cruise ship gambling

"Fool master, he is my grandfather." Hot Chili stuck out his tongue.

"Oh." Xia Tian nodded, "I don't know."

"Jiang Shao, today is the big day for you to return to Jianghai. If you really get killed, I'm afraid it will damage your reputation, and I believe that even if you kill him now, you can't relieve your anger, so why don't you just let it go today, Everyone is coming to Japan for a long time." Mr. Huo said indifferently, a little brother opened his mouth, then Jiang Shaoneng didn't care, but with Mr. Huo.

That's not a question of 11 equals 2.

"Okay, since both of you are interceding for him, let's forget about today's affairs." Jiang Tianshu stood up, then walked inside, and his three men followed. As for Wen Zhaohua and Hu Fangye, they stayed and continued to entertain the guests. .

"Everyone continue to play. Today's main event will begin soon. I guarantee that everyone will be very happy." Hu Fangye soothed everyone's emotions.

That night, two people became famous.

The first is Li Yuan, Li Laoba. He has always been called a Li Lunatic. In fact, there is a story in it.

Li Yuan has been learning martial arts since he was a child. Then he went out to visit famous mountains and made friends with boxing. One day, when I came to the foot of Mount Hua, I found a blue and white Taoist temple in a verdant green and secluded valley. Under the shade of green trees and safflowers, the three characters "Huashan School" were written on it. 35xs

Li Yuan took a few sips of strong wine, took out his sword, and rushed in with a wow, but he was outnumbered, and was directly held down by a dozen men in black, unable to struggle. After a night of torture, Li Yuan cried and said, uncles, I was wrong. I really didn't see the word "exit" under "Huashan School".

Since then, he has had the title of Li Lunatic.

Today's battle has allowed these people to see his crazier side. His reputation as a madman Li has also been deeply remembered. From now on, he will be one of the Four Young Masters of Jianghai.

Another famous person is President Xia. No one knows his full name, but he is the general manager of the Zeng Group.

In the entire Jianghai City, the only person who dared to fight against Jiang Shao.

Li Yuan has been helped down to rest.

"Young Master Hu, don't betray everyone, let's talk about what's going on next." Wen Zhaohua asked everyone a question, and everyone wanted to know what Hu Fangye was talking about.

"Since everyone wants to know so much, I'll just say it straight. I set up a casino in the largest cabin under this ship. It's a luxury casino." Hu Fangye said loudly.

When I heard the casino, the atmosphere on the ship really became lively.

Gambling is prohibited in Jianghai City, and it is almost impossible to gamble. Although there are some small casinos in Jianghai City, these people here are big people. How could they go to such a smoky place, so when I heard When they were in the casino, they were very excited. Flash Dance Novel Network

And the casino is still open in the huge luxury box at the bottom of the cruise ship.

"Now everyone can enter the arena. I promise that everything in it was shipped from Las Vegas. If anyone finds out my way of playing as a dealer, I am willing to pay a hundredfold compensation. At the same time, if anyone here dares to take the old thousand. , then don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

The villain comes first and then the gentleman.

Everyone was satisfied with what Hu Fangye said, because Hu Fangye's simple words dispelled everyone's biggest concerns.

When you come to a casino, the most fearful thing is that the dealer cheats and makes money with someone.

Now that Hu Fangye's words have been made clear, everyone can naturally have a good night.

"Then what are you waiting for? The wealth is in front of you." Wen Zhaohua shouted loudly. After hearing Wen Zhaohua's words, everyone walked to the bottom of the cruise ship.

"Sister Rou, Brother Xiao Ma, let's go and have a look." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and he naturally went to join in the fun when there was a casino.

"Master, wait for us." Hot Pepper hurriedly followed.

"Hey, he's really a guy who doesn't know how to respect the elderly." Mr. Huo shook his head helplessly, and he saved him just now.

The group of people walked directly to the bottom layer of the luxury cruise ship, which is also the most luxurious layer. It was only after entering this summer that they knew what luxury was.

The first thing he saw was a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters, with hundreds of various gaming tables placed. The lights in the room were bright, as if it were daytime, and the air was very good.

There are vents everywhere, and hundreds of bunnies walk up and down the hall.

