It is easy to ask God to send God

"I told you all to stop pretending to be b, it's time. 35xs" Xia Xia said after seeing the police officers.

"You dare to attack the police, and now it's a crime." The policeman looked at Xia Xia angrily. Although he didn't know what Xia Xia did to his hand, he knew that Xia Xia must have done it.

"Which one of your eyes saw that I attacked the police, right? Your previous actions were all unfounded, so you can say whatever you want." Xia Xia said lightly, this group of people are here to make trouble, no matter how he defends it. use.

"Just admit it and take him to me," the policeman shouted to the others.

"I advise you not to regret it." Xia Xia followed them into the police car.

"Hmph, it's you who regrets it, just wait, you'll look good later." The policeman snorted coldly.

Wang Nianlin finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xia Xia had gone with the police. Although there was a big gap between the reality and the plan, the last step was finally completed. He believed that as long as Xia Xia entered the police station, it would be impossible to come out alive. .

As long as Xia Xia died, it didn't matter if Jiang Shao heard any rumors.

Jiang Shao looks at the result, not the process. That is to say, no matter how much effort you put in during the process, he doesn't care. He only values ​​the result and whether you did a good job.

"You useless bastards, don't let me go." Wang Nianlin scolded the big men and the top-quality dinosaur women on the ground. Flash Dance Novel Network

After finishing the work, Wang Nianlin called Hu Fangye and told him that everything went well.

"My head hurts, maybe I'm too tired recently." Wang Nianlin shook his head, he felt a little dizzy, but he didn't care.

Inside the police station.

The seven police officers took Summer into the interrogation room.

"Who was the person who was brought in just now?" Qian Dui asked when he saw the person's back very familiarly.

"Qian team, it's just an ordinary fight." The policeman hurriedly explained.

"Let the people at the police station go to the police station for fights and fights. What are you going to do with the city bureau?" Qian Dui felt that things were very strange, and seeing the policeman's covert appearance, he felt that it was not a good thing.

"Qian Dui, don't worry about it, we can handle it." The policeman dared not look at Qian Dui.

"Come on, what's going on, Jiang Hai is not very peaceful recently. If you dare to cause trouble for me, I can't spare you a few." Qian Dui frowned and shouted at the policeman.

"It's Hu Shao and Wang Shao who want to deal with a student." The policeman knew that he couldn't hide it.

When he heard the word "student", Qian Dui felt a chill in his heart. He was praying, but he must not be that person. "Hurry up and take me to see it."

The policeman took Qian Team to the interrogation room, and when they opened the door of the interrogation room, they were both stunned by the scene in front of them.

The three police officers in the interrogation room were all lying on the ground, and Xia Xia was sitting at the interrogation table.

"It's over, it's really him." When he saw Xia Xia, Qian Dui felt a chill in his heart.

"Stinky boy, you dare to attack the police, you are dead." The policeman shouted to Xia Xia.


A slap came, and the policeman covered his face.

It wasn't anyone else who hit him, it was Team Qian. When Team Qian saw that it was summer, he knew it was over. He didn't expect this ignorant guy to provoke him, so he slapped him mercilessly.

The death of Team Liu and the madness of Section Chief Zhao were all known to be related to this summer.

He didn't live enough.

"Mr. Xia, you can go, this is a misunderstanding." Qian Dui said with a smile.

"If you ask me to come, I will come, and if you let me go, I will leave, so I'm not ashamed." Xia Xia said coldly.

"Um" Qian team is really hard to say. Although he didn't do this, these people are his subordinates. Once something happens, he can't get rid of the responsibility. Now he finally understands what it means to invite It is easy for God to send God, but it is difficult.

"Mr. Xia, some of them are wrong. I'm here to apologize to you, so you can go." Captain Qian persuaded him to see that if his captain spoke politely to this person, the policeman knew that he was in trouble. .

"If you don't leave, I won't leave if you don't give me an explanation today." Xia Xia said with a very tough attitude.

Captain Qian really has no choice. If this is investigated, it will be broken. He must not let Xia continue to make trouble. "Mr. Xia, Captain Lin is in the office over there, why don't you go and see her."

