strange thing

When Jiang Shao was mentioned, no one in Jianghai City did not know.

There is a rumor in Jianghai City that you would rather offend the mayor than Jiang Shao, because the mayor is reasonable, but Jiang Shao is casual.

As long as it's what he wants to do, there's nothing he can't do.

In the entire Jianghai City, there is no one who dares not to give him face.

To say that the most famous gangsters in Jianghai City are Mr. Huo and Brother Xiao Ma. These two people can be regarded as the leaders of the h-social society in Jianghai City. The Taishan of medical skills is Mr. Wang and Mr. Bai, and there are many who are the strongest in the business world. .

However, each of them must give Jiang Shao face, otherwise they will not be able to sit in their current positions.

Such a big man invited Xia Xia, but Xia Xia actually refused.

That's why both Tang Yan and Sister Hong were particularly surprised.

"Xiamen, you'd better call back." Tang Yan was worried that Xia would be in trouble.

"Yeah, let's fight back, Jiang Shao is different from other people, his identity is too special, no one knows his real details, but those who oppose him will not end well in the end." Sister Hong said with a frown. , she is reselling information, and she has a good understanding of Jianghai's current situation.

The person standing at the top of the food chain in Jianghai City is Jiang Shao.

"Okay, you two are nervous." Xia Xia smiled slightly. Since he dared to hang up the other party's phone, it meant that he was not afraid of that Jiang Shao.

He has already killed three of the Fourth Young Master Jianghai, and he doesn't care about killing the fourth one. If Jiang Shao really dares to come to his door, he doesn't mind killing him directly. The entire Jianghai City can stop him from killing now, and I'm afraid it is only Fan Zhui. The wind is alone.

"This is not a joke." Sister Hong said very seriously.

"Sister Hong, you are so well-informed, so do you know Fan Chaifeng?" Xia Xia asked while looking at Sister Hong.

"You are talking about the owner of the Green Forest Villa. I know him naturally. Are you his friend? If that's the case, then things are not as scary as you imagined." Sister Hong mistakenly thought that Xia Xia wanted Fan Zhuifeng. Fame came to overwhelm Jiang Shao.

Xia Xia smiled slightly and didn't explain anything. He didn't rely on Fan Chaifeng's reputation to fight against Jiang Shao, but he wanted to know if he could move Jiang Shao with Fan Zhuifeng's strength. If he could, then he could too. If Fan Chaifeng can't, it will be added up in summer.

"Don't be too happy, although Jiang Shao will not provoke Fan Zhuifeng, Fan Zhuifeng will not provoke Jiang Shao either." Sister Hong explained.

Xia Xia nodded, he probably understood, this Jiang Shao is really a difficult guy to deal with.

But what he's not afraid of the most is that others will find fault.

"Sister Hong, I'm leaving first, you can help me send my concubine away, so that she will not always suspect that I will molest her. 35xs" Xia Xia smiled and left Sister Hong's bar directly.

Fan Zhuifeng was resting in a five-star hotel.

"Jiang Shao, he refused." A man in a suit said respectfully.

"Oh interesting guy." Jiang Shao's mouth slanted slightly.

"Why don't I ask someone to teach him a lesson," the man in the suit asked.

"No, help me check him, check all his relatives and friends, since he is disobedient, then I will destroy him." Jiang Shao likes destruction most.

If the people of the Wang family are domineering, it means that they have never seen Jiang Shao.

Anyone who has seen Jiang Shao knows what is real domineering. The Wang family's people in front of him are like children competing with Zhang Sanfeng.

Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong from the Witch Sect passed the message to the other four senior brothers.

Inform them that a treasure has appeared in Jianghai City, and it has a huge connection with the treasure of the Witch Gu Sect. I hope that the four of them will come over and join hands to obtain the treasure.

The four who received the news came directly to Jianghai City.

You are me, my big apple.

"Sister Rou, you miss me."

"Well, I miss you, come over here."

"Where are you, I'll find you."

Xia Xia planned to go home, and now he received a call from Sister Rou, he naturally went, and took a taxi directly to the place that Sister Rou said.

Before I could go in, I saw a banner outside in the summer.

"Warmly celebrate Mrs. Zeng's 90th birthday."

Summer goes directly inside.

"Stop, do you have an invitation?" The security guard at the door stopped Xia Xia.

"No." Summer shook his head.

