The best dinosaur girl

?It was a crazy night, Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing did 18 tasks in one night, and the speed was faster each time. 35xs

Complete eighteen tasks in one night, which is quite an amazing feat.

There was only one person who submitted the task, Lin Bingbing. Because he didn't need experience in summer, his name would not appear in the system.

That night, all the first-class members of the Jianghai City Special Operations Department knew about a person named Lin Bingbing. Many people were surprised by her, and some were envious and jealous, but one woman was in a very bad mood.

She has always been the first in the G-level quest, but now it has been snatched away by someone else. In the past, when you opened the G-level quest, you could see her name. Now, when you open the G-level quest, Lin Bingbing is written on it.

"Lin Bingbing, **** it, who is this Lin Bingbing? Why have I never heard her name before?"

"You wait for me. Tomorrow is the weekly assembly meeting. I must make you look good."

Lin Bingbing felt that the night was too fulfilling. In the end, the two fell asleep in the hotel. Lin Bingbing slept on the bed and the sofa in the summer.

"Today is a weekly meeting. The time is 4 pm, and the location is Shanghu Hotel. Don't forget it." After Lin Bingbing finished speaking, she went to the police station. She is still a police officer.

You are me, my big apple.


"I am Wang Nianlin. 35xs"

"I don't know, you made a mistake."

"I'm going, I'm Wang Nianlin, I'll take someone to find Ye Qingxue today, can you stop me?"

"I promise not to kill you."

After hanging up the phone in Xia Xia, he went directly to Jianghai University. He knew that this must be a trap, but any trap would be so weak in the face of absolute force. When I arrived at the Department of Literature and Art in the summer.

Wang Nianlin also arrived with someone.

Ten big men, at first glance, they are all black.

What made Xia Xia unbelievable the most was that there were a few women not far away. These women looked miserable.

Seeing that summer was coming, the women rushed towards her, shouting "Indecent assault."

"Damn it, it's too fake." Xia Xian has seen people who are framed, but have never seen such a bad one. "I'll recognize you if you find two beautiful ones. If the woman you're looking for really hugs me, then Am I at a loss?"

Xia Xia flashed and directly avoided the hugs of those women.

The women ripped open their clothes even more exaggeratedly, and some even exposed their shoulders, and continued to chase after Xia Xia, "Indecent, indecent."

"In broad daylight, there is a bright sky, someone dares to be indecent." Wang Nianlin walked directly from behind with the ten big men.

"There's no one left, and this acting is too exaggerated." Xia Xia shook his head, this Wang Nianlin's method of framing and framing is really bad, and those actresses are really too good.

"Summer, I will destroy you today on behalf of justice." Wang Nianlin shouted loudly.

"Okay, I agree, but can you get me those dinosaurs first? I really can't accept it." Xia Tian looked at Wang Nianlin and said.

"You have insulted people, yet you dare to slander them like this. You are a slut." Wang Nianlin shouted loudly.

"I'll trouble you. Next time, I'll find some longer and more beautiful ones. I'll be willing to devote my life to it." Xia Xia looked at the dinosaurs in front of him, and he really couldn't do it. He couldn't accept it when they came to the door.

"Hmph, today is your day of death." Wang Nianlin smiled slightly, and then the ten big men rushed towards the summer. At the same time, Wang Nianlin waved his hand, and seven or eight policemen came out behind.

Those policemen didn't mean to do anything, but watched the fun over there.

This is Hu Fangye's plan, first let these big men maim Xia Xia, then let the police arrest him, and finally find someone in the prison to clean him up.

Looking at the ten big men and the women who rushed over, Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Fall." As soon as the inverted word was shot, the bodies of the big men fell down like this, and the direction they fell was on the bodies of the women. These ten strong men were so abruptly. hit the women.

"What are you doing? Now is not the time to pick up girls. Break that guy's leg first." Wang Nianlin hurriedly shouted when he saw the big men fell to the ground.

The big men stood up straight.

