Jiang Tianshu's invitation

They saw what Xia Xia's body was flying, his body flew directly above Wu Hai's head, grabbed the basketball, and dunked the big windmill. 35xs


The ball went in, and the entire backboard shook. Summer now knows how to control the force, so it's impossible to destroy the backboard.


The game is over, and the summer is won.

This game surprised everyone. At the beginning of the 61-win game, there was a shocking reversal in the end. Wu Hai wanted to show off the most, but in this game, he only showed selfishness and cowardice. .

Unlike Xia Xia, what he showed was not only toughness, but also the ability to turn the tide. The lightness at the beginning made his subsequent outbreak even more powerful.

Tang Yan's father was full of disbelief. It was the first time he had seen such a strong person.

However, Tang Yan, Fang Li and others have become accustomed to it. This is the basketball **** of Jianghai University.

"Damn, is he still human? What did I just see?"

"Is that person flying?"

"I'm sure he jumps higher than those stars in the nba."

The people around them kept discussing that Xia Xia's last dunk took off outside the three-second zone, and when he passed over Wu Hai's head, he seemed to be flying.

"Hey, America's third-class player, you seem to have lost to me, an ordinary boy in China." Xia Xia said lazily at Wu Hai.

"This. How is this possible?" Wu Hai's face was inconceivable.

"I remember you seem to have said that your American players are better than domestic players, but you don't seem to be that good at all." Xia Xia said lightly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone present turned to Wu Hai, including the two Fudan University players who played with Wu Hai just now.

"That stinky boy, you said that your American players are better than the domestic ones, I don't believe it, or let's compare"

"That's right, domestic experts are like clouds, but they just don't want to have the same knowledge as you."

"If you're not convinced, we have a lot of people here, let's compare."

Xia Xia's words pushed him to the forefront. The group of people had completely surrounded him, and Tang Yan's parents hurried forward to persuade him.

"Let's go." Xia Xia came to Tang Yan's side and smiled.

"You're really bad." Tang Yan also smiled sweetly and ran out of the basketball hall with Xia Tian.

"He's so handsome, I always thought I was the most handsome man in the world, but when I saw my brother-in-law eloping with my eldest sister's head, I surrendered. From today, Fang Li is the second most handsome man in the world. The man." Fang Li said with envy when he saw Xia Xia drag Tang Yan out of the basketball arena.

At this time, Wu Hai was extremely depressed. He was surrounded by these people. You would almost kill him if you said anything to me. Some people kicked him from time to time and scolded him for being a traitor.

He lost all his face today, and he ended up like this in the end.

Xia Xia and Tang Yan didn't care about that, they ran out of the basketball hall directly.

"Where are we going?" Tang Yan asked Xia Xia.

"Take you to a good place." Xia Xia took a taxi and set off with Tang Yan.

Tang Yan really had a feeling of eloping with Xia Xia, she didn't ask any more questions and left with Xia Xia.

In the summer, Tang Yan was taken to Sister Hong's bar.

Sure enough, Sister Hong was still sitting in the same place.

"David, have two cups of your best." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Sister Hong turned her head and glanced at Tang Yan, and she wondered, where did Xia Xia know so many beautiful girls, each one more beautiful than the other, "I changed it again."

"Sister Hong, do you want to be so direct?" Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"How many girls have you brought here?" Tang Yan asked Xia Xia, she was a little unhappy when Xia Xia brought her to the bar.

"Uh." Xia Tian didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Did you bring me to this kind of place to get me drunk, so that you can take me to the hotel, and then." Tang Yan said straight to the point.

"What do you think? I'm not that kind of person. I brought you here to let you taste the wine made by David." Xia Xia was defeated by Tang Yan's rich imagination.

"I said no, they started to let me drink. I told you that my alcohol intake is very good, and your tricks will not succeed." Tang Yan glared at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia felt so innocent. She obviously didn't do anything, but she said so much.

"You really think too much, you don't even want to drink, just one cup per person." Xia Xia explained.