At a glance, there are beautiful women, tall models, and some second-tier and third-tier stars, female anchors, and the like. These people were all found by Hu Fangye, and they were all dressed in gorgeous clothes.

Casinos, wine and beauties.

Mixing these things together is a perfect match.

Everyone who entered here was very excited, especially the men.

"Young Master Hu, you are so shrewd. With these beauties to accompany you, these rich people will still die here. All the expenses tonight will be earned back with this." Wen Zhaohua said with a thumbs up and admiration.

"Of course, I spent a lot of money today, and I counted on them to bleed for me." Hu Fangye smiled slightly.

Those beauties and models were sitting on different tables, and the chips in their hands were all given by Hu Fangye.

"Beauty, it's very easy for you to lose out when you play like this. I'll accompany you." A son-in-law walked to one of the models.

The most notable thing tonight is the rich and the son, who are all looking for their prey.

"It's really stylish here." Zeng Rou entered a casino for the first time, she had only heard of it before, and she was also full of curiosity when she saw the dazzling things in front of her.

"Xiamen, I want to look around." Zeng Rou said looking at Xiaxia.

"I'll accompany you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You'd better go play, I see your heart is about to fly out, I'll just turn around by myself." Zeng Rou nodded Xia Xia's head with her hand.

"I don't trust you alone." Xia Xia said.

"Go play, I'll accompany Mr. Zeng around." Brother Xiao Ma stepped forward and said.

"Master, let me play with you." Hot Pepper jumped out from behind.

"Children are playing, this is the place for adults." Xia Xia waved to the hot pepper.

"It's like you're bigger than me, obviously you and I are in the same class." Hot Chili complained that he and Xia were in the same class and helped Xia before, but now in Xia's eyes, she has become had a child.

"Grandpa, he bullied me." Huo Chili looked at his grandfather.

"He's right. You belong to a child's family. This place is not suitable for you. Go to the children's area over there." Mr. Huo pointed to the electric area in the corner.

Novel recommendation: is the protagonist me The marriage of non-gods and demons is sultry: the wife of the major general is too hot with the doctor and is reborn in the sky 100 days: Ye Shao, addicted to the pet and reborn Xiao Qiao Daughter-in-law: Chief, good morning! The god-level master of the female president

Prev Chapter Catalog Next Chapter 188 Cruise Ship Gambling Asking for a Monthly Pass

"Fool master, he is my grandfather." Hot Chili stuck out his tongue.

"Oh." Xia Tian nodded, "I don't know."

"Jiang Shao, today is the big day for you to return to Jianghai. If you really get killed, I'm afraid it will damage your reputation, and I believe that even if you kill him now, you can't relieve your anger, so why don't you just let it go today, Everyone is coming to Japan for a long time." Mr. Huo said indifferently, a little brother opened his mouth, then Jiang Shaoneng didn't care, but with Mr. Huo.

That's not a question of 11 equals 2.

"Okay, since both of you are interceding for him, let's forget about today's affairs." Jiang Tianshu stood up, then walked inside, and his three men followed. As for Wen Zhaohua and Hu Fangye, they stayed and continued to entertain the guests. .

"Everyone continue to play. Today's main event will begin soon. I guarantee that everyone will be very happy." Hu Fangye soothed everyone's emotions.

That night, two people became famous.

The first is Li Yuan, Li Laoba. He has always been called a Li Lunatic. In fact, there is a story in it.

Li Yuan has been learning martial arts since he was a child. Then he went out to visit famous mountains and made friends with boxing. One day, when I came to the foot of Mount Hua, I found a blue and white Taoist temple in a verdant green and secluded valley. Under the shade of green trees and safflowers, the three characters "Huashan School" were written on it. 35xs

Li Yuan took a few sips of strong wine, took out his sword, and rushed in with a wow, but he was outnumbered, and was directly held down by a dozen men in black, unable to struggle. After a night of torture, Li Yuan cried and said, uncles, I was wrong. I really didn't see the word "exit" under "Huashan School".

Since then, he has had the title of Li Lunatic.

Today's battle has allowed these people to see his crazier side. His reputation as a madman Li has also been deeply remembered. From now on, he will be one of the Four Young Masters of Jianghai.

Another famous person is President Xia. No one knows his full name, but he is the general manager of the Zeng Group.