"Sister Police Flower is not playing with you anymore, I'll go to Sister Police Flower." Xia Xia jumped off the table and ran directly to Lin Bingbing's office.

Seeing that Xia Xia was finally gone, Captain Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Send a few of them to the hospital, and you guys can go home for vacation. As for the punishment, I'll talk about it in the report." Captain Qian said coldly. pit.

"Qian team, listen to my explanation." The policeman hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"There is no need to explain. If you don't punish you, then I will be punished." Captain Qian finally left the interrogation room.

The policeman in the interrogation room gave him a slap. This is all greed. Now it's a bad thing. If you don't get it right, you will lose your job.

"Sister Police Flower, I'm here." Xia Xia directly broke into Lin Bingbing's office.

"Why did you come to the police station?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face.

"It was caught by someone," Xia Xia said.

"Who dares to arrest you in the entire city bureau." Lin Bingbing said lightly.

"Well, I'll be honest, I missed you, so I came back with them." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Lin Bingbing shook her head helplessly. She was really defeated by Xia Xia, but she guessed that Xia Xia couldn't come to the police station for no reason. Someone must have troubled him.

"It's all right now," Lin Bingbing asked.

"It's alright, I didn't intend to leave, I wanted them to give me an explanation, but a policeman said you were here, so I ran over." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"It's just that you're here, come with me later, and go to the meeting of the Special Operations Office." Lin Bingbing said helplessly.

Inside the Shanghu Hotel.

"You heard about that Lin Bingbing, it is said that she is a newcomer."

"It's amazing, a newcomer broke the fastest record for a G-level mission."

"The last record seems to be Lv Qian's, but now I can't see her name on the leaderboard."

The people from the Special Operations Department were discussing with each other. Only ten names and ten missions could be seen on the leaderboard. Since Lin Bingbing and Xia Xia had done a total of eighteen missions, Lin Bingbing was in the top ten. the name.

"Hmph!" Lu Qian, who was sitting at the edge of the table, snorted coldly and slammed her right fist on the table.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Chapter 149: It is easy to ask God to send God, but it is difficult to send God - MTL Novel

"I told you all to stop pretending to be b, it's time. 35xs" Xia Xia said after seeing the police officers.

"You dare to attack the police, and now it's a crime." The policeman looked at Xia Xia angrily. Although he didn't know what Xia Xia did to his hand, he knew that Xia Xia must have done it.

"Which one of your eyes saw that I attacked the police, right? Your previous actions were all unfounded, so you can say whatever you want." Xia Xia said lightly, this group of people are here to make trouble, no matter how he defends it. use.

"Just admit it and take him to me," the policeman shouted to the others.

"I advise you not to regret it." Xia Xia followed them into the police car.

"Hmph, it's you who regrets it, just wait, you'll look good later." The policeman snorted coldly.

Wang Nianlin finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xia Xia had gone with the police. Although there was a big gap between the reality and the plan, the last step was finally completed. He believed that as long as Xia Xia entered the police station, it would be impossible to come out alive. .

As long as Xia Xia died, it didn't matter if Jiang Shao heard any rumors.

Jiang Shao looks at the result, not the process. That is to say, no matter how much effort you put in during the process, he doesn't care. He only values ​​the result and whether you did a good job.

"You useless bastards, don't let me go." Wang Nianlin scolded the big men and the top-quality dinosaur women on the ground. Flash Dance Novel Network

After finishing the work, Wang Nianlin called Hu Fangye and told him that everything went well.

"My head hurts, maybe I'm too tired recently." Wang Nianlin shook his head, he felt a little dizzy, but he didn't care.

Inside the police station.

The seven police officers took Summer into the interrogation room.

"Who was the person who was brought in just now?" Qian Dui asked when he saw the person's back very familiarly.

"Qian team, it's just an ordinary fight." The policeman hurriedly explained.

"Let the people at the police station go to the police station for fights and fights. What are you going to do with the city bureau?" Qian Dui felt that things were very strange, and seeing the policeman's covert appearance, he felt that it was not a good thing.

"Qian Dui, don't worry about it, we can handle it." The policeman dared not look at Qian Dui.

