For God

In the emperor ktv, Li Ming's ability is really great, he also ordered such a big box, and the waiter was very polite to them, and brought four or five large fruit plates.

Seeing that Li Ming has such a face here, everyone is very envious.

"Let's have fun, everyone. The boss here is my friend. You can order whatever you want. I'll treat you today." Li Ming said in a big way.

Li Ming enjoyed this feeling very much, and others looked at him with admiration.

"Li Ming, you are still amazing. I've never seen such a big private room before. It must be very popular." The squad leader praised.

"It's alright, I was already wrapped up when I called. The boss heard that I was coming, so he sent them away." Li Ming said proudly.

"Brother Ming is still amazing."

"That's right, I've never seen such a big private room in my life."

"And those waiters brought so many fruit plates."

The classmates all praised Li Ming for his ability, and Li Ming also enjoyed it.

"Brother Ming, I think those people respected you just now. I also saw some people who came to play and knew you. It seems that you have a good reputation here." Zhou Feng praised.

"One of my uncles is here to watch the show." Li Ming said casually.

Everyone is very surprised to hear this. The people who can still live to watch the field these days are definitely super bull characters. Since the crackdown, the name of the field has disappeared. Now these people watching the field are all with the boss. partnership.

Li Ming's uncle should also be one of the bosses here.

"Brother Ming, can you give us a membership card as well, and we can also get discounts when we come here in the future." They all saw the membership card in Li Ming's hand just now, and the waiter said that it was a three-way ticket. The discounted discount card is already the best membership card in Emperor KTV.

"Haha, no problem, I will give each of you one at that time, but it will only be 30% off." Li Ming smiled slightly.

"30% off, that's amazing, Brother Ming, everyone else's membership card is 10% off, and the 20% off is for insiders. What you want from us is actually 30% off." Zhou Feng exaggeratedly said.

"Everyone can have fun," Li Ming said in a big way.

dong dong dong

"Come in"

"Ming Shao, these are the two cases of wine that the manager gave you."

"Oh, let it go." Li Ming nodded.

"Let's sing, everyone, don't be embarrassed, everyone has a good time today." The squad leader shouted.

dong dong dong

"Come in."

"Ming Shao, the neighbor next door heard that you were here and gave you two bottles of red wine."

"Let it go." Li Ming said very casually.

Seeing that Li Ming has such a face, everyone looked at him even more enviously.

Xia Xia and Li Ying sat in the corner of the room, Liu Ying and Yang Yun sat beside them, the others ran over to order songs, and the squad leader maintained order there, each one had one song.

dong dong dong

"Come in."

"Xiao Ming, I heard you came here." Brother Leopard brought two people into the box.

"Uncle Leopard, why are you still alarmed?" Li Ming said very politely.

"I'll come to see you, have a good time, and call me if you have anything." Brother Leopard gave Li Ming enough face.

"Thank you, Uncle Leopard." Li Ming smiled slightly.

"Well." Brother Leopard nodded, and then prepared to leave, but at this moment he saw Xia Xia sitting in the corner of the room, and after rubbing his eyes, he confirmed that he had not seen the wrong person.

A smile suddenly filled his face.

Seeing Brother Leopard's expression, Li Ming was very puzzled, "Uncle Leopard, what's wrong?"

Brother Leopard ignored him at all, but walked towards Xia Tian with a smile on his face, "Brother Tian, ​​you're here too, why didn't you say hello first?"

Seeing Brother Leopard's appearance, Li Ming was stunned, Zhou Feng was also stunned, and everyone in the room was stunned. Just now, Li Ming was bragging about how powerful his uncle was and how much he had a position here.

But when his uncle met Xia Tian,

Nodding and bowing, he called Xia Tian Ge.

This comparison is too obvious.

"What are you two looking at and tell the bar, I invited this house today and let them serve me something." Brother Leopard shouted to the two younger brothers behind him, and the two younger brothers hurried out.

Li Ying hid by Xia Xia's side. Brother Leopard's appearance was really scary. Seeing him from a close distance, he really didn't look like anyone, with a face full of pitted bags.

"You scared my friend." Xia Xia looked at Brother Leopard coldly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tian, ​​Sister-in-law Tian, ​​I'll go now." Brother Leopard left the box after finishing speaking.

After Brother Leopard left the box, Li Ming's face was a little bad. He had just been lifted to the sky, but just because of Brother Leopard's words, Brother Leopard, he was slammed to the ground. Uncle Leopard he was proud of. After seeing Xia Xia, he actually nodded and bowed, like a little brother.

How can this balance his heart?

dong dong dong

"Come in."

"Brother Leopard asked us to send it in."

"Let it go." Li Ming said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Ming, this is for Brother Tian." The waiter said apologetically.

"Hmph." Li Ming snorted coldly, "Isn't it just something like that?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter waved to the people outside, and then row after row of waiters walked in from the outside, with a total of more than 20 fruit There are countless snacks. Box after box of beer was moved into the house.

And a few bottles of good wine.

Seeing such a scene, Li Ming was completely stunned. This contrast is too obvious.

The people who brought him fruit plates and wine just now came one by one, but now the people who brought fruit plates and wine to Xia Tian came in rows.

"Thank you so much for so many things." The squad leader didn't think about it so much, he picked up the things and started eating.

Other people are also very happy, usually go to ktv to order fruit plate, it is a luxury, now there is free, they don't eat it.

Seeing that these people were so happy eating, Li Ming didn't have any intention of eating at all, so he sat in the corner and was sulking.

With so much to eat, everyone sang happily.

Li Ying and Liu Ying went to the bathroom, and Yang Yun and Xia Xia exchanged some business matters, but Xia Xia didn't say anything. But because summer really doesn't know much about business.

The lottery at the mall last time was indeed his proposal, but it was only because he thought of it from the consumer's point of view.

If he were asked to talk about those commercialized things in detail, he would really know nothing.

"No, Liu Ying was beaten." Li Ying pushed open the door of the box and shouted anxiously.