"Could it be that you drugged in a glass of wine, you are so despicable." Tang Yan looked at Xia Tian with a look of contempt.

"Hey, hey, you've watched too many TV shows. Although you are my concubine, I won't drug you." Xia Xia said angrily, it was the first time he was wronged.

"The wine is here." David brought over two glasses of wine.

Looking at the delicate wine in front of her, Tang Yan was slightly taken aback. She realized now that she had misunderstood Xia Xia just now. She had seen many people who wanted to take advantage of her before, but in the end she saw through them all.

When she saw that Xia Xian brought her to such a place, she thought Xia Xia wanted to take advantage of her like anyone she had seen before.

But when she saw the glass of wine in front of her, she knew she was wrong. It turned out that Xia Xia really just invited her to drink.

You are me, my big apple.


"I'm from Jiang Shao."

"do not know."

"Jiang Shao will return to Jianghai tomorrow, he wants to see you."

"You are sick, I don't know that Jiang Shao at all, I saw his sister."

Xia Xia hung up the phone directly. After hanging up, Xia Xia saw Tang Yan and Sister Hong looking at him with weird eyes, as if they were looking at idiots.

"What do you two see me doing?" Xia Xia asked suspiciously.

"You don't know Jiang Shao" Sister Hong looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"Why should I know him?" Xia Xia said in confusion.

"You really are a weirdo, there are people in Jianghai who don't know Jiang Shao." Tang Yan said very puzzled.

"I don't even know the mayor." Xia Tian said lightly.

"In Jianghai City, it's not strange for people who don't know the mayor, but it's really strange if they don't know Jiang Shao." Sister Hong explained, "Jiang Shao is the first of the four sons of Jianghai."

"Oh, I've seen the other three." Xia Xia said, not only did he see them, but those three guys were all abolished by him.

"Jiang Shao is different from the other three. You rejected Jiang Shao's invitation just now. I'm afraid you will be in trouble." Sister Hong said with a frown.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Next Chapter Catalog Chapter 174 Jiang Tianshu's invitation to ask for a monthly ticket - MTL Novel

? They saw what Xia Xia's body was flying, his body flew directly above Wu Hai's head, grabbed the basketball, and dunked the big windmill. 35xs


The ball went in, and the entire backboard shook. Summer now knows how to control the force, so it's impossible to destroy the backboard.


The game is over, and the summer is won.

This game surprised everyone. At the beginning of the 61-win game, there was a shocking reversal in the end. Wu Hai wanted to show off the most, but in this game, he only showed selfishness and cowardice. .

Unlike Xia Xia, what he showed was not only toughness, but also the ability to turn the tide. The lightness at the beginning made his subsequent outbreak even more powerful.

Tang Yan's father was full of disbelief. It was the first time he had seen such a strong person.

However, Tang Yan, Fang Li and others have become accustomed to it. This is the basketball **** of Jianghai University.

"Damn, is he still human? What did I just see?"

"Is that person flying?"

"I'm sure he jumps higher than those stars in the nba."

The people around them kept discussing that Xia Xia's last dunk took off outside the three-second zone, and when he passed over Wu Hai's head, he seemed to be flying.

"Hey, America's third-class player, you seem to have lost to me, an ordinary boy in China." Xia Xia said lazily at Wu Hai.

"This. How is this possible?" Wu Hai's face was inconceivable.

"I remember you seem to have said that your American players are better than domestic players, but you don't seem to be that good at all." Xia Xia said lightly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone present turned to Wu Hai, including the two Fudan University players who played with Wu Hai just now.

"That stinky boy, you said that your American players are better than the domestic ones, I don't believe it, or let's compare"

"That's right, domestic experts are like clouds, but they just don't want to have the same knowledge as you."

"If you're not convinced, we have a lot of people here, let's compare."

Xia Xia's words pushed him to the forefront. The group of people had completely surrounded him, and Tang Yan's parents hurried forward to persuade him.

"Let's go." Xia Xia came to Tang Yan's side and smiled.