"Come on, what's going on, Jiang Hai is not very peaceful recently. If you dare to cause trouble for me, I can't spare you a few." Qian Dui frowned and shouted at the policeman.

"It's Hu Shao and Wang Shao who want to deal with a student." The policeman knew that he couldn't hide it.

When he heard the word "student", Qian Dui felt a chill in his heart. He was praying, but he must not be that person. "Hurry up and take me to see it."

The policeman took Qian Team to the interrogation room, and when they opened the door of the interrogation room, they were both stunned by the scene in front of them.

The three police officers in the interrogation room were all lying on the ground, and Xia Xia was sitting at the interrogation table.

"It's over, it's really him." When he saw Xia Xia, Qian Dui felt a chill in his heart.

"Stinky boy, you dare to attack the police, you are dead." The policeman shouted to Xia Xia.


A slap came, and the policeman covered his face.

It wasn't anyone else who hit him, it was Team Qian. When Team Qian saw that it was summer, he knew it was over. He didn't expect this ignorant guy to provoke him, so he slapped him mercilessly.

The death of Team Liu and the madness of Section Chief Zhao were all known to be related to this summer.

He didn't live enough.

"Mr. Xia, you can go, this is a misunderstanding." Qian Dui said with a smile.

"If you ask me to come, I will come, and if you let me go, I will leave, so I'm not ashamed." Xia Xia said coldly.

"Um" Qian team is really hard to say. Although he didn't do this, these people are his subordinates. Once something happens, he can't get rid of the responsibility. Now he finally understands what it means to invite It is easy for God to send God, but it is difficult.

"Mr. Xia, some of them are wrong. I'm here to apologize to you, so you can go." Captain Qian persuaded him to see that if his captain spoke politely to this person, the policeman knew that he was in trouble. .

"If you don't leave, I won't leave if you don't give me an explanation today." Xia Xia said with a very tough attitude.

Captain Qian really has no choice. If this is investigated, it will be broken. He must not let Xia continue to make trouble. "Mr. Xia, Captain Lin is in the office over there, why don't you go and see her."

"Sister Police Flower is not playing with you anymore, I'll go to Sister Police Flower." Xia Xia jumped off the table and ran directly to Lin Bingbing's office.

Seeing that Xia Xia was finally gone, Captain Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Send a few of them to the hospital, and you guys can go home for vacation. As for the punishment, I'll talk about it in the report." Captain Qian said coldly. pit.

"Qian team, listen to my explanation." The policeman hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"There's no need to If you don't punish you, then I will be punished." Captain Qian finally left the interrogation room.

The policeman in the interrogation room gave him a slap. This is all greed. Now it's a bad thing. If you don't get it right, you will lose your job.

"Sister Police Flower, I'm here." Xia Xia directly broke into Lin Bingbing's office.

"Why did you come to the police station?" Lin Bingbing looked at Xia Xia with a puzzled face.

"It was caught by someone," Xia Xia said.

"Who dares to arrest you in the entire city bureau." Lin Bingbing said lightly.

"Well, I'll be honest, I missed you, so I came back with them." Xia Xia said solemnly.

Lin Bingbing shook her head helplessly. She was really defeated by Xia Xia, but she guessed that Xia Xia couldn't come to the police station for no reason. Someone must have troubled him.

"It's all right now," Lin Bingbing asked.

"It's alright, I didn't intend to leave, I wanted them to give me an explanation, but a policeman said you were here, so I ran over." Xia Xia said with a smile.

"It's just that you're here, come with me later, and go to the meeting of the Special Operations Office." Lin Bingbing said helplessly.

Inside the Shanghu Hotel.

"You heard about that Lin Bingbing, it is said that she is a newcomer."

"It's amazing, a newcomer broke the fastest record for a G-level mission."

"The last record seems to be Lv Qian's, but now I can't see her name on the leaderboard."

The people from the Special Operations Department were discussing with each other. Only ten names and ten missions could be seen on the leaderboard. Since Lin Bingbing and Xia Xia had done a total of eighteen missions, Lin Bingbing was in the top ten. the name.

"Hmph!" Lu Qian, who was sitting at the edge of the table, snorted coldly and slammed her right fist on the table.