Tang Yan's request

"Uncle Qian, I read it right, it's him. If you don't believe me, ask those people inside." Li Ming said hurriedly.

"Mr. Police, I can also testify that he was fighting." Zhou Feng stepped forward and said.

Captain Qian glanced at Zhou Feng, "Who are you, did I let you speak?"

"Uh." Zhou Feng was stunned for a moment, then backed away.

"Xiao Ming, you read it wrong." Captain Qian didn't dare to provoke Xia Xia, but he heard that this summer was terrifying. Captain Liu died because of him, and Section Chief Zhao was beaten by him. Even Li Ming's father, Deputy Director Li did not dare to provoke Summer.

"Yes, Xiao Ming, don't talk nonsense, you read it wrong." Brother Leopard stepped forward and said at the same time.

Seeing Brother Leopard and Captain Qian's secretive way of speaking, Li Ming was slightly taken aback.

"Mr. Xia, I think there may be a misunderstanding here. If you have something to do, go first." Captain Qian smiled at Xia Xia.

Hearing that Captain Qian called Xia Xia Mr. Xia, Li Ming was slightly taken aback. It turned out that Captain Qian knew Xia.

Li Ming is most proud of his father. His father was the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. His identity was quite remarkable. From childhood to adulthood, no matter who he saw, he always had his nostrils turned upside down.

No one dared to offend him, because no matter who offended him, his father would settle for him. Even if he caused trouble, the police would only deal with the other party when they came.

"Mr. Policeman, I read it right, and the people who were beaten must have read it right. If you don't believe me, ask them." Zhou Feng said very ignorantly.

Brother Leopard glared at Zhou Feng, and shouted to the inside, "Who are you beaten like this?"

Seeing Brother Leopard's warning eyes, the people inside hurriedly shouted, "No one hit us, we are just kidding ourselves."

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding, close the team." Captain Qian waved to the other police officers.

Li Ying looked at the dramatic side in front of her and was slightly taken aback. She didn't know what to say now, and she felt that the man beside her was becoming more and more mysterious.

After several people left Emperor KTV in the summer, they sent Li Ying back to Jianghai University.

At the same time, a waste area in Jianghai City.

"My lord, it has been checked. Hashimoto is dead, and his clothes have been stripped."

"That is to say, the person we are desperately protecting and evacuating is not Hashimoto."

"That's right, all of our dozens of brothers died in vain."


The leading ninja roared angrily and smashed the table beside him with one punch.

"What's the name of the man Hashimoto chased?"


"You guys first killed the Takeshita brothers for me, and then go and bring me back that summer. I want to live."

Of the hundreds of people left, only seven were left. The person they were desperately protecting was still a fake. This Joinin was so angry that he never dreamed that he would lose so badly.

Everything he arranged was flawless.

He snatched the Tongtian Fragment from the hands of the Huaxia masters and the quicksand masters, but the last move was actually one move away.

After returning to his residence in the summer, he practiced Tianxingjue and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Xia Tian received a strange call.


"I'm Tang Yan."

"Kiss little wife, how do you know my phone number?"

"I want something from Sister Xue. I want to ask you one thing."

"Okay, but you have to kiss me."

"You. Well, tomorrow at noon, the Jianghai University basketball team will play against the Sichuan-Shanghai basketball team. I hope you can come over."

"no problem."

"Don't you ask why?"

"No matter what you ask for, it can't compare to your kissing me."

Xia Xia bought a loving breakfast for Ye Qingxue and Bing Xin and left the house. Today, it's time to go to Mr. Xiang for acupuncture.

You are me, my big apple.

"Summer, my uncle wants to treat you, and his money is ready.

All right. "

"Oh, let him call me first."

"Okay, I'll let him transfer money to you. When will you come to treat him?"

"Two hours later."

After Xia Xia hung up the phone, it was like rushing to Mr. Xiang's house. When he got to Mr. Xiang's house, all the servants were very respectful to Xia Xian.

After performing acupuncture for the old man, Xia Xia left Xiang's house.

The old man said that he wanted to invite Xia Xia to have a good meal, and Xia agreed. The old man said that the specific time would be notified to Xia.

After leaving Xiang's house, Xia Xia went to Bai's house.

Every time I go to Bai's house in summer, I feel refreshed. This may be related to the herbs grown here.

Bai Yiyi's grandmother brought her family out to welcome the summer.

"Shen Xia is healed."

"Uh, grandma is too polite." Xia Tian was slightly taken aback.

"Shen Doctor Xia, what happened last time was my fault." Bai Guang apologized again.

"Oh." Xia Tian responded lightly.

"Let's go inside and talk." Bai Yiyi's grandmother said hurriedly.

After entering the house, Xia Tian didn't waste any time, and immediately started applying needles to Bai Guang. Ten minutes later, Xia Xia closed the needles.

"Remember, female **** is forbidden." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Ah, I have to ban female sex, so I can't be a eunuch?" Bai Guang said with a look of astonishment.

"One month, **** is not allowed within one." Xia Xia explained.

"Oh, it's easy to handle in a month." Bai Guang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandma, do you have silver needles at home?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, but not as good as you." The Bai family is a medical family, so naturally they have silver needles.

"How much can you get me more? I only need the most common ones~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia asked excitedly.

"If it's ordinary, it's as many as you want. Our Bai family has a method for making silver needles. There should be thousands of them in the pharmacy now." Bai Yiyi's grandmother explained.

"Can you give it to me?" Xia Tian looked expectantly at Bai Yiyi's grandmother.

"Of course, how much do you want?" Bai Yiyi's grandmother asked.

"I want it all." Xia Xia shouted excitedly.

Bai Yiyi's grandmother ordered all the silver needles in the pharmacy to be taken out and given to Xian at one time, but he was very curious about what Xia Tian wanted so many silver needles for, and how would he get so many silver needles what.

"Grandma, can you send a car to take me home?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course it's fine."

Inside the basketball hall of Jianghai University.

"Come on everyone, don't push the score too far, we still have a chance." Tang Yan looked at the score on the scoreboard and was very anxious. If this game was lost, then Jianghai University would completely lose the top 16 in the country. Qualified.

The third quarter of the game is about to end, but the score has never been closer, and now it has been dropped by 17 points.

"Damn summer, why hasn't it come yet?" Tang Yan spun around angrily.

"Little wife, are you thinking of me?" Xia Xia's voice appeared beside Tang Yan.