit his heart. He never wanted to offend the guy in front of him, but once Xia Xia admitted that he beat him, things didn't ease up. There is room.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Liang made a decision that he thought was the wisest in the rest of his life.

"Oh, just admit it, you look like a man, it's okay." Zhu Dian nodded, and when he heard his words, the younger brother behind him was stunned, and those around him who were waiting to watch the show were also stunned.

this is over

So many mighty people with weapons in hand just to say such a sentence

"Let's go." Zhu Liang turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing that Zhu Liang was going to leave, Yan Yan, Zhou Feng and the others could only keep shaking their heads. They originally planned to watch a good show, but this **** was too unsatisfactory.

"Wait," Xia Tian suddenly said.

Hearing Xia Xia's speech, Zhu Liang's heart froze, while Yan Yan, Zhou Feng and others brightened up. In their eyes, those people obviously let Xia Xia go. If Xia Xia took the initiative to provoke them, then They will never miss summer.

"Hmph, you're finished this time." Yan Yan snorted coldly.

"It depends on how you die." Zhou Feng said grimly.

The others also looked at Xia Xia strangely. The other party didn't trouble him, but he actually stopped the other party.

Zhu Liang stopped his steps.

"I remember that you seemed to tell me to get out, but I can't, teach me." Xia Xia said lightly.

Hearing this, Yan Yan, Zhou Feng and others were even happier. Xia Xia really took the initiative to provoke each other. From their point of view, this time the group should be really angry.

Li Ming looked at Xia Xia with a contemptuous smile.

Yang Yun looked at Xia Xia's figure and smiled helplessly. He had seen someone who wasn't afraid of big things, but it was the first time he had seen someone like Xia Xia.

Everyone in the room looked at Zhu Liang expectantly.

They wanted to see what Zhu Liang looked like when he was angry.

"No way, then I'll teach you." Zhu Liang said lightly, and after that, he lay down on the ground and got out of the hotel in front of everyone.

Surprised, everyone looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

To succumb to a soldier without fighting is too cruel.

Everyone could see that just now that Zhu Liang was really afraid of Xia Xia, Xia Xian told him to get out, but he actually got out of the hotel, and the younger brothers behind him also got out with the boss.

"Squad leader, let's go to Emperor KTV, I know someone there, I just booked a super big private room,

, enough to seat so many of us. "Although Li Ming is seeking the permission of the monitor on the surface, in fact he has already booked, which means that he is just a notification.

"This is naturally the best." The squad leader is also a person with little heart. Hearing Li Ming say that the private room has been booked, he will naturally not refuse.

A total of three cars were parked outside, the first one was Zhou Feng's Nissan, the second one was Li Ming's Audi A4, and the third one was Yang Yun's BMW 5 Series. The difference between the grades of the cars was obvious at a glance.

Zhou Feng's was the worst, Li Ming was next, and Yang Yun's was the best.

"Hey, Mr. Xia doesn't have a car, why don't you take my car?" Zhou Feng glanced at Xia Xia with disdain. He finally had an opportunity to mock Xia Xia, how could he miss it.

"Why don't Brother Xia take my car." Li Ming also took the opportunity to make fun of Xia.

"Mr. Xia, your company is too stingy. You won't give a car for such a big leader." Zhou Feng continued.

"No, big companies should give managers-level people a car." Although Li Ming didn't make fun of Summer, he gave Zhou Feng a good excuse.

Hearing Li Ming's words, Zhou Feng smiled slightly, "Maybe the car he matched is too broken, Mr. Xia is too embarrassed to drive it out."

Yang Yun never said a word~www.mtlnovel.com~ but looked at Xia Xia with a smile.

"Li Ying, you two take my car." Liu Ying gave Zhou Feng a dissatisfied look.

"I don't think it's needed anymore. Isn't that President Xia's car?" Yang Yun said lightly, hearing Yang Yun's words, everyone looked at the car that was driving from not far away.

When they saw this car, Zhou Feng and Li Ming's faces became very ugly, especially Zhou Feng, whose eyes were about to fly out.

Bentley, Bentley.

When the car was in front of Xia, the driver got down to open the door, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, there was a traffic jam just now."

After hearing the driver's words, Zhou Feng wanted to hit him head-to-head. He just said that he was embarrassed to drive out of the car in the summer. In the summer, he got a Bentley and compared his car to other Bentleys. Isn't that courting death.

Xia Xia looked at Zhou Feng and smiled, "Do you know why the Bentley logo is a black circle with a b in it and two wings next to it?"

"I don't know." Zhou Feng shook his head.

"I'll take you to pretend, I'll take you to fly, and I'll take you to soar until it's dark." After Xia Xia finished speaking, he took Li Ying directly into the Bentley.

All the people looked at Zhou Feng with strange eyes. Zhou Feng's face was lost today, and there was a feeling of pretending not to understand. If I had to use a metaphor to describe it, it would be a second-hand driver. The real estate agent boasted to Li Ka-shing that he was engaged in real estate.