"Fall down again." Xia Tian smiled slightly, and then the ten big men who had just stood up fell down again, hitting the women again.

The average of these big men was more than 170 jin, and the fattest one was more than 200 jin. The ten of them smashed on the women so firmly, and the women were crushed and screamed.

Some even got their pants wet.

This scene is so bloody.

Wang Nianlin and the police officers around him were dumbfounded.

Those big men just stood up, Xia Xia said another word backwards, and then they smashed on those women again, this time the women couldn't take it anymore.

"I quit."

"Grandma, what the **** is going on here? Go ahead and arrest him first, and let's talk about the rest." Wang Nianlin didn't know what the **** was going on in Xia Tian.

The policemen walked directly to Xia Xia.

"You are suspected of molesting a girl, fighting, and now you are under arrest." The police officers came to Xia Xia and said.

Xia Xia had to admire these people, this is too fake, how could it be seen from everything just now that he molested the dinosaurs, and when the big men rushed towards him, these policemen were smoking and watching the fun, After these big men fell to the ground, they came up to catch themselves.

"You seem to have caught it wrong. I didn't touch those dinosaurs at all. Look at ten of them, what are they doing now, and the woman whose hand is actually touching her body." Xia Xia pointed out very exaggeratedly. To the ten big men, "I said brother, your taste is too heavy, you can do it too."

"Raise your hands quickly, or we'll shoot." The policemen pulled out their guns.

"Okay, I'll go with you, but you better put down your guns, or I'm afraid your hands will hurt." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Hahaha, you still dare to threaten us now." The policemen laughed, "I'll point a gun at you, what the hell."


A scream came from the policeman's mouth, and then the gun in his hand fell to the ground, and his hand suddenly became extremely painful.

"Hey, I told you it would hurt." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"You, it must be your fault." Several other police officers pointed their guns at Xia.

ah ah

A series of screams shouted from their mouths, and their guns all fell to the ground, covering their right hands one by one.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 148 Best Dinosaur Female Third Update

?It was a crazy night, Xia Xia and Lin Bingbing did 18 tasks in one night, and the speed was faster each time. 35xs

Complete eighteen tasks in one night, which is quite an amazing feat.

There was only one person who submitted the task, Lin Bingbing. Because he didn't need experience in summer, his name would not appear in the system.

That night, all the first-class members of the Jianghai City Special Operations Department knew about a person named Lin Bingbing. Many people were surprised by her, and some were envious and jealous, but one woman was in a very bad mood.

She has always been the first in the G-level quest, but now it has been snatched away by someone else. In the past, when you opened the G-level quest, you could see her name. Now, when you open the G-level quest, Lin Bingbing is written on it.

"Lin Bingbing, **** it, who is this Lin Bingbing? Why have I never heard her name before?"

"You wait for me. Tomorrow is the weekly assembly meeting. I must make you look good."

Lin Bingbing felt that the night was too fulfilling. In the end, the two fell asleep in the hotel. Lin Bingbing slept on the bed and the sofa in the summer.

"Today is a weekly meeting. The time is 4 pm, and the location is Shanghu Hotel. Don't forget it." After Lin Bingbing finished speaking, she went to the police station. She is still a police officer.

You are me, my big apple.


"I am Wang Nianlin. 35xs"

"I don't know, you made a mistake."

"I'm going, I'm Wang Nianlin, I'll take someone to find Ye Qingxue today, can you stop me?"

"I promise not to kill you."

After hanging up the phone in Xia Xia, he went directly to Jianghai University. He knew that this must be a trap, but any trap would be so weak in the face of absolute force. When I arrived at the Department of Literature and Art in the summer.

Wang Nianlin also arrived with someone.

Ten big men, at first glance, they are all black.

What made Xia Xia unbelievable the most was that there were a few women not far away. These women looked miserable.

Seeing that summer was coming, the women rushed towards her, shouting "Indecent assault."

