you read wrong

Hearing that Liu Ying was beaten, Yang Yun rushed out immediately, Xia Xia followed, and the singing people also stopped, and everyone walked out of the box.

This is what happened. Just now, after Li Ying and Liu Ying went to the bathroom to wash their hands, Liu Ying shook his hands. With this shake, the water in his hands was thrown onto a coquettish woman who didn't say a word. He gave Liu Ying a slap.

And that bewitching woman called someone.

When Yang Yun ran over, he saw Liu Ying covering his face, his anger suddenly rose, and he slapped the coquettish woman directly.


The crisp sound reached everyone's ears, and there were also a group of people behind the coquettish woman. When they saw Yang Yun's hands, they all came up.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's wrong to beat a woman." A young man walked out from behind the glamorous woman.


A heavy slap attracted everyone's attention, because this slap was not from Yang Yun, but Xia Xia. Xia Xian came up from behind and slapped the young man directly in the face.

"Is this right?" Xia Xia looked at the youth and said.

The young man felt a burning pain in his face, and half of his face had completely lost consciousness. He raised his head and looked at Xia Xia viciously, "you."


"What do you want to say?" Xia Tian asked.

The young man was a little confused by Xia Xia's slap. Xia Xia's slap was so sudden that he was beaten back before he finished speaking.

"Stinky boy, why are you starting to be unreasonable." The people behind the young man all stepped forward.


"I'm not being unreasonable, so what?" Xia Xia slapped the speaker directly.

Seeing such a scene, Li Ming didn't notify Brother Leopard, but quietly called Captain Qian of the Public Security Bureau, "Uncle Qian, I'm at Emperor Ktv, there's a fight here, come quickly."

Seeing such a strong summer, even Yang Yun was stunned.

"Stinky boy, do you want to fight?" Someone in the crowd rushed out and kicked Xia Tian directly.


The sound of a broken bone spread into everyone's ears. Although they had never heard the sound of a broken bone, they knew that it was definitely the sound of a broken bone.


A scream came out of the man's mouth.

"Who else?" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

I have to say that Xia Xia's hand stunned all the people on the opposite side. After all, they are not desperadoes. Seeing Xia Xia's attack so ruthless, they all looked at each other for a while.

"Okay, you dare to beat us, right? I see how much you have to pay." The first person to stand up covered his face and said.


Summer was slapped again.

"I didn't hear what you said. Say it again." Xia Tian said lightly.

"I say."


Xia Tian went up and slapped him again, slapping back the young man's words.

"What do you say, don't say it." Xia Tian said lightly.

The coquettish woman who caused the trouble at the beginning was completely blinded. She originally relied on the number of people on her side, so she had the confidence to attack Liu Ying, but she didn't expect that the people on the opposite side were not less than them at all.

The coquettish woman "on the opposite side" suddenly looked at the group of people behind Xia Xia, and she found that although these people were together, they didn't seem to mean to come up.

"There are only two of you looking at them. There are so many of you that one kicked them to death." The coquettish woman shouted to the men, but the men still looked at each other.

The coquettish woman was anxious in her heart, "You are still not men."

When they heard this, those men knew that they had to do it, or else they would let the girls in the back see jokes.

"Come on together and kill them both."

Seeing that these little gangsters were going to charge at Xia Xia, the group of people behind Xia Xia didn't

Not a single one came forward.

"You just look at it like this, right?" Liu Ying looked at those classmates angrily.

When Liu Ying looked at them, they all lowered their heads, and no one stepped forward.

"Stop it for me." At this moment, someone shouted from the back of Summer.

It was none other than Brother Leopard who shouted. Brother Leopard walked over from behind with a mighty dozen people.

When he saw Brother Leopard, the young man who was beaten had a smile on his face, "Brother Leopard, you came just in time, you have to do justice for us."


When Brother Leopard went up, he slapped the young man into a daze.

"Host nb, Brother Tian, ​​do you dare to mess with it?" Brother Leopard scolded angrily.

Hearing Brother Leopard's words, the young man was completely stunned, and the coquettish woman behind the young man was also stunned.

"Come, come, come here." Brother Leopard pointed to the coquettish woman behind the young man.

"Leopard.. Brother Leopard." Women are the kind of people who often hang out at night shows, so naturally they know Brother Leopard.


Brother Leopard slapped it with a big mouth.

"It's you who beat Brother Tian's friend, right?" Brother Leopard kicked the woman out.

Seeing his actions, even Xia Xian was stunned. Xia Xian would never hit such a weak woman, but Brother Leopard showed no mercy at all.

"Brother I was wrong, I was wrong." The woman said hurriedly.

"It's good to know it's wrong." Brother Leopard turned his head and looked at Xia Xia with a smile, "Brother Tian, ​​I don't know if you are satisfied"

"Uh, I'm satisfied, I can't see it, you are so powerful in your work." Xia Xia praised.

Hearing that Xia Xia praised him, Brother Leopard's smile became even wider.

"Let's go." Xia Tian glanced at Li Ying and said.

"Hmph." Liu Ying glanced at her classmates and snorted coldly. She would never want to attend such a class reunion again in her life.

The four of them walked directly outside.

"Everyone raised their hands." Just then a group of police rushed in.

Seeing the police coming, Brother Leopard looked at the other side suspiciously, "Qian team, what's the situation, why did you alarm your driver."

"Uncle Qian, that's him. He was fighting with those people, and his legs were broken." Li Ming stood up. This time, instead of taking advantage of others, he came forward himself. He directly came forward and accused Xia Xia.

"Li Ming, you are so despicable, don't you keep boasting about how good you are? When your classmates have something to do, you hide behind and then come to accuse yourself, right?" Liu Ying looked at Li Ming angrily and scolded.

Qian Dui turned to look at the person Li Ming was pointing at. He was slightly taken aback when he saw Xia Xia, then turned to look at Li Ming, "Xiao Ming, you must have read it wrong."