"You're really bad." Tang Yan also smiled sweetly and ran out of the basketball hall with Xia Tian.

"He's so handsome, I always thought I was the most handsome man in the world, but when I saw my brother-in-law eloping with my eldest sister's head, I surrendered. From today, Fang Li is the second most handsome man in the world. The man." Fang Li said with envy when he saw Xia Xia drag Tang Yan out of the basketball arena.

At this time, Wu Hai was extremely depressed. He was surrounded by these people. You would almost kill him if you said anything to me. Some people kicked him from time to time and scolded him for being a traitor.

He lost all his face today, and he ended up like this in the end.

Xia Xia and Tang Yan didn't care about that, they ran out of the basketball hall directly.

"Where are we going?" Tang Yan asked Xia Xia.

"Take you to a good place." Xia Xia took a taxi and set off with Tang Yan.

Tang Yan really had a feeling of eloping with Xia Xia, she didn't ask any more questions and left with Xia Xia.

In the summer, Tang Yan was taken to Sister Hong's bar.

Sure enough, Sister Hong was still sitting in the same place.

"David, have two cups of your best." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Sister Hong turned her head and glanced at Tang Yan, and she wondered, where did Xia Xia know so many beautiful girls, each one more beautiful than the other, "I changed it again."

"Sister Hong, do you want to be so direct?" Xia Tian was speechless for a while.

"How many girls have you brought here?" Tang Yan asked Xia Xia, she was a little unhappy when Xia Xia brought her to the bar.

"Uh." Xia Tian didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Did you bring me to this kind of place to get me drunk, so that you can take me to the hotel, and then." Tang Yan said straight to the point.

"What do you think? I'm not that kind of person. I brought you here to let you taste the wine made by David." Xia Xia was defeated by Tang Yan's rich imagination.

"I said no, they started to let me drink. I told you that my alcohol intake is very good, and your tricks will not succeed." Tang Yan glared at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia felt so innocent. She obviously didn't do anything, but she said so much.

"You really think too much, you don't even want to drink, just one cup per person." Xia Xia explained.

"Could it be that you drugged in a glass of wine, you are so despicable." Tang Yan looked at Xia Tian with a look of contempt.

"Hey, hey, you've watched too many TV dramas. Although you are my concubine, I won't drug you~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Xia said angrily, it was the first time he was wronged.

"The wine is here." David brought over two glasses of wine.

Looking at the delicate wine in front of her, Tang Yan was slightly taken aback. She realized now that she had misunderstood Xia Xia just now. She had seen many people who wanted to take advantage of her before, but in the end she saw through them all.

When she saw that Xia Xian brought her to such a place, she thought Xia Xia wanted to take advantage of her like anyone she had seen before.

But when she saw the glass of wine in front of her, she knew she was wrong. It turned out that Xia Xia really just invited her to drink.

You are me, my big apple.


"I'm from Jiang Shao."

"do not know."

"Jiang Shao will return to Jianghai tomorrow, he wants to see you."

"You are sick, I don't know that Jiang Shao at all, I saw his sister."

Xia Xia hung up the phone directly. After hanging up, Xia Xia saw Tang Yan and Sister Hong looking at him with weird eyes, as if they were looking at idiots.

"What do you two see me doing?" Xia Xia asked suspiciously.

"You don't know Jiang Shao" Sister Hong looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

"Why should I know him?" Xia Xia said in confusion.

"You really are a weirdo, there are people in Jianghai who don't know Jiang Shao." Tang Yan said very puzzled.

"I don't even know the mayor." Xia Tian said lightly.

"In Jianghai City, it's not strange for people who don't know the mayor, but it's really strange if they don't know Jiang Shao." Sister Hong explained, "Jiang Shao is the first of the four sons of Jianghai."

"Oh, I've seen the other three." Xia Xia said, not only did he see them, but those three guys were all abolished by him.

"Jiang Shao is different from the other three. You rejected Jiang Shao's invitation just now. I'm afraid you will be in trouble." Sister Hong said with a frown.