"No, you can't enter." The security guards immediately chased the summer away when they saw the cheap goods that Xia was wearing.

"I'm here to find someone, and my friend is inside." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"Do you know what kind of people are inside? You can also know the big people inside. You should go back and buy some clothes." The security guard said disdainfully.

It's really helpless to meet this kind of person in the summer. "I repeat, I want to go in."

"Hurry up, stay where it's cool." The two security guards said impatiently.

"Mr. Xia, why don't you go in." At this moment, a person appeared behind Xia Xia, and this person was Vice President Zeng.

"They won't let me in." Xia Xia pointed to the two security guards.

"What kind of people are you? You dare to stop the general manager of Zeng's Group, what about your leader?" Vice President Zeng was very angry when he heard Xia Xia's words.

The security guards knew they were in trouble when they saw Vice President Zeng greet Xia Xia.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The security guards kept apologizing. If they really went to the leader, their jobs would be lost.

"Forget it." Xia Tian shook his head helplessly.

"Today is my grandmother's 90th birthday. She is getting older and older." Vice President Zeng said with emotion.

Vice President Zeng's grandma, isn't that Zeng Rou's great-grandmother, Xia Xia felt speechless for a while, Zeng Rou didn't tell him it was such an occasion, and he didn't bring any gifts at all.

It was obviously too late to prepare gifts now, so Xia had to bite the bullet and go in.

"I'm here." Zeng Rou came directly to his side when she saw Xia Xia coming in.

"Why didn't you tell me it was Grandma's birthday, I didn't prepare anything." Xia Xia complained.

"I've already prepared for you." Zeng Rou took Xia Xia's arm and whispered in Xia Xia's ear, "Wen Zhaohua is here too."

"What?" Xia Xia frowned, Wen Zhaohua, how is this possible, both Wen Zhaohua and Hu Fangye have been turned into idiots by him, how could he come here.

"Oh, Manager Xia, it's been a long time." Wen Zhaohua walked directly towards Xia Xia from a distance.

"Strange thing, strange thing." Xia Xia frowned, he really saw the strange thing today, and Wen Zhaohua was actually healed.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 175 Weird Things

?When Jiang Shao was mentioned, no one in Jianghai City did not know.

There is a rumor in Jianghai City that you would rather offend the mayor than Jiang Shao, because the mayor is reasonable, but Jiang Shao is casual.

As long as it's what he wants to do, there's nothing he can't do.

In the entire Jianghai City, there is no one who dares not to give him face.

To say that the most famous gangsters in Jianghai City are Mr. Huo and Brother Xiao Ma. These two people can be regarded as the leaders of the h-social society in Jianghai City. The Taishan of medical skills is Mr. Wang and Mr. Bai, and there are many who are the strongest in the business world. .

However, each of them must give Jiang Shao face, otherwise they will not be able to sit in their current positions.

Such a big man invited Xia Xia, but Xia Xia actually refused.

That's why both Tang Yan and Sister Hong were particularly surprised.

"Xiamen, you'd better call back." Tang Yan was worried that Xia would be in trouble.

"Yeah, let's fight back, Jiang Shao is different from other people, his identity is too special, no one knows his real details, but those who oppose him will not end well in the end." Sister Hong said with a frown. , she is reselling information, and she has a good understanding of Jianghai's current situation.

The person standing at the top of the food chain in Jianghai City is Jiang Shao.

"Okay, you two are nervous." Xia Xia smiled slightly. Since he dared to hang up the other party's phone, it meant that he was not afraid of that Jiang Shao.

He has already killed three of the Fourth Young Master Jianghai, and he doesn't care about killing the fourth one. If Jiang Shao really dares to come to his door, he doesn't mind killing him directly. The entire Jianghai City can stop him from killing now, and I'm afraid it is only Fan Zhui. The wind is alone.

"This is not a joke." Sister Hong said very seriously.

"Sister Hong, you are so well-informed, so do you know Fan Chaifeng?" Xia Xia asked while looking at Sister Hong.

"You are talking about the owner of the Green Forest Villa. I know him naturally. Are you his friend? If that's the case, then things are not as scary as you imagined." Sister Hong mistakenly thought that Xia Xia wanted Fan Zhuifeng. Fame came to overwhelm Jiang Shao.