"Damn it, it's too fake." Xia Xian has seen people who are framed, but have never seen such a bad one. "I'll recognize you if you find two beautiful ones. If the woman you're looking for really hugs me, then Am I at a loss?"

Xia Xia flashed and directly avoided the hugs of those women.

The women ripped open their clothes even more exaggeratedly, and some even exposed their shoulders, and continued to chase after Xia Xia, "Indecent, indecent."

"In broad daylight, there is a bright sky, someone dares to be indecent." Wang Nianlin walked directly from behind with the ten big men.

"There's no one left, and this acting is too exaggerated." Xia Xia shook his head, this Wang Nianlin's method of framing and framing is really bad, and those actresses are really too good.

"Summer, I will destroy you today on behalf of justice." Wang Nianlin shouted loudly.

"Okay, I agree, but can you get me those dinosaurs first? I really can't accept it." Xia Tian looked at Wang Nianlin and said.

"You have insulted people, yet you dare to slander them like this. You are a slut." Wang Nianlin shouted loudly.

"I'll trouble you. Next time, I'll find some longer and more beautiful ones. I'll be willing to devote my life to it." Xia Xia looked at the dinosaurs in front of him, and he really couldn't do it. He couldn't accept it when they came to the door.

"Hmph, today is your day of death." Wang Nianlin smiled slightly, and then the ten big men rushed towards the summer. At the same time, Wang Nianlin waved his hand, and seven or eight policemen came out behind.

Those policemen didn't mean to do anything, but watched the fun over there.

This is Hu Fangye's plan, first let these big men maim Xia Xia, then let the police arrest him, and finally find someone in the prison to clean him up.

Looking at the ten big men and the women who rushed over, Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"Fall." As soon as the inverted word was shot, the bodies of the big men fell down like this, and the direction they fell was on the bodies of the women. These ten strong men were so abruptly. hit the women.

"What are you doing? Now is not the time to pick up girls. Break that guy's leg first." Wang Nianlin hurriedly shouted when he saw the big men fell to the ground.

The big men stood up straight.

"Fall down again." Xia Tian smiled slightly, and then the ten big men who had just stood up fell down again, hitting the women again.

The average of these big men was more than 170 jin, and the fattest one was more than 200 jin. The ten of them smashed on the women so firmly, and the women were crushed and screamed.

Some even got their pants wet.

This scene is so bloody.

Wang Nianlin and the police officers around him were dumbfounded.

Those big men just stood up, Xia Xia said another word backwards, and then they smashed on those women This time the women couldn't take it anymore.

"I quit."

"Grandma, what the **** is going on here? Go ahead and arrest him first, and let's talk about the rest." Wang Nianlin didn't know what the **** was going on in Xia Tian.

The policemen walked directly to Xia Xia.

"You are suspected of molesting a girl, fighting, and now you are under arrest." The police officers came to Xia Xia and said.

Xia Xia had to admire these people, this is too fake, how could it be seen from everything just now that he molested the dinosaurs, and when the big men rushed towards him, these policemen were smoking and watching the fun, After these big men fell to the ground, they came up to catch themselves.

"You seem to have caught it wrong. I didn't touch those dinosaurs at all. Look at ten of them, what are they doing now, and the woman whose hand is actually touching her body." Xia Xia pointed out very exaggeratedly. To the ten big men, "I said brother, your taste is too heavy, you can do it too."

"Raise your hands quickly, or we'll shoot." The policemen pulled out their guns.

"Okay, I'll go with you, but you better put down your guns, or I'm afraid your hands will hurt." Xia Xia said lightly.

"Hahaha, you still dare to threaten us now." The policemen laughed, "I'll point a gun at you, what the hell."


A scream came from the policeman's mouth, and then the gun in his hand fell to the ground, and his hand suddenly became extremely painful.

"Hey, I told you it would hurt." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"You, it must be your fault." Several other police officers pointed their guns at Xia.

ah ah

A series of screams shouted from their mouths, and their guns all fell to the ground, covering their right hands one by one.