In the entire Jianghai City, the only person who dared to fight against Jiang Shao.

Li Yuan has been helped down to rest.

"Young Master Hu, don't betray everyone, let's talk about what's going on next." Wen Zhaohua asked everyone a question, and everyone wanted to know what Hu Fangye was talking about.

"Since everyone wants to know so much, I'll just say it straight. I set up a casino in the largest cabin under this ship. It's a luxury casino." Hu Fangye said loudly.

When I heard the casino, the atmosphere on the ship really became lively.

Gambling is prohibited in Jianghai City, and it is almost impossible to gamble. Although there are some small casinos in Jianghai City, these people here are big people. How could they go to such a smoky place, so when I heard When they were in the casino, they were very excited. Flash Dance Novel Network

And the casino is still open in the huge luxury box at the bottom of the cruise ship.

"Now everyone can enter the arena. I promise that everything in it was shipped from Las Vegas. If anyone finds out my way of playing as a dealer, I am willing to pay a hundredfold compensation. At the same time, if anyone here dares to take the old thousand. , then don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

The villain comes first and then the gentleman.

Everyone was satisfied with what Hu Fangye said, because Hu Fangye's simple words dispelled everyone's biggest concerns.

When you come to a casino, the most fearful thing is that the dealer cheats and makes money with someone.

Now that Hu Fangye's words have been made clear, everyone can naturally have a good night.

"Then what are you waiting for? The wealth is in front of you." Wen Zhaohua shouted loudly. After hearing Wen Zhaohua's words, everyone walked to the bottom of the cruise ship.

"Sister Rou, Brother Xiao Ma, let's go and have a look." Xia Xia smiled slightly, and he naturally went to join in the fun when there was a casino.

"Master, wait for us." Hot Pepper hurriedly followed.

"Hey, he's really a guy who doesn't know how to respect the elderly." Mr. Huo shook his head helplessly, and he saved him just now.

The group of people walked directly to the bottom layer of the luxury cruise ship, which is also the most luxurious layer. It was only after entering this summer that they knew what luxury was.

The first thing he saw was a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters, with hundreds of various gaming tables placed. The lights in the room were bright, as if it were daytime, and the air was very good.

There are vents everywhere, and hundreds of bunnies walk up and down the hall.

At a glance, there are beautiful women, tall models, and some second-tier and third-tier stars, female anchors, and the like. These people were all found by Hu Fangye, and they were all dressed in gorgeous clothes.

Casinos, wine and beauties.

Mixing these things together is a perfect match.

Everyone who entered here was very excited, especially the men.

"Young Master Hu, you are so shrewd. With these beauties to accompany you, these rich people will still die here. All the expenses tonight will be earned back with this. UU reading" Wen Zhaohua raised his head Thumb said with admiration.

"Of course, I spent a lot of money today, and I counted on them to bleed for me." Hu Fangye smiled slightly.

Those beauties and models were sitting on different tables, and the chips in their hands were all given by Hu Fangye.

"Beauty, it's very easy for you to lose out when you play like this. I'll accompany you." A son-in-law walked to one of the models.

The most notable thing tonight is the rich and the son, who are all looking for their prey.

"It's really stylish here." Zeng Rou entered a casino for the first time, she had only heard of it before, and she was also full of curiosity when she saw the dazzling things in front of her.

"Xiamen, I want to look around." Zeng Rou said looking at Xiaxia.

"I'll accompany you." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

"You'd better go play, I see your heart is about to fly out, I'll just turn around by myself." Zeng Rou nodded Xia Xia's head with her hand.

"I don't trust you alone." Xia Xia said.

"Go play, I'll accompany Mr. Zeng around." Brother Xiao Ma stepped forward and said.

"Master, let me play with you." Hot Pepper jumped out from behind.

"Children are playing, this is the place for adults." Xia Xia waved to the hot pepper.

"It's like you're bigger than me, obviously you and I are in the same class." Hot Chili complained that he and Xia were in the same class and helped Xia before, but now in Xia's eyes, she has become had a child.

"Grandpa, he bullied me." Huo Chili looked at his grandfather.

"He's right. You belong to a child's family. This place is not suitable for you. Go to the children's area over there." Mr. Huo pointed to the electric area in the corner.