Xia Xia smiled slightly and didn't explain anything. He didn't rely on Fan Chaifeng's reputation to fight against Jiang Shao, but he wanted to know if he could move Jiang Shao with Fan Zhuifeng's strength. If he could, then he could too. If Fan Chaifeng can't, it will be added up in summer.

"Don't be too happy, although Jiang Shao will not provoke Fan Zhuifeng, Fan Zhuifeng will not provoke Jiang Shao either." Sister Hong explained.

Xia Xia nodded, he probably understood, this Jiang Shao is really a difficult guy to deal with.

But what he's not afraid of the most is that others will find fault.

"Sister Hong, I'm leaving first, you can help me send my concubine away, so that she will not always suspect that I will molest her. 35xs" Xia Xia smiled and left Sister Hong's bar directly.

Fan Zhuifeng was resting in a five-star hotel.

"Jiang Shao, he refused." A man in a suit said respectfully.

"Oh interesting guy." Jiang Shao's mouth slanted slightly.

"Why don't I ask someone to teach him a lesson," the man in the suit asked.

"No, help me check him, check all his relatives and friends, since he is disobedient, then I will destroy him." Jiang Shao likes destruction most.

If the people of the Wang family are domineering, it means that they have never seen Jiang Shao.

Anyone who has seen Jiang Shao knows what is real domineering. The Wang family's people in front of him are like children competing with Zhang Sanfeng.

Han Zifeng and Zhong Chuhong from the Witch Sect passed the message to the other four senior brothers.

Inform them that a treasure has appeared in Jianghai City, and it has a huge connection with the treasure of the Witch Gu Sect. I hope that the four of them will come over and join hands to obtain the treasure.

The four who received the news came directly to Jianghai City.

You are me, my big apple.

"Sister Rou, you miss me."

"Well, I miss you, come over here."

"Where are you, I'll find you."

Xia Xia planned to go home, and now he received a call from Sister Rou, he naturally went, and took a taxi directly to the place that Sister Rou said.

Before I could go in, I saw a banner outside in the summer.

"Warmly celebrate Mrs. Zeng's 90th birthday."

Summer goes directly inside.

"Stop, do you have an invitation?" The security guard at the door stopped Xia Xia.

"No." Summer shook his head.

"No, you can't enter." The security guards immediately chased the summer away when they saw the cheap goods that Xia was wearing.

"I'm here to find someone, and my friend is inside." Xia Xia said helplessly.

"Do you know what kind of people are inside? You can also know the big people inside. You should go back and buy some clothes." The security guard said disdainfully.

It's really helpless to meet this kind of person in the summer. "I repeat, I want to go in."

"Hurry up, don't stay where it's The two security guards said impatiently.

"Mr. Xia, why don't you go in." At this moment, a person appeared behind Xia Xia, and this person was Vice President Zeng.

"They won't let me in." Xia Xia pointed to the two security guards.

"What kind of people are you? You dare to stop the general manager of Zeng's Group, what about your leader?" Vice President Zeng was very angry when he heard Xia Xia's words.

The security guards knew they were in trouble when they saw Vice President Zeng greet Xia Xia.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The security guards kept apologizing. If they really went to the leader, their jobs would be lost.

"Forget it." Xia Tian shook his head helplessly.

"Today is my grandmother's 90th birthday. She is getting older and older." Vice President Zeng said with emotion.

Vice President Zeng's grandma, isn't that Zeng Rou's great-grandmother, Xia Xia felt speechless for a while, Zeng Rou didn't tell him it was such an occasion, and he didn't bring any gifts at all.

It was obviously too late to prepare gifts now, so Xia had to bite the bullet and go in.

"I'm here." Zeng Rou came directly to his side when she saw Xia Xia coming in.

"Why didn't you tell me it was Grandma's birthday, I didn't prepare anything." Xia Xia complained.

"I've already prepared for you." Zeng Rou took Xia Xia's arm and whispered in Xia Xia's ear, "Wen Zhaohua is here too."

"What?" Xia Xia frowned, Wen Zhaohua, how is this possible, both Wen Zhaohua and Hu Fangye have been turned into idiots by him, how could he come here.

"Oh, Manager Xia, it's been a long time." Wen Zhaohua walked directly towards Xia Xia from a distance.

"Strange thing, strange thing." Xia Xia frowned, he really saw the strange thing today, and Wen Zhaohua